
Consider a challenge? :)

What kind of challenge?

First one to use a form of "to be" in a blog post loses. One week.

I see. Presumably we exclude quotations. However the easy way to win would mean posting no blog posts for a week. Or very short ones. So we should count the number of words used before the form of 'to be' appears. Rather than time of post... ;)

Done. :) It's on.


If you're ready, we start now.

DAMMIT. (these are honest, just putting them down for the record).

Agree? Go!

Wait wait.

I. Exclude quotes.
II. Number of words
III. Comments not included. :)

Agreed. :) No cheating either. (For example, long lists of random words that just happen to exclude all forms of 'to be'). Quotes and comments are also excluded from the word count.