Today was a pretty blah day. I had taken a HUGE dose of Kratom after work yesterday, like two heaping tablespoons of the stuff. Needless to say, I got pretty high. And with Kratom (much like with opioids) you don't need to do anything to be entertained. You can sit and stare at a cinder-block wall for hours and be entertained. I actually followed up on some info about the Essentia ICO on Telegram and watched a couple of youtube videos, but the video content was messing with my buzz so I had to take a break from those.
Then this morning I woke up feeling the negative morning after effects of the Kratom. I made a mistake and tried to recover with some coffee. That was useless, so I decided it was time for another Kratom dose. I ignored the 'empty stomach' rule of Kratom ingestion deciding that the half pot of coffee in my belly wouldn't be a problem. I was wrong. I got half high, not all the way there. No cinder-block wall staring for me today. I got the serious munchies though and went and got a ton of 7-11 food. Then I got an awful MSG buzz that killed any vestige of a Kratom high. Then my boss called and killed off a lot of stuff.
I skulled a couple glasses of water to wash the MSG out. That helped. A smidgen of the Kratom effects came back but not enough.
Then I had an online Bible study with a student of mine. That went horribly.
Photo courtesy of pixabay
Um... You quit H just so you good start doing Kratom? You'll end up in the same cycle of unproductivity.