Top 10 Pieces Of Modern Day Propaganda

in #writing8 years ago

10 pieces of propaganda in general society that often get bandied around without being challenged – and which fool a lot of people.

Propaganda in modern times has become both easier and harder to detect. It’s easier to detect in the sense that there are more places to get information and it’s easier to fact check the claims of the MSM (Mainstream Media) by going to the original report and source and seeing for yourself. It’s harder to detect in that people are busy and distracted, and all too often forget that a giant conglomerate of 6 mega multinational corporations owns 85-90% of the world’s media, and thus the same lie can be promulgated through thousands of avenues, outlets and channels – with some people falsely believing it’s all coming from different sources and representing different opinions. Today’s propaganda is cleverly disguised. And … you know something is horribly wrong when the spokeswoman (Kellyanne Conway) of the “anti-establishment” Trump team claims her team was giving alternative facts. How bad are things when the MSM is the one to correct somebody about truth, lies and the definition of the word “fact”!!

This is part 3 of a series (click here for part 1 and part 2). Below are 10 pieces of propaganda in general society that often get bandied around without being challenged – and which fool a lot of people.

1. Russia hacked the US 2016 election.

False. This one smelt right out of the gate. Many in the alternative media have seen through the propaganda for a long time. It was always too convenient for the Clintons, the Democrats and other vested interests to blame the Russians rather than the unpopularity of Hillary, Corruption Queen. The rumor has persisted a long time, probably as a way for the Deep State to blackmail Trump and hold something over him so he will do their bidding, as he did by firing 59 tomahawk missiles into Iraq, or no sorry, Syria – it can be so hard to remember which country we are bombing, especially when eating delicious chocolate cake.

Trump admitted on several occasions that the whole affair has been hanging over him and affecting his ability to do his job as president. The whole story is pure propaganda for many reasons. Putin has stated that dark suits run the US, not the puppet president, so it matters little who actually resides in the White House. Often the people shouting out the accusations are actually the guilty ones trying to deflect attention away from their own crimes; put your finger on the map and try to find a place where the US has not interfered in another nation’s elections! Now, thanks to fantastic independent journalism by Project Veritas, we have video footage of CNN supervising producer John Bonifield admitting that the Russian hacking narrative is “bullshit”, that they have “no real proof” and that it was done purely to garner higher ratings.

2. The left and right parties on the political spectrum offer real diversity and choice.

Blatantly untrue. There’s no choice when the candidates all stand together on the really important issues, such as who determines the creation and issuance of money, how much control the Government gets over the people and how much secrecy the State grants itself to shroud its advanced black military projects. Candidates that challenge the establishment in truly radical ways such as these (and others), and who rock the foundation by questioning its core constructs, are sidelined and not allowed to go further. The debate is kept within a controlled, manageable spectrum which is acceptable to the NWO conspirators, but which, frustratingly, means that real change will never occur.

3. Your vote counts.

False in more ways than one. A famous quote attributed to Stalin is that “it matters not who casts the vote, but who counts the vote”. Vote rigging is rife throughout the US, as explained by Bev Harris ( and as could be seen in the 2016 US presidential election in the way that Bernie was kept out of the primaries in favor of Hillary in certain states like Iowa, Nevada, etc. Besides, even if the votes could be completely trusted, we come back to the point above: if the candidates are all the same on all the important topics, what does it matter?

4. Trump is really different to Obama.

Sorry, but the answer is no. Yes, some things change every time a Republican president replaces a Democratic president and vice versa, but in the grander scheme of things, these changes are inconsequential. Trump is following suit after Obama in many ways. There is still an illegal US war against Syria, with the US military killing Syrian civilians. There are still 1000+ US military bases around the world, and with Trump increasing the budget, the US military, bullies of the world, ain’t going anywhere. There is still plenty of opium (professionally guarded by US troops) coming out of Afghanistan. There is still a massive surveillance state that continues to expand its reach. There are still billions of dollars flowing to the Zionist regime of Israel to help subdue the Palestinians, and millions of weapons flowing to the Saudis to fund ISIS and other terror groups to undermine Syria. Any difference between Trump, Obama, Hillary, Bush or any other US president (or mainstream presidential candidate) is tiny when compared to the bigger picture of what’s going on in the world.

Think about all the passion, energy and attention that went into the 2016 presidential elections. Why? What’s the point of all that focus when the result won’t make you more free, safe, peaceful, prosperous or happy? The whole concept of “democratic elections” is a massive sham. It’s a clever con to get the masses to waste their energy. As a society, if we want real change, we’re going to have to wake up to this and focus our attention on elevating our consciousness and changing the system in a whole different way.

5. Surveillance, data collection and data retention programs are only in place to keep you safe (and protect you against “terrorism”).

Outright false. We are living in unprecedented times. A behemoth surveillance state is being constructed all around us. Every month, every week, and every day, the technology is advancing at an amazingly rapid rate. The capability to enslave us with this metastasizing technological matrix is a real and present danger. The amount of information that agencies like the CIA and NSA can access about you is already quite scary. Facebook (in league with Deep State agencies) conducts experiments to sway your emotions and moods; Google monitors and correlates your offline activity to all the online ads you’ve been exposed to; China, Japan the US and other nations are now setting up pre-crime systems to find and arrest people before they’ve even committed a crime. The Minority Report film was not fiction, but rather predictive programming.

All the information is fed into AI supercomputers who can predict your behavior and end up knowing you better than you know yourself. The goal has always been Total Information Awareness – which uncoincidentally was the precise name of a 2003 US Military program (under DARPA) which was renamed as the Terrorism Information Awareness. Funny thing that, since terrorism is the perennial excuse proffered by the NWO agents for all their draconian implementations, spying and intrusions. Wikipedia states that “according to a 2012 New York Times article, the legacy of Total Information Awareness is “quietly thriving” at the National Security Agency (NSA).“

6. If you’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve got nothing to hide.

False. This is twisted logic that the State uses to trick you into giving up your privacy and gaining the upper hand over you. In most relationships, the party that knows more has more power. It’s all about information control. Governments are usually ultra secretive and the very last type of organization to heed this piece of propaganda advice that they are dishing out. Governments routinely hide, coverup, classify, redact, “lose”, delete, destroy and suppress as much information as they can, all the time – yet they want access to all of your information! I could call that hypocritical, but that wouldn’t be fair to the word hypocritical.

Privacy matters. Society can’t function without privacy. Your rights matter, whether you have done something “wrong” or not. It is your choice to reveal what kind of information about yourself and to whom. Don’t fall for this obvious piece of propaganda designed to disarm you into giving away your power.

The hijacked environmental movement don’t recognize the propaganda, but manmade global warming is the hottest hoax around!

7. Manmade global warming is real (and carbon is a toxin).

Doesn’t appear so. If manmade global warming or AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) is real, why did the scientists involved cook the books, and fake the data with hockey stick rises? How is the hype today about global warming different to the hype in the 1970s about global cooling, which never transpired? Isn’t it convenient that either global warming or cooling provides the perfect excuse for the people who grew out of the Manhattan Project, and who are now running weather control and geoengineering programs, to execute their agenda? If global warming is real, why has it demonized CO2 or carbon dioxide, which is a necessary nutrient for all plant life on the planet? If AGW is real, why did the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and other NWO characters tie it into a scheme to create a one world currency and worldwide carbon tax in the 1980s (as overheard by George Hunt)? If AGW is real, why did various NWO think tanks talk about how the need to concoct a serious environmental threat in order to sufficiently scare people into accepting a One World Government?

8. Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity right now.

No way! With all the focus on the manmade global warming hoax, it’s time to remember all the serious and real environmental threats we are facing, rather than be distracted by a scam designed to bring in a worldwide carbon tax. Geoengineering (a.k.a. chemtrails, SRM) continues its aerial spraying unabated in many countries around the world, dropping toxic elements from the skies to poison people, animals and plants below. Nuclear radiation, especially from Fukushima, continues to pollute the earth. Industrial pollution (including heavy metal contamination), general pollution (car exhausts, plastics) and synthetic drug pollution (pharma meds) all eventually end up in our waterways, air and/or food supply – not to mention pesticides like glyphosate sprayed on GMOs (see #10 below). California has just declared that glyphosate is a carcinogen. GMOs themselves are a grave environmental threat since they inevitably result in the genetic contamination of the DNA of pure, heirloom, natural or organic organisms (plant or animal).

There always has to be some bad guy or enemy propaganda – perhaps it’s time to look inside before making enemies outside.

9. Russia, North Korea, Syria and Iran – and Muslims in General – are the “Enemy”.

If you believe this, first ask yourself: have these nations, peoples and cultures done anything to you personally? Have they threatened or attacked you? I doubt it. So why would you allow the Government, MSM and Corporatocracy tell you who the “enemy” is? Even if by some chance one of some of these people have wronged you, does it make sense to fear and hate an entire group just because of the actions of a few individuals? Remember, the military (and usually the State) need an enemy to survive and justify their own existence. The reality is that we don’t have to have any “enemies”, because the very fact of designating someone as an enemy shows that mutual respect, understanding and diplomacy have failed. It indicates a turning away from trying to understand each other and to find a mutually beneficial win-win arrangement – which is always there if we look and try hard enough. It’s laziness. It’s saying: “it’s too hard to work things out with this person or group, so I’m just going to designate them as someone or something worthy of disrespect, contempt and perhaps even worth slaying and destroying”. There can never be genuine peace while this attitude lurks at the foundation of our beliefs.

If you’re interested in actually forming your own opinions, read these articles on Russia and Putin, North Korea, Syria, Iran and Islam for some crucial background and context you’re not getting from the MSM.

10. GMOs will feed the world.

Absolutely untrue. This type of propaganda is used by Big BioTech and Big Agra (who are very closely aligned with Big Pharma, as the merger between Bayer and Monsanto showed) to justify their anti-freedom and anti-health actions, i.e. patenting and monopolizing seeds (anti-freedom) and spraying toxic and synthetic chemicals all over the food (anti-health). A March 2015 report Feeding the World Without GMOs by EWG revealed that:

[GMOs] have not significantly improved the yields of crops such as corn and soy. Emily Cassidy, an EWG research analyst who authored the report, found that in the last 20 years, yields of both GE corn and soy have been no different from traditionally bred corn and soy grown in western Europe, where GE crops are banned. Additionally, a recent case study in Africa found that crops that were crossbred for drought tolerance using traditional techniques improved yields 30 percent more than GE varieties … The report also said that in the two decades that GE crops have been a mainstay in conventional agriculture, they “have not substantially improved global food security” and have instead increased the use of toxic herbicides and led to herbicide-resistant “superweeds.”

Conclusion: Be On Your Toes, and You Will Overcome All the Propaganda.

As long as you are determined to find the truth, to keep digging, keep reading, keep exploring and keep demanding satisfactory answers, the lie of the propaganda will reach its expiration date. It can never be as powerful as the truth. Stay tuned for the final part 4 piece in this series.



ReSteemed. Hidden in the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) was the repeal, or the modernization of the Smith-Mundt Act, which prohibited U.S government agencies from propagandizing the U.S people.

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It's exactly that. Today propaganda reigns everywhere (there is just to watch the latest French elections to understand that it works wonderfully well). It's not for nothing that multinationals and banks buy all the media (not for profit but to manipulate public opinion). I'll follow you because you're a smart person.