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RE: US Navy is Looking at Connecting its 3D Printers on a Blockchain

in #writing8 years ago

If you post the original source "because of people like me" then GOOD. The original source is a human being who sat down to write their thoughts and ideas in a unique way, from their unique perspective and expertise. They took the time, invested the effort, and if it was published somewhere, that is also likely how they earn their living. We learn in grade school not to plagiarize, and to CREDIT THE SOURCE. IF you write it yourself and post in on several platforms, that is not plagiarizing: it is your content and it belongs to you. If you copy an article in full, do not link to the source, site the author, or even indicate you did not write it you are stealing someone else's works. That isn't negative to point out, that is incredibly productive. I shouldn't have to enlighten an adult man to not steal and pass of works that are not his, as his own. It isn't "mean". It's wanting to see the actual clever person who created the work credited properly. I would be furious if some THOT stole MY writing to make herself seem smart. Enough.


Thot? So we into name calling when i wasn't disrespectful to you in any way shape or form? I will repost everything i like with proper credits to author and site. Ill surpass you very quickly! Good luck to you and i wish you nothing but the best...

I didn't call you a name, I was illustrating how I would feel if someone did to me what you did to the actual author of this post. Had you credited your sources in the first place rather than being a deceptive thief and liar, none of this would have happened. I am not wrong for calling out content theft. You are wrong for doing it.

As for your success: best of luck to you. I am in competition with no one but myself. I write my own content and do not steal. I would rather have success based on my own intellect, and not on the shoulders of stealing from others.

Meanwhile, you have yet to update this post or any of the posts you stole. Have a nice life being a con!

Why should i when you and your band of misfits voted down on all of my post within the last 12 hours! All the content from now on will say repost with author name and site. Trust me i dont want to be on your page acting like a superficial troll. God bless and good luck....

If you didn't mean to be a content thief you'd fix it. Sorry, not sorry.

If you blog about the hate you might want to fix your attitude! Not Sorry

I wrote my own piece of content: you should try it. Not concerned with what someone of your standards thinks of it. Not sorry. 🖕🏻

lets talk about hate and how your full of BULL SHIT!
looks like in your own words you have some lessons that you still dont learn after you blog about them.

Sometimes ignoring it does make it go away. Instead of rubber-necking the trainwrecks around us and giving them the (positive or negative) attention they are actually seeking, give them indifference. Give them nothing. Yawn. Because it's a pretty tired game. This is a lesson I'm working on learning, myself.

Its ok little engin that could I believe in you. keep chugging along.

Here you go, princess, here is your credit:

wow so much hate. HYPOCRITE!!

its social media, get off your high horse! If it is something that helps the community and the greater good. why bitch. Be like Tesla, be humble. I freely give knowledge all the time and when someone uses it. I don't cry. I put 8 years of cuts, stitches, negative bank accounts, debt, damn near bankrupted once, didn't get paid 15k I was owed for the work I physically did and paid for material, you name it. But do I get but hurt when someone uses my knowlage to make themselves feel better or help someone else? NOPE! I actualy feel good just for the fact that someone had to use m knowlage to help them self. In one of your articals you talk about hate. To me, you represent that well. Not looking out for everyone just wanting to look out for you and your own.

chicka chicka bow bow.

I dont feel like getting into a facebook argument with you. Im over that kind of entertainment. I could troll you all day long and take up your time but, I am turning a new leaf as the crypto cummunity has shown me much love and I whould like to see this community thrive and not cry when you dont get credit. Take your partisipation ribbon and shove it!

Here is a free tip that I won't charge you for. use Grammarly when you type. It may help from time to time. When trying to rant or post an article.

See how easy free is :P companies and people do it all the time. hell look at STEEMIT. They pay you when you get liked for a comment. and you really did nothing but spew your opinion. What if you op sucks and is wrong? You can still get paid for it.

But in closing, I hope you have a great day! don't melt out there

Yawn. This isn't Facebook. My high horse? I am a marketing strategist and a content creator. You steal from people, you are wrong. Stealing doesn't help any community, and my grammar is far superior to yours. Bye!

superior grammar? Looks like to me you have some critical thinking to do.


You have too many critical issues to count. I mean, does pointing out my 2 mistakes make you feel better? OP is a content thief and you can't even spell "entitled". You are both ridiculous.