What a World...

in #writing6 months ago

Had such an amazingly beautiful day yesterday! :)

My goal lately has just been to be very careful and safe and to get home okay.
And... I survived yet another adventure and the mission was a success!

I did get rattled at again by a rattlesnake, though it wasn't that bad this time and I'm getting better at using the walking stick to alert me to threats!

I try not to have expectations, but this trip exceeded what I thought might happen.

It's crazy that I just keep finding more and more interesting stuff, every time I go out is like an episode for a TV show or something and that's sort of what I'm planning now is that each time I go out is going to be an episode for the new YouTube channel I want to make.

I've been having a blast rewatching the footage, so I think a decent amount of other people will also probably enjoy it! :D

A lot more sore than I thought I'd be, but I'm feeling so good and so happy... It's hard to believe this is real life... It's so epic I feel like I'm in a video game or something... Thank you Universe, I'm having the time of my life. <3

Oh, and... When I got home I had such an incredibly delicious dinner! It was very possibly the best meal I've ever had in my entire life, lol.

Peace, tons of love and bye until next time! <3



I don't like snakes, I never have. YOU come out of the adventure well and have a great dinner. Keep taking care of yourself and living with the positive energy that always characterizes you.
I wish you a happy night.

All animals are beautiful in their own ways. :) But, some which are "dangerous" to our health it would be wise to avoid them and give them their space and admire them from a distance!

Thanks for the nice words my friend. I appreciate how you are so supportive and helpful.
Hope you have a happy night too! :)