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RE: Random Topic Wednesday (Proposal)

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Ahahha :) I was really enjoying this post until it got to the part about the thorn as it reminded me of something that happened me in primary school!!! , I would like to share it with you!!

When I was just a little girl of 12 years old , I was in the playground in school and I spotted this beautiful rose bush to which I thought it easy to stick my hand right in there and pick myself a pretty red rose for my collection !!! So of course , without thinking of any harm I did just that ! , only to get badly hurt by a massive and very painful THORN!, to make matters much worse the School bully ( I should of know better, I know!) , told me that she had the perfect dock leaf to soothe my pain (of course it was no other than a NETTLE!!) , you can imagine my screams !!!!! :D:D
Maybe thats something to write about. The Traumatisation of stupidity !!! Lol!
I enjoyed this post you shared, gave me a chuckle!!!


Yes that could be something awesome to write about :)