in #writing6 years ago

JODA, Episode 5

As we step into the house, Kuria's place was so beautiful, the architectural work was so fine, everything in the house was creative, I use to think my house is beautiful until i step into Kuria's place, even Binta was amazed at the beauty,
"your place is so fine Kuria, I'm joke this time, because even when I'm sounding serious Joda takes it for a joke, she can't even deferential when I'm joking and when I'm serious,but everything here is so creative, who did the interior decoration for you?

"thank you Binta...i did all the decoration, aside my vegetable business I'm also into interior decors and designs, so this place was done by me...

Me and Binta both explode with "wow" at same time. The guy is really good, you needed to see his place, I fell in love with the decorations and i asked him if he can do something like that in my place, I also told him I will pay any amount for it, he objected for sometime, I insisted with a plead, he later agrees to do that, I was happy, we exchanged numbers, I will call him ones i speak with Denis about it,

"joda, your house will soon change to new look with a touch from Kuria, but me...mmmh, ones me and James gets married I will talk to James about decorating our place too, I can't be left behind in the house deco thing, are really strange, your place is creative, haven't seen anything like this, your name is strange, haven't heard any name like that before and even your food is strange, trequi, have never heard of such, your second name should be called "strange man" anyway...i can't wait to taste your food before going to meet my James, who is already waiting for me, I just said I must not miss kuria's trequi...

I shaked my head for Binta who kept on talking, non stop, Kuria was only smiling as she babble, he took us to the back yard sit out which was also outstanding, he served us the trequi, which looks and smells great, it smells like mint, when i tasted it, it was okay too, Binta's phone was ringing non stop, she kept on ignoring the call as she enjoyed her food, I ate so slow with the fear it won't have a side effect on me, because my stomach easily breaks loose, we talk as we all ate, Binta of course was the talkative in our means and Kuria was enjoying the whole attention she's poured on him, he sometimes looks at me in a way that makes me smile, he was fun to be with, after sometime Binta stood up

"I got to run Joda, James will be so angry if i don't see him again today, we actually planned to see today, he has being calling me, but relax and enjoy your trequi, Kuria obviously doesn't bite, he is a perfect gentleman, he will keep you company, I'm not sure of coming back today but i know you will be fine, I test James to come and pick me and he is almost here, thanks so much Kuria, please can i have one more plate of trequi for James...thank you. Joda feel free and be good...don't miss me"

Kuria gave Binta a pack which contains two plate of food, she thanked him again. Before sticking out her tongue to me, and stormed out, Kuria followed her, so that she won't get lost inside the house,
after seeing her off, he returned and sat opposite me, I also told him I was going, I couldn't stand his gaze any more, it was burning through my spine, he pleaded with me to stay a little while before leaving, is not like i really wanted to leave but Binta who was always talking on my behalf is gone, the environment was calm and i didn't know what to talk about again, I started wishing Binta has stayed, kuria later packs the plates to go and wash, I needed to do something so i asked him if i can be drying the dishes while he wash, he quickly agreed, so we did the dishes together, and i put it away accordingly, he was done washing and wanted to assist me in clearing up the table, as his hand touched my arm probably by mistake I felt like i melted inside, my heart double skipped and i heard this sensational feeling down my stomach, like a butterfly, we later got quiet, as we have being talking, him most especially, trying to keep me company, the cold kitchen became hot for me, I was so uncomfortable, I couldn't tell exactly how i feel, he noticed and asked if i was okay, I told him i wasn't feeling too good, maybe the trequi was taking effect on me, he laughed, I asked him where his toilet was he showed me and i quickly went in, it looks so comfortable in there, I wasn't doing anything but just sat there, my emotion were building so dangerously fast around kuria, and he was obviously careful so that he won't step on my toes, I sat there for sometime telling myself how stupid i was, "how can i even think of having feelings for another man when I'm getting married soon to Denis, the man i claim to love, I hated myself for feeling the way i was feeling, I was still in my sad thought when kuria called me from outside the toilet door asking if i was okay, I replied with affirmative, I told him i was good, I later came out, and told him i will be on my way, I thanked him for the food and entertainment, he asked me to come around sometime, and i promised i will, he walked me to the door, as i tried to open the door he held my hand with the door knob, he gently turned my face to him still holding my hand, I faced him, he was really cool to be with but only what i was looking at was his eyes and watch as his lips move, my mind was occupied with silent prayer, my emotions where still running wide, I could have taken my hands from him but I was enjoying the moment,
"I enjoyed your company Joda, but you were cold after your friend left, I just want to asked again if you are alright"?
I managed to smile before saying i was fine, at that moment it was as if something got into me and I gently kissed his lips, and as if he has being wanting to do that but don't know how, as i tried to part lips he held onto me as if his life depends on it and kissed me so passionately,
Denis was totally forgotten at that moment, the only thing i can think of was the beautiful moment with kuria, i didn't want it to end, but i suddenly came to reality, as i got myself I quickly loosened from his grip,
"what just happened to me, this where the thought running through my mind as i stepped back from Kuria, who tried to apologize, as he tried to hold me again i slapped him, which i quickly regretted, he held his cheek in shock, he tried to apologize again despite the slap i stormed out and ran to my car, he was after me begging me to stop and kept on saying he was so sorry,
i started the car and zoomed off, I watched him from my car side mirror, he was standing at same spot holding his head in his two hands.
I got home as quickly as possible and Denis wasn't back, I Was feeling and smelling of guilt, it wasn't Kuria's fault but me, I just needed someone to pass the blame to, I really wanted the kiss, i have imagined it right in his kitchen, when only his smell and face filled my mind, I have wanted it before I ran into his toilet to see if the feeling will go away, I slapped him because of guilt, I felt guilty for having feeling for another man, which Led to a kiss I have so much expected,
the truth was bitter in my mind but right there in my room I felt i have cheated on Denis for allowing a kiss with Kuria, how can i even face Denis, I may even confess my sins to him because i felt so bad, I tried to call him, I really need him home, I was sounding so uneasy as he picked and asked if everything was okay I told him "no everything wasn't fine i needed to tell him something, he said he was on his way home already before i called him.

I was pacing the house, I needed to confess to Denis of the kiss with kuria, it was unfair to him, he has never cheated on me and he will never do that why should i do that to him, kissing and allowing my feeling to store up for kuria was enough cheating and i plan telling it all to Denis, I will confess and beg him to forgive me
He drove in and Vanessa was with him, they didn't come down immediately from the car, I watched from my room window, and saw him kiss Vanessa inside the car before stepping down, my eyes grew big my mouth path way and i swallowed hard, I forgot everything i wanted to confess at that moment, maybe i was mistaken something, it wasn't a kiss maybe I'm going crazy, but Denis can't possibly kiss Vanessa who is suppose to be my Chief brides maid, my friend, Denis can't cheat on me i totally trusted him that was more reason i felt guilty for feeling the way i did for kuria, he can't cheat on me, no way, that is not even possible, not with Vanessa or anybody maybe i didn't see right, something must have clouded my vision,
As they both came upstairs, laughing and talking at the same time, they suddenly stop on seeing me, Denis came to me and asked me what happened, I forgot about my confession and said i just needed him home that's all,
they both laughed and everything about confessing was forgotting but guilt was still eating at me, maybe i will tell Binta if she comes around tomorrow, Vanessa was all lively and friendly and wanted to be wherever Denis was, although I don't trust her but i trust my Denis.

JODA, Episode 6.

Me and Binta had a heated argumebnt which almost led to a fight, after then we stopped speaking to each other,
It started the day she finally came over and I told her of the incident with Kuria, Kuria has being calling me that Even made me to block him on My phone.

" I cheated on Denis and the guilt is really killing me Binta, and i initiated the whole thing at first, I wish it can go was unfair to Denis who was always faithful to me and never cheated, I felt so bad about that..

"Hold on...just hold on... You actually had sex with another Man, mmmh, I was even thinking you will never allow another Man close to you, any man that is not Denis is not Man enough... Cheating is wrong but I'm happy you did it, I'm so happy you are breaking free from Denis grip, stop feeling guilty do you know how many women he might has slept with, he is not what you think he is.. Ooh so happy for the guy that got your heart, hope he isn't like Denis, who is this lucky Man, is he as fine as Kuria, ooh Kuria..that Guy is fine and creative, do you see his place that day, and his food was good James also love it, I forgot to tell you I stopped by to thank him he wasn't as cheerful as he use to be, he asked of you and I told him I haven't seen you yet, he wanted to say something else but stopped and flashed me a fake smile, I knew something was bothering him but he refused to say, I thought it got something to do with you..but it can't be, Kuria is the cutest Man alive plus My James minus your Denis, I'm joking o, your Denis is okay too but not like Kuria, maybe Kuria was having low sales that day... but there were lots of customers around as usual, maybe it was just a bad day for him, I even asked him and he said he was good, I should extend his greetings to you.. So i asked him when he will he making another trequi, he said that...

"Binta just shut up for ones, I'm telling you about an important issue and you are joking with serious for ones please, you talk too much.. You are diverting from the issue at hand... I didn't lay with any man.. It was only a kiss.. We kissed... And the man was Kuria... After you left us.. You shouldn't have Left us alone that day..I felt stupid for doing that... I even slapped him out of guilt.. I regretted everything Binta, I felt really bad for having feeling for another man, which led to a was really crazy...

" are obviously crazy Joda.. Oh My God, you kissed Kuria... Oh baby girl you have finally made me proud.. Although I wish it would have been More... But was it just the small kiss that's making you feel guilty... You are not serious... I actually thought you really cheated on Denis, My Joy would have being full, why do you have to slap that nice young man, you shouldn't have hit him because according to you, you initiated the thing, your feelings for him is mutual, he obviously has feeling for you too, now everything makes sense, it was because of you he was feeling sad that day...I see, but Kuria obviously loves you right from that first day we saw him, if you can remember I told you that day, I'm becoming a seer, call me prophetess Binta, because I saw this coming, so because you wanted me to babysit you that day, I should cut off My outing with my man, no way, your feelings are Strong For Kuria, nurture it and you won't regret it, listen to a prophetess like me.... if you want a fairy tale life go with Kuria but Denis will make you hate men... Break free from him now is not late... Joda seriously Denis is not the man for you, that man at the vegetable store is, Kuria is intelligent and hardworking, look at what he did with his place, what can Denis boast off, he can only boast with your money... I don't like him...I keep saying that and I'm not sorry...

"You are a talkative, you only knows how to talk rubbish, did Kuria paid you to talk me into giving him a chance, you and Kuria are crazy, if you don't stop this your crazy attitude of hating Denis I will have no choice than to put you a side like he said, he said you are jealous and I'm beginning to see reasons with him, you have your James who works his ass off every day so that you can have your dream wedding and home, you silently wish James has everything that Denis had, well life is obviously is unfair to you, your James has only one car which he has being using for years now and you have being with him for so Long, you only learnt driving last year and I allow you to drive one of my cars, why are you still with James is there no fine or Richer man to date aside James maybe with a better Man in your life you will stop hating my Denis, and why don't you date Kuria, the way you hype him why not go to him, he is quiet better than James, thought I don't know how to throw hate speech too, you thought I don't have things to hate about James but I allow you be because you both love each other which is most important why not be happy for me too, why do you keep hating Denis, look at Vanessa we aren't so close but she likes Denis, she's always around him happy, Denis likes her too that was why he chose her to be my chief brides maid in place of you, you are just so hateful human being, I hate you when you hate My Denis, My husband to be...

"You sound so pathetic Joda, I thought I was the talkative but here you are holding a record in sounding so broken, talk about James all you want, that man is hard working, and all we need is to gather enough money to have a beautiful home not wedding, My wedding will be on low key, is after the wedding that the real marriage starts, not a Big wedding, Kuria is into you not me, how much much can he possibly pay me, I didn't ask you to have feelings for him or kiss him, you hate to hear about him because he makes your heart Skip just mentioning his name, just admit it, I love James because he is a good person, he works for his money unlike Denis who squanders and spend your father's hard aimed money the way he likes, well...I will talk less on that before you ask me if is My father's money he is spending, another point you made, Vanessa is not me and I'm not Vanessa, don't compare us, you just hate the Truth, Denis is very stupid for saying I'm jealous of you, I know you for years now even before you start dating him, what exactly should I really be jealous off, is it Denis or your money, you, Denis and Vanessa are crazy, I hate him because he is a gold digger... He doesn't deserve you Joda, Denis is into you because of your money... I hate to see him manipulate you the way he do, go and tell him I said he is a big fool...he..

Just as she was about to say another thing I raised My hand to slap her but she was too fast and held My hand,

"Hahaha...I must have hit you at the right the spot... Don't ever raise a hand on me again or I will break your fingers, or have you forgotten I went to Karate school... Hahaha...don't mind me, I'm only joking, but don't raise a hand on me because I will he force to hit you back, i take violence of any kind very serious, I'm not Kuria, if you slap me Joda I will slap you back, what is wrong with you, I wish you have all this action when it comes to Denis, have you ever raised a finger on him before no matter what he does, the answer is obviously a no, you can't do that with him but you freely swing your hands freely on people's faces, why not try it with your Denis, let me be going before you break My Head, but I'm a phone call away, if you ever needs me please don't fair to call and I will come running, you are still my friend and will always be, I can't advise you wrongly Joda, I'm only looking out for your good and I Hope and pray you understand that someday... Bye for now, don't fair to call if you needs me around.

Is being three weeks I never bother to call her and she never bother to call too, she is a bad vibes around me and I don't need such, everything is set for the wedding, I have gotten My wedding gown, Vanessa is mostly around, all the ladies are set,everything is set, invitation is all sent out, is definitely going to be a big wedding, Denis is obviously happy just like me, I'm getting married to the love of My life next week, this week is so slow, I wish it can run faster,
One of my girl came back from the market and said she saw Binta and James at Kuria's store, three of them where talking and ask about me and she told them I was fine,
After telling me that I felt like calling Binta to come around, I missed her and her talk, but she will come and start talking about how she hates Denis, I don't need anything negative now, Vanessa and others are doing great keeping me entertained but it can never be as Binta,
I'm looking forward to My day, my big day next week I just hope Binta will be there, all that mattes to me is that I'm happy but not so happy like i have expected to be, something is missing out somewhere, what could that be, i just hope this is a right decision so that I can prove Binta wrong. Hope I'm not making a mistake, God please help me, I need all the help from you, I need My heart to be at peace, or is probably the tension from the whole wedding thing but I'm feeling empty.