“Thanks for meeting me on short notice like this” Candace’s hoop earrings jostled about, as did her bangs while she settled into the cramped booth. We got the stink eye from the manager for choosing the booth over the bar, being that there were only two of us, but Candace likes to be comfortable.
“It’s fine, you know what my schedule is like lately. Wake up at noon, hammer out an article. Piss and go back to bed. Wake up again at 2, do another article-” She gestured for me to hurry it along. “I’ve begun pretending to have important appointments when scheduling stuff with people I don’t yet know well, just so they won’t think I’m a bum.”
Candace smirked. I found myself as embarrassingly taken as ever by even the smallest movements of her facial muscles. “Do you want something? I ordered a coffee before you got here, I thought it would be more of a wait.”
Generous sunshine poured in through the window. Birds sang, swooping this way and that against the bright blue sky. Candace held up one expensively manicured hand to shield her eyes as she browsed the menu. “Actually I’m not sure. There was something I wanted to talk to you about.”
A slight tremor. Nobody else noticed, so I ignored it under the assumption I’d imagined it. “Oh”? She flipped the page to the seasonal specials section, studying some fancy drink consisting mostly of foam served in a comically large teacup for six dollars.
“Yeah, it’s...I just figure if we’re gonna eat something we should do that first.” The tremor returned. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a crack begin to spread from the edge of the window pane. “Is it important?”
She lifted her eyes from the menu to meet mine. For a few seconds she just looked at me, studying the details of my face in much the same way I often study hers. But there was something else this time. Mournful?
“Listen, I...Remember when we started seeing one another? Remember the talk we had?” My stomach began to gurgle. The crack on the window spread, like a time lapse spiderweb, and began to bleed a viscous black sludge.
Outside, grey storm clouds wallowed up the sun. A black rain began to fall. “The talk about how you didn’t know if you wanted something serious?” She nodded. I held her dainty little hands in mine. “I told you that’s fine. It’s still fine. We don’t have to label this. It’s just the two of us enjoying one another’s-”
She withdrew her hands from mine. There was no mistaking the tremor this time, markedly more violent than before. Outside, cracks began to spread across the buildings themselves. They bled the same sticky black crud as the window. Everybody just continued with their business. A mother pushed her baby in a carriage. An elderly man quarreled with the owner of a magazine stand. Oblivious, all of them, to what was happening in my heart.
“Listen. I hate this. I hate having to say this. You’re such a sweet man. I don’t want to hurt you.” The gurgling in my stomach before turned into a violent revolt, but I didn’t wince. Oddly, I couldn’t even make myself frown right then.
The buildings continued to crumble in slow motion as she spoke, oily sludge bubbling out of every fresh crevice. Birds fell from the sky, dead as a doornail, sinking into the gradually rising black tide.
“You’re breaking up with me” I said, “aren’t you.” Tears appeared in her eyes. What a joke. Aren’t I supposed to be the one who cries? Though I felt nauseous, nothing stirred in my heart. On the contrary it sat limp and still within me, as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening. I suppose in a sense, it wasn’t.
The sewers overflowed, flooding the streets with boiling, surging black fluid. The brick barber shop across the street was the first to collapse entirely, absorbed into the foul sea as if eaten by it. Cars sank by the twos and threes, then by the tens and twenties.
“It’s okay” I assured her, as much to her surprise as my own. Calm as I’ve ever been, eyes dry as could be. “You don’t have to justify it to me.” She motioned as if to object, but I wasn’t having it.
“Love is not a trap. It does not mean capturing someone and trying to prevent them from leaving. It’s like feeding birds. They land on your opened hand because they trust you. Because you don’t grab them and put them in a cage.”
Of course this only made it worse. She fetched a tissue from her purse to wipe away her tears with. I just gently smiled, the picture of indifference. Meanwhile the flood had risen to the point that all I could see out the window was writhing, bubbling darkness.
“I’m a jerk, aren’t I?” I denied it. I insisted I never expected anything. That it was a pleasure to have her in my life for as long or short a time as she was available to me. “I just want you to know, it’s not like I had anybody in mind” she blubbered. “It’s not like I was looking for someone new.”
Oh, so she’s found someone. “May I ask who it is?” She cast me a hesitant glance. As if it would make any difference to me at this point. “There’s this guy I met months ago. We had such a strong connection. Infatuation is what it is. I just can’t move on with my life until I explore these feelings I have for him. I know I can’t ask you to still be there waiting for me afterwards, either.”
The window, riddled with a tangled mess of interconnected cracks, finally gave way. The black sea flooded torrentially into the diner, sweeping away tables and chairs around us, but she just kept talking. Even when the ceiling above us began to crumble, chunks of plaster splashing as they landed in the goo which had now risen to our knees.
“Well I wouldn’t want you to stay with me, always wondering what might’ve been with this other fellow. I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who regrets it, even a little bit.” The ceiling groaned, on the verge of collapse as droplets of black sludge dripped from the cracks still spreading across it.
“You’re being so reasonable about this” was the last thing out of her mouth I could understand. Her hair drenched in the sticky, horrid slime, now up to her nose. Everybody else up to their chests in it, casually waiting tables or paying for their meals, even as it continued to rise. The rainclouds outside finally parted to reveal a pitch black, starless sky.
“It’s fine, really” I repeated as the ceiling began to collapse. “I feel nothing.”
Stay Cozy!
After the see of black goo pass them by they should make up again.
New slime experience should get them closer.
You're probably my funniest follower.
And also the most handsome <3
Man, this is so good..
I need to learn from these two how it's done lol
Dope piece. I love the plot and theme used. When I saw short story I was expecting something like a few words but this is just a handful. Enjoyed every bit of it. Keep this coming on a regular.
Amazing piece of writing as always. Your prose always stays within my mind a long time after finish. This is a materpiece.
At first I thought it was going to be horror but it gets smooth and brilliant. The Love paragraph is amazing. Loved the wordsPhenomenal writing @alexbeyman
This was so good. Explains all the inner turmoil and pain he was goign through very beautifully!
Woohoo! A new story unfolds. Very different from the other stuff I have read of yours. Looking forward to more!
Great as always. Your prose always stays within my mind a long time after finish.
I love the story. How you describe the break up is just amazing and still .....
I feel nothing.
breaking up is always painfull
the way you describes this ,you gave it a real touch.it was so real i thought it is happening just now!
hope it is not your real experience !
“Love is not a trap. It does not mean capturing someone and trying to prevent them from leaving. It’s like feeding birds. They land on your opened hand because they trust you. Because you don’t grab them and put them in a cage.” Even though it was years ago I still remember the day my teacher said this quote to our class... It's been stuck in my head since then. It helped me to look on some things differently.
i guess that’s how most break ups actually feel. At least what he sees and feels.
Nice story Alex!
This is real love yeah!
I believe we've all been there.. having 'the talk' at some point of our lives.. and it isn't fair to anyone involved in the conversation. You've expressed it quite beautifully and very engaging!
Siii a new story that I congratulate you well for the first start by a break and then the suspense that you give when you just start.
If it is strong when they cut a relationship but you know it's not you, it's me, or I just fall in love with someone else "but I still do not know him well" hehehe.
I already want to know where that dark slime or lava comes from and the simple fact that you do not react to it is because of the shoookkk that your girlfriend left you with.
Whoww.... This story is a real banger. Best short story of the year. No doubt.
As the ceiling crumbled and collapsed, he picked up a fork and stabbed her right in the neck.
Well done. Made me think of Silent Hill, where the landscape becomes a nightmare as the psychological tortures of the protagonists are externalized.
Now, if those horrors were made literal rather than metaphorical, and the two of them were trapped together having to fight their way muck and monsters in pursuit of a peaceful resolution apart from each other, well...
Not done yet
but this is phenomenal
“Well I wouldn’t want you to stay with me, always wondering what might’ve been with this other fellow. I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who regrets it, even a little bit.”
Then its better to breakup, if you regret for being in a relationship with someone.
Alex you are really a perfect writer, I have gone through your blogs since I joined the platform, you have touched each and everything. Keep going my friend
isn't that real,relationships are formed by a bond,understanding and accepting completely each other so there shouldn't be any regret
bdw this was just awesome man
enjoyed it ,you should write more often about relationships,love etc
Initially, I thought it was a frightening story however it got smooth and brilliant. The Love section was amazing. Loved the words used.an astute piece of writing @alexbeyman
oh.....its sooo horror........stories
This Photo look like horror......its just abnormal moment.
Wow, reading this left me all emotional...
I just had another perception of love from the above shared thought. Well done
Should the ceiling be his heart? Hmmn i will like to know more, this sounds like a fiction within a fiction, i will like to read more,..
The story really inspires me to read on. @alex is very good at writing short stories. With a horror picture and a little horror story too. And the end of the story whether you have a coffee memace. ..
I like it, good job, is it your first?
I love these lines .... these words are so special to me