Let us know the silica gel closer on his content, benefits, and their use of silica gel from bloindusities. is a grain such as glass with a very porous. synthesis of silica made from sodium silicate. Although the name suggests the gel, but still belongs to the dense silica.

In terms of other silica gel is a natural mineral that is refined and processed into one form of beads – manic, he has average pore size 2.4 nanometers and has an affinity (has lyrics of kinship) to water molecules.
Silica gel from silica form something that is produced through the penggumpalam cell of sodium silicate. Gel similar to gelatin is dehydrated so that it can be transformed into a solid glass granules or similar are not elastic.

Silica gel has some kind of silica gel, namely blue, silica gel and silica gel. These three kinds of different nature, but its shape remains the same. If you are a manufacturer of dry food, a manufacturer of herbal medicines, pharmacies, drug stores, shoe manufacturers, shoe stores, a manufacturer of bags, dompat or seller, then you need the product of silica gel. Wardrobe also needs silica to prevent damp clothes. Wherever storage space is prone to mold, it would be better if you put the silica gel.
How To Use
(1) Use silica gel white still active in appropriate packaging size sachet size
(2) Put in the box along with the items to be packed and close meetings. Make sure that no outside air enters into the packaging.
(3) Use silica gel synthesis-white still active in sufficient amount and place it on the corners of the room.
(4) Add silica gel if the humidity is too high. Or replace the silica gel with a new one if it is certain already inactive.

Silica gel white scientifically known to have absorption capacity up to 55% of its own weight. While for silica gel natural able to absorb up to 35% of its own weight. If you have reached the maximum of absorption capacity.
In tropical climates, in general the amount of silica gel that is needed to get the air humidity is below 20% 500 gr/m3 of the room.

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Jika bungkusnya dibuka jadi indah seperti bola2 kristal
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Iya benar dan banyak manfaatnya
howdy from Texas sir alhidayat! I love that stuff, I put it in with my guns and ammos so they don't rust. Just got into the playground and am going down the list of members and saw your blog.
Wow.. I love texas. I want to get there someday.
Silica gel is very useful for preventing blemished in weapons.
haha! yes sir it sure is. Come on over to Texas! Where bouts are you located?
Hahhaha. Not yet bro.