Driven By Love

in #writing4 months ago

This kinda looked like a giant heart shaped rock to me. :)

Yesterday I was doing something related to the adventures I've been on, but... I wasn't out exploring and looking around like I usually am... I was doing something else and had a weird social encounter and then just sort of accidentally stumbled onto something really cool. :D

I had actually been planning on looking around in that area, yet... Did not plan on being where I ended up being and it was one of those really neat pleasant surprises where I wasn't expecting anything!

And, I try not to have expectations... But, when I go out on adventures I kind of have a plan to search a certain place and this time no plan, no nothing... Just pure awesomeness! Heh.

There's a lot going on, though... I'm trying to process things and... It's time to strategize even more... A lot is going to be happening in the near future and I really gotta do my best to think things through and also keep being as safe and careful as possible.

This is all a lot of fun! Yet... Safety is at the top of the list right now.
I love myself enough to prioritize safety. <3

Love you all as well and I hope you are all doing as good as is possible! :)
