Ultimate Online Wrestling: Tournament of Fortune [Chapter -02]

in #wrestling7 years ago (edited)
Authored by @Moonchild



Las Vegas, Nevada
Day 2 of the Tournament of Fortune

In a hotel room at the Luxor hotel, tied to a chair, sat Abbigail Dresden, young protégé of veteran wrestler Valora Salinas. She had been gaged, and her arms were securely fastened to the back of a wooden chair. She seemed frightened but had been there for so long that she was no longer hysterical and was just angry now more than anything. Her abductor Pelagius sat across from her reading a G.Q. magazine with his legs crossed, relaxing. The muscular brute was dressed in an expensive-looking Italian suit and was listening to classical music playing from an iPod docked on a speaker system on the small table next to him. Suddenly his smartphone on the desk started to ring, and he put down the magazine to answer the phone. Just before swiping the touch screen to answer the call, he let out a sigh of frustration.*

Pelagius: Mr. M, good to hear from you. You do understand that babysitting was never part of the agreement? How long am I going to have to sit here with this girl?

Rupert Mudcock: Just long enough to distract Salinas during her match tonight. Then you can let her go and leave town to crawl back into whatever shit hole you call home, Pelagius!

Pelagius: That's at least another 12 hours, sir… I'm afraid it's going to cost you.

Rupert Mudcock: You greedy bastard… Fine! I'll wire another $50'000 at the end of the night. You've ensured that Salinas hasn't seen you anywhere in the hotel, right?

Pelagius: I haven't left the room as requested, sir.

Rupert Mudcock: Good! Salinas has been lurking around the entire building looking for you. She suspects you haven't left yet, even though I ensured that the hotel computers listed you as checked out. Who knows what would happen if she found you or was able to trace this little ploy of mine back to me.

Pelagius: I'm a professional, sir, one of the best… that's why you hired me. Remember? Just relax and tend to the things that need your attention. Valora Salinas will never find…

Suddenly, without warning, a minor blast turned Pelagius's attention from his phone to the door, which now had a blast hole in place of where the door handle used to be. Pelagius got up out of his chair just as Valora kicked in the door. She was holding a 9-millimeter biretta pistol with a silencer attached to it and attempted to take aim at Pelagius, but he was on her, slamming her arms against the wall outside the room. The impact caused her to drop the gun, but Valora was able to knee her attacker in the groin. Pelagius screamed in pain and then braced for impact as Valora tackled him back into the room and down onto the floor. As they struggled, Mozart's Overture from "The Marriage of Figaro" began to play from the speaker dock, turning the whole melee into a scene from a blockbuster movie trailer.

Valora, filled with rage, pined Pelagius down to the ground. She unleashed a series of brutal punches to his nose and jaw, busting his lip open and breaking his nose. Abigail's muffled cries caught Valora's attention for a split second allowing Pelagius to use his brute strength to throw Valora off him. He got back to his feet just as she turned around to face him, and the two made eye contact for a moment. Pelagius came at her swinging, but Valora ducked both of his punches and tripped him with a drop toe hold, which caused the big man to fall straight into a small wooden dining table. His face smacked the wood hard, and then he fell onto the floor.

Valora used this opening to rush back toward the hallway for her firearm, but Pelagius was quickly back on his feet and wrestled her down from behind, just inches from the weapon. Pelagius turned Valora over onto her back and tried to punch her as hard as possible to knock her out. Valora squirmed away, and Pelagius punched the floor so hard that he instantly broke his hand on impact. The big man shrieked in pain, holding his right wrist as Valora got to her feet and picked up her gun before pointing it directly at the side of Pelagius's cranium. Valora was breathing heavily as she tried to catch her breath. She flipped her hair back in order to clear her field of vision as she tightened her grip on the handgun.

Valora Salinas: I ought to blow your fucking brains out all over their nice hallway carpet pendejo!

Pelagius surrendered, putting his hands up in the air, but before he could even utter a word in response, Valora kicked him straight in the head, knocking him onto the carpeted floor, staining it with his blood. She then put the firearm up against his head and shoved it against his skull more aggressively.

Valora Salinas: Who the fuck put you up to this, huh? Tell me or so help me, God, I will pull this mother fucking trigger, asshole! Tell me!

Pelagius: IT WAS MUDCOCK! RUPERT MUDCOCK! Oh, God! Please don't fucking kill me! PLEASE! I was just trying to make some quick money! Please! You got to understand! I didn't fucking touch her, I swear it!

The traumatic experience caused Pelagius to soil his pants before Valora used the butt end of the handgun to knock the weeping brute unconscious. Valora took a deep breath before getting to her feet and wiping the sweat off her brow. Despite all the noise from the scuffle, no one ventured out of their rooms to see what had transpired out in the hallway. She hastily ran into the room, cut Abbigail loose from the ropes, and took the gag out of her mouth. Abigail hugged her immediately, thanking her mentor for rescuing her.

Valora: Listen to me, listen! Did he fucking touch you? Did he hurt you? Cause I will put a bullet in his brain right now!

Abbigail: No, he just tied me up and kept me here. Someone named Mr. M is trying to throw you off your game V.

Valora: It's Mudock; he's got it out for me because I'm the favorite for the Franchise title now. I don't fit the All-American image he wants for his first champion. The fat, rich piece of mierda is going to pay for this! Come on, let's go before the police get here! I don't feel like explaining this to them and spending the day at the LVPD.

Valora and Abbigail rushed out of the room and down the hallway to the nearest elevator.



A large crowd packed inside the Luxor Hotel Arena, eager to see the second round of the Tournament of Fortune. There were clearly a good five thousand more people in attendance than were there for the tournament's first round. Pyrotechnics commenced and burst all over the arena, firing up the crowd. The cameras now live, panned around, capturing the public before focusing directly on the ring where five-time Grammy award winner Britney Spikes stood in the middle. The lights dimmed in the arena, and a spotlight was placed directly on the scantily dressed blonde pop star singer.

Britney Spikes: Everyone, please remove your caps and put your right hand over your heart to pledge allegiance to our magnificent Commander and Chief. The man who is truly making America great again! Your 45th president! Ronald McStrump!

A spotlight was placed above the luxury box seating area where Rupert Mudcock and Ronald McStrump stood waving to the crowd. Most attendees seemed shocked to see the President at the show, while others looked on, confused by the strange request to pledge allegiance directly to the President and not the flag. Most of them did as they were told, but a few clear non-supporters of the controversial new President booed him in response to the request. Some fans' adverse reactions caused a few scuffles, and the hotel security had to intervene and escort the guilty parties from the arena.

Britney Spikes: Altogether now! I pledge to observe the law, promise to fully fulfill my duties at home and as a citizen of this great nation, and swear my allegiance to my Commander and Chief Ronald McStrump!

The apparent McStrump supporters repeated the strange pledge like senseless zombies. When finished, Brittney Spikes sang a dramatized rendition of "America the Beautiful," struggling to hit the notes while oversinging the song's high points. When she finished, another series of pyrotechnics' ignited behind her in a series of explosions set seconds apart in the colors of America's flag.

The camera switched focus from the fans standing on their seats "chanting start the show" to the announcer team of the youthful move by move commentator Scott Slade and the geriatric color commentator Chris Rodgers.

Scott Slade: Hello from Las Vegas, and welcome to round two of The Tournament of Fortune! We are coming to you streaming live on Squawker, MeTube.com, and broadcasting from America's number one watched cable news and entertainment television channel in America, MOX! As always, I am here with my co-host Chris Rodgers! Chris, are you ready for one hell of a show?

Chris Rodgers: "sniffle" sorry, Scott, but that might have been the most patriotic and beautiful moment of my entire life.

Scott Slade: Ah… umm..yeah… that was really something, Chris.

Chris Rodgers: Alright, time to pull it together; I am a professional after all! I'm being told that tonight's opening matchup will be an exhibition match between All-American Johnny Melange and some foreigner. I think he's from Germany, and his name is Kronin Riegnfart!

Scott Slade: Jeeze, oh Petes, Chris! Are you not wearing your damn glasses again? It's Reinhardt, not Reignfart! What is the matter with you?

Chris Rodgers: Oh, what difference does it make? Melange is going to cripple this nobody!





Ring announcer Rich Relando entered the ring with a microphone. He was ready to introduce the two combatants for tonight's opening fight. He was dressed in a stunning white tuxedo and matching white fedora hat. As the fans quieted down, he began to speak into the microphone with his majestically masculine voice.

Rich Relando: Making his way to the ring as our first contestant of the night, hailing from Hometon, Middle America! Standing at five feet, ten inches, and weighing in at 238 pounds! A true American hero! JOHNNY MELANGE!

"Losing My Religion" by REM started to play, and everyone's attention turned to the stage as Johnny walked out onto it wearing his traditional black and pink tights. A series of high-end pyrotechnics went off, and purple sparkle showers fell from the rafters. The fans chanted "USA" as he made his way down the ramp, up the steel steps, and into the ring.

Rich Relando: His opponent! Traveling here all the way from Berlin, Germany. Weighing an impressive 275 pounds and standing tall at six feet and six inches! KRONIN REINHARD!

As "Ich Will" by Rammstein started to play, Kronin walked out onto the stage to a chorus of hysterical boos and curses from tourists attending the Vegas wrestling show. The crowd's reaction caught the big German somewhat off guard as he made his way down the ramp, up the steel steps, and high stepped up over the top rope and into the ring. Kronin was dressed in a spandex leotard from the German flag's colors and black military-style boots. He was tall, muscular, and had long greying black hair.

Scott Slade: Finally! It's time for fight night in Las Vegas!

Referee Jim Hopkins had a few words with both competitors and then signaled to the timekeeper to ring the bell. The two fighters locked up in the center of the ring before the bell could even finish reverberating. Kronin gained the advantage, locked Melange into a headlock, and then pulled the All-American athlete down to the canvas turning the hold into a straightjacket crossface. Melange screamed in agony and looked as if he was going to tap out, ending the match early but reached down deep and fought back to his knees. Kronin flipped up over Melange onto his feet, never letting go of his head, and then turned the hold into a swinging neck breaker.

Scotts Slade: What a show of athletic and technical prowess from Kronin!

Chris Rodgers: Looks like we're in store for a good old-fashioned wrestling match!

The fans let out a negative guttural response to Melange's poor start as both wrestlers got back to their feet and locked up almost immediately. Kronin gained the advantage and overpowered Melange, pushing him into the far left corner turnbuckle of the wrestling ring. The big German then delivered a few hip checks to the midsections before grabbing Melange around the waist and belly to belly, suplexing him with foremost authority into the center of the ring canvas. The crowd reacted instantly from the impact as Kronin didn't skip a beat and pounced on Johnny, locking in a Koji clutch. He hooked his legs around the neck of Melange in the process and then wrapped his hands around his head, pulling backward with all his might.

Scott Slade: Oh no! A Koji clutch! This doesn't look good for Melange!

Chris Rodgers: Come on, John! The whole country's behind you! Get your head in the game, boy!

Melange screamed horrifically in pain and only slipped out of the hold after using all of his strength to roll over, forcing Kronin to break the hold due to it no longer being advantageous. As both men got to their feet, Melange broke from the traditional Greco-Roman wrestling style, rebounded off the ropes, and came at Kronin with a clothesline. The decision was poor, and it backfired as Kronin blocked his arm away and grabbed his midsection, picking him up and slamming him hard to the canvas with a black hole slam.

Chris Rodgers: Dammit!

Scotts Slade: This could be it! Kronin with a cover! ONE! TWO!! KICK OUT BY MELANGE!!! He just barely kicked out in time!!!

Chris Rodgers: I don't know what the hell is going on with Melange! He hasn't mounted one successful offensive attack during this whole darn match.

Scott Slade: He's got to get something going, or else this match is over!

Kronin got to his feet first and picked up Melange by his blond hair letting out an aggressive alpha male scream toward the fans. He then threw Melange's arm up over his shoulder and hit an impressive rolling German suplex, wrapping Melange up in the process.

Scott Slade: Rolling Suplex into a pin! ONE! TWO!! THREE!!! I.T.'S OVER!!! Kronin wins his first official Ultimate Wrestling match!!!

Chris Rodgers: This is a disaster!

Ich Will" by Rammstein started to play as the referee held Kronin's arm up and pointed toward him with his other hand, signifying him as the official winner of the match. The referee then attended to Melange, still breathing heavily on the wrestling mat, as Kronin exited the ring, satisfied with his performance. The fans booed him heavily and began throwing drinks and food at him as he walked up the aisle and behind the curtain.




While the broadcast cameras stayed focused on Melange receiving medical attention, important secret events were transpiring backstage. Jeremiah Vastrix sat at a desk in the men's locker room with his broken cybernetic eye on the table, along with a set of tiny tools and a bunch of small parts scattered all over it. He was clearly frustrated with his inability to fix the high-tech experimental Warhammer hardware. As he continued to tinker with it, a sudden flash of blue electrical current sent a nasty shock up his arm, making all of the hair on his head stand up. The burst of energy knocked him back, and he crashed to the floor hard.

Jeremiah Vastrix: Ahhhh!!! Goddammit, that fucking hurt!

Vastrix rolled around on the floor, screaming in pain until he heard loud laughter coming from the locker room. Vastrix paused when and then got to his feet, holding his arm. Baron Vendredi sat on a bench staring at him with a smile.

Baron Vendredi: I think you're relying a little too heavily on technology there, Mr. Vastrix…Hah! Heh ho! Haha! Oh man, I really crack myself up sometimes…

Jeremiah Vastrix: What are you even doing here, Vendredi? You're not even booked tonight.

Baron Vendredi: Let's just say I'm looking to speak with someone.

Jeremiah Vastrix: Well, keep your mouth shut, alright? If I don't get this cybernetic eye working, I have no chance of beating Sato tonight with only one human eye.

Baron Vendredi: You are a strange man… where did you even get an artificial eye like that?

Jeremiah Vastrix: That's none of your business! Now leave me alone!

Suddenly, a knock at the locker room door interrupted the two wrestlers bickering at one another. When Vastrix turned around, he was surprised to see the owner of Ultimate Wrestling, Rupert Mudcock, standing in the doorway, holding a white box in his left hand.

Rupert Mudock: Gentleman… I hope I am not interrupting something important. From what I can see, Mr. Vastrix, I believe you are in a bit of a jam.

Jeremiah Vastrix: Yeah, so… what's it to you, old man?

Rupert Mudcock: You'll learn to address me respectfully, you perverted cyborg! I'll have you know that you're not dead yet because your father happens to owe me a favor! Did you really think he wouldn't be able to find you after performing on live television last week?

Jeremiah Vastrix: I…the mask…

Rupert Mudcock: Shut up and listen to me, you fool! I cannot have Valora Salinas as my champion! I won't have it! I need someone this country can idolize! I need you to beat Sato tonight and Valora next week for the title!

Jeremiah Vastrix: Alright, I don't see myself being able to beat Sato tonight. Even though he's young, he's a highly-skilled fighter, and with my depth perception off like this, there is no way I stand a chance against him. Sato is American; what is the big deal if he wins?

Rupert Mudcock: let's just say Sato doesn't have the right "look." As far as your depth perception is concerned, I'm afraid I have a gift for you. This is War Hammer's latest model of that Cybernetic eye you've been using. Your father has assured me that you'll know how to use it to gain the advantage you need to win. Consider it a considerable upgrade free of charge.

Mudcock waddled his fat old body over to the table Vastrix was working at and placed the white box on the table. As he turned around and started to shuffle back over toward the exit of the locker room, he stopped and uttered one more sentence to Jeremiah.

Rupert Mudcock: Oh, and if you lose, consider yourself a dead man, Mr. Vastrix…

Vastrix stared at Mudcock as he waddled away, satisfied with the encounter.

Baron Vendredi: Damn, dude… who's your dad?

Jeremiah Vastrix: Shut the fuck up, Vendredi!




Dwight Couch.jpg

After a short commercial break, Rich Relando was already back in the ring, ready to introduce the first match for the official second round of the Tournament of Fortune. The fan's intensity was kicked up a notch in anticipation.

Rich Relando: Ladies and Gentlemen in attendance! Tonight's following two matches will decide who will fight for the Ultimate Wrestling Franchise Championship! SO LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!

"Bring IT" by Trapt hit the sound system, and Valora Salinas walked out onto the stage with a confident stride. However, there was an unexpected mixed reaction from the crowd, with many fans offensively chanting "Build the Wall," attempting to drown out Valora's fans.

Rich Relando: Making her way out onto the stage now! Hailing from Los Angeles, California! Weighing in at 155 pounds and standing at five feet, nine inches! SHE IS THE HARDCORE ICON! VALORA SALINAS!

Scott Slade: Well, Ultimate Wrestling fans, Valora scored an impressive victory last week against Melange, and tonight she takes on Dwight Couch for a chance at glory!

Chris Rodgers: I still can't believe she beat John! There is no way she beats Couch tonight!

Scott Slade: Well, we will have to see Chris; there are many rumors that D.C. suffers from a mild shoulder injury. It could affect him in this match and give Valora the advantage.

Chris Rodgers: If I know that woman, I think I do! She'll do anything to win! D.C. needs to keep her away from that shoulder.

Valora entered the ring, and her music cut off. She was dressed in her black and purple wrestling leotard and wore black wrestling boots. Her long dark greying black hair had been tied back into a ponytail, and she looked as fit as she'd ever looked in her career. The camera cut back to the stage as "Come With Me Now" by the Kongos started to play over the speaker system. The fans roared as D.C. walked onto the stage with his hands held high.

Rich Relando: Her opponent! Making his way down to the ring all the way from the great state of Kentucky! Weighing in at 225 pounds and standing at the height of six feet, three inches! In the Red and Black! The Legend!! DWIGHT COUCH!!!*

The older fighter with the salt and pepper hair slapped high fives with many fans on his way down the ramp and slid into the ring. The two wrestlers quickly met in the center of the ring, and the referee gave them a few words about what he expected during the match. He then signaled for the timekeeper to ring the bell, and as soon as the bell sounded, the two opponents started to circle around the ring, sizing one another up.

Scott Slade: Alright! Finally! Let's get this show on the road! Two of our top athletes on our roster are battling it out, and only one will be the winner!

The two finally locked up in the center of the ring, and D.C. outpowered Salinas straight away and locked her into a headlock. However, she quickly twisted out of it, took Dwight's injured right arm, and spiraled it into a standing armbar with impressive torque. Couch screamed out in pain, holding his shoulder with his free arm, much to some of the fans' dismay.

Chris Rodgers: Look at that cheater! She's already attacking that injured shoulder!

Scott Slade: You see it as cheating; I see it as a good strategy, my friend!

Chris Rodgers: You would, Slade! You've got the moral values of a telemarketer!

Valora clubbed D.C.'s right arm, landing her fist right on top of his injured shoulder, and the painful blow dropped Couch to his knees. Valora then sprinted toward the ropes, recoiled off them, and Savat kicked him straight in the chest. Couch fell to the canvas, still reeling from the effects of the massive blow. The Luxor arena was the rowdiest it had been since the start of the tournament. The more conservative fans continued to boo Salinas and chant "Go back to Mexico," which clearly irritated Valora. She suddenly stopped her attack on D.C. and took the time to scream back at some of the fans cursing at her before giving them all the middle finger with both her hands.

Scott Slade: We apologize to our family viewers for that behavior by Ms. Salinas. McStrump supporters seem to be getting to her. It looks like some of these…um…

Chris Rodgers: Well, I don't blame them! Has anyone checked her legal status? How do we even know she's here legitimately? I want to see her green card, Slade!

Scott Slade: You're not serious, right? Valora has been an American her whole life. She was born in Los Angeles, you dimwit.

With Salinas distracted, Couch attacked Salinas from behind with an elbow smash to the back of her head. The attack sent Valora over the top rope and out onto the floor with a thud. As Salinas returned to her feet, Dwight favored his shoulder and took a moment to pop it back into place. She tried to enter the ring, but Dwight sprinted at her, and baseball slid, nailing the Hispanic wrestler straight in the face. This sent Valora back to the floor on her hands and knees, much to her supporters' dismay.

Scott Slade: Oh! Baseball slide! D.C. is not going to back down! He might be hurt, but he badly wants that shot at the Franchise Championship!

Chris Rodgers: Valora looks like she's looking for her teeth on the floor! Hah, hah!

D.C. rolled out of the ring and onto the floor as the referee started a count for both wrestlers. D.C. picked Valora up and tried to throw her into the steel steps, but she reversed it by hanging onto his bad arm and slung him into them head first. Couch first crashed into the steps with his injured shoulder and dislodged the steel steps from the ring corner on impact. The fans let out an "oh!" as D.C. screamed in pain on the floor.

Chris Rodgers: You've got the momentum on your side, and you take the fight outside the ring? What the hell is Couch thinking? Salinas is like a deadly virus outside of the squared circle!

Scott Slade: That shoulder has got to be a mess right now! How much longer can Couch hang on?

Salinas, unrelenting, picked him up straight away. She then tossed him back into the ring before jumping up onto the canvas and climbing up to the top rope from the corner turnbuckle. She springboarded off the top rope, attempting a splash, but Couch saw it coming and put his knees up, causing a very agonizingly painful setback, as the impact was solely absorbed by Valora's rib cage. The fans again voiced their feelings over the violence, letting out another "Ho-waooh," much to the glee of Mr. Mudcock up in the Presidential Suite. Valora rolled off Dwight's knees, clutching her midsection in terrible discomfort.

Scott Slade: Valora with a high-risk maneuver from the top rope, and she comes up empty-handed!

Chris Rodgers: I got to hand it to Dwight because he is really keeping his awareness up despite the pain he's in!

The fans began a stomp and clap rally as both wrestlers lay on the wrestling mat, struggling to get to their feet. Both fighters dug down deep and got up at about the same time. Valora first attacked with a kick, but D.C. caught her foot with his hands. Dwight thought he had Valora in a bad spot, but she countered the hold with an Enzuigiri chop kick to the back of Couch's head. The attack dropped both combatants to the mat again, and Valora quickly covered Couch and hooked his leg for a pin.

Scott Slade: Valora with a pin! ONE! TWO! KICK OUT DC!*

Chris Rodgers: Couch had to dig down WAY deep to kick out of that one! Come on, Couch, show these people why you're called "The Legend"!

Valora flipped her head up and blew some hot air out of her lungs; it was clear she was starting to slow down. As she got to her feet, she pulled Dwight up by his hair, but before she could mount an attack, Couch hit her with a series of punches to the midsection, followed by a sharp uppercut that sent her backpedaling into the turnbuckles. Dwight, now back on his feet, charged at Salinas and tried to go for a big splash but was chopped almost in half by Salinas, who nailed him with a diving spear while he was still in midair and then covered him again.

Scott Slade: Massive spear! That's the second time Couch has been hit with that move in two weeks! Salinas with the cover! ONE! TWO!! NO!!! KICK OUT AGAIN BY COUCH!!! Unbelievable!!!

Chris Rodgers: Good God almighty, that has to be the manliest beast of a woman I've ever seen. She must be taking testosterone pills or something! I think we need to drug test her!

Scott Slade: That's incredibly stupid! This is a cross-gender match! What difference does it even make? You better watch it, Chris; you're crossing the red line.

Chris Rodgers: Just call the match and stop trying to censor me!

Valora was first back up to her feet again. She pulled Dwight Couch up and tossed his limp injured arm over her shoulder. She lifted D.C. up with all her womanly strength and then jackhammered Couch hard into the mat. The move was shaky, but the veteran Latina still managed to crush her opponent into the sweat-soaked wrestling mat. She then jumped to her feet, instantly pointing up to the hotel arena's rafters before sprinting to the turnbuckle. She leaped onto the top rope and got ready for a big move. Couch had no time to recover or react as Valora springboarded off of the top rope and rotated midair landing a massive Aztec corkscrew Moonsault crushing D.C. underneath her.

Scott Slade: Aztec Moonsault! AZTEC MOONSAULT FROM THE TOP ROPE! Valora hooks the leg! ONE! TWO!! THREE!!! It's over!!!

Chris Rodgers: No, dammit!

The referee helped Valora raise her hand before pointing at her with his other hand, signifying her as the match-winner. "Bring It" by Trapt started to play over the speaker system as she stumbled, holding her rib cage while exiting the ring.



Scott Slade: Valora Salinas is moving on to the Main Event set for next week! Valora Salinas may very well become our first Franchise Champion!

Chris Rodgers: God help us all… there has to be a real man on this roster somewhere…

Scott Slade: Fans, we have to cut for a commercial break, but when we come back, our main event between Takuma Sato and Jeremiah Vastrix will take place! Don't move a muscle; we're coming right back!



During the commercial break, while the medical team attended to Dwight Couch and the official UOW crew readied for the evening's final match, events outside of the public view were taking place backstage. Inside the locker room, manager Ivan Stricker and Takuma Sato were getting ready to head out to the stage for his match against Jeremiah Vastrix when they were stopped by the strange and odd Victor Vendredi.

Vendredi: Hello, my friends! I uh, it's a pleasure to meet both of you.

Victor extended his hand in friendship to Takuma Sato, who looked right at him and walked right past him without speaking a word. Vendredi's smile turned into a frown, not happy about being ignored by the young martial artist. The other Baron's had told him that this would be one of his greatest friends and a powerful ally in the fight between Good and evil. Could they've been wrong?

Vendredi: Hey man! What the hell is your problem? I'm just trying to make a few friends, is all! Never hurts to have friends in this business.

Sato walked out of the locker room without acknowledging Victor's words. Ivan Stricker pulled aside Vendredi and put his arm around him before handing him a business card.

Ivan Sticker: Sorry, Mr. Vendredi, The future champ's going through a hard time. His father recently passed away, and he is really focused on winning this match. I'm sure we can work something out. You could use a manager, kid; I mean, look at you! You're not even booked this week! Give me a call, and will talk, huh?

Stricker gave Vendredi a big pat on the back and, as he was walking away, made two pistols with his hands and pretended to shoot Victor while winking at him in a very sleazy managerial way.

Vendredi stared at him bewildered and shook his head in disbelief.

Vendredi: This will be more challenging than I thought…





As the live feed from inside the arena returned, Rich Relando stood in the ring, ready to announce the next match. "Down Low" by R Kelly started to play on the sound system as Jeremiah Vastrix walked out onto the stage. Once again, the cyborg wrestler was sporting his black and white spandex tights and porcelain white face masks. The fans gave him a decent pop as he walked down the ramp in his black leather jacket, white t-shirt, and black leather wrestling pants.

Rich Relando: Making his way to the ring! Standing at six feet, two inches and weighing in at 245 pounds! He is the self-proclaimed God-given gift to women all around the world! JEREMIAH VASTRIX!

Vastrix made his way to the steel steps, climbed them, stepped into the ring before taking off his leather coat, and then turned around to face the stage. His new cybernetic eye was a lot more noticeable than the old one. "Something to Believe In" by The Offspring started to play on the sound system. The camera cut away from Vastrix and his scary-looking mask to focus on the stage. Ivan Stricker and Takuma Sato walked out together. Sato was dressed in a traditional white Karategi and black belt. He raised his fist into the air, and the fans in the arena gave him a nice burst of cheers.

Rich Relando: His challenger! The master of the heart punch! Being accompanied to the ring by his manager Ivan Stricker! Hailing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 195 pounds, and standing at the height of five feet, nine inches! TAKUMA SATO!

Sato climbed up the steel steps and entered the ring. He then walked to the center of the squared circle, where Vastrix was waiting for him. Sato bowed in a display of respect for his opponent, and Vastrix hesitantly did the same. The referee signaled to the timekeeper to ring the bell. As soon as it was rung, Sato started dancing and moving around the ring with fantastic footwork, never standing still for a moment. Vastrix studied him for a few minutes and then moved in for an attack but was cut off and quickly intercepted by Sato, who launched off of the wrestling mat and connected with a jumping Tobi Geri kick, nailing Vastrix directly in the head, sending back into the ropes of the ring in the process.

Scott Slade: Oh my!

Chris Rodgers: It is on, my friends!

The fans roared as Sato landed back on his feet and continued to dance around, never standing stationary. As Vastrix shook off the cobwebs, Sato taunted him by extending his hand and motioning for Vastrix to come at him. Jeremiah put his hands up in a military close combat style and closed in on Sato with his shining cybernetic eye radiating brighter than usual. As he moved in for an attack, Sato attempted another flying kick; however, this time, Vastrix, with almost precognitive precision, backed away just enough to avoid the kick and then caught Sato's leg to his disbelief. Vastrix used his leverage to scoop up underneath Sato and punched him hard down to the canvas. Sato quickly rolled away from his opponent and kicked up onto his feet to the crowd's delight.

Chris Rodgers: Well, would you look at that! I think we got a fight on our hands. Sato looks surprised by Vastrix's athletic ability!

Scott Slade: Vastrix managed to catch the flying kick and took Sato down. Remember, Sato defeated his first opponent in a record 10 seconds! It looks as if Vastrix isn't going to allow him to have a repeat of that fortune tonight!

Sato started to move around again, and Vastrix began adapting to Sato's fighting style, and the two started to circle again. Sato came at Vastrix first, this time with a straight lead, not waiting for him to attack like before. He quickly moved in with a series of powerful rapid sidekicks and finished the combo with a spinning heel kick. Vastrix astoundingly read Sato's lightning-quick movements and retaliated with a reverse roundhouse kick that cracked Sato on the jaw and busted his lip open. The shot rocked Sato, sending him stumbling backward a bit. As he wiped the blood from his mouth, his eyes widened, clearly expressing to Vastrix how extremely cross he was.

Scott Slade: What a comeback from Vastrix! I feel like I'm watching Return of the Dragon!

Chris Rodgers: These two look extremely well-conditioned and evenly skilled, Scott!

Scott Slade: The craziest part is that I have no records here of Vastrix ever being trained in any martial art. It's as if he is picking it up as this match continues!

Chris Rodgers: He's a survivor, Slade! He'll do anything to win!

Vastrix grew confident and moved in with a combo of his own, starting with a sidekick, which Sato blocked, and a right cross, which Takuma also followed up with a block. The blocked punch left Vastrix open for an attack, and Sato delivered a devastating short punch to his sternum. The blow forced Jeremiah to dip forward, allowing Sato to plot an earth-shattering non-telegraphed punch to his jaw. He followed it up with another brutal punch to his sternum, a left cross, a right elbow, and then finished it by Ipponseoi slamming him hard onto his backside on the ring mat.

The fans went insane from the tremendously fast combo as Sato cocked back his fist for his finishing maneuver, the deadly heart punch. Vastrix somehow rolled out of the way milliseconds before getting hit. Sato missed, and his fist went through the wrestling ring canvas all the way up to his elbow. As Vastrix finally came to a halt, he started violently coughing up blood onto the wrestling mat, staining it. Sato struggled to get his arm unstuck from the ring mat, and the fans roared and recited an "Ultimate Wrestling" chant.

Scott Slade: I can't believe it! With an insane combo, Sato tries to finish Vastrix off with the Heart punch like he did Kickstand last week, and Jeremiah moves out the way just in time!

Chris Rodgers: Scott, his whole arm went through the ring canvas! What the hell does Stricker feed this kid?

Scott Slade: Vastrix is getting to his feet, and Sato is still stuck! He can't get his arm out! Sato is in real trouble here!

Vastrix saw his window of opportunity and ran up, and bicycle kicked Sato across the neck and head, dropping him flat on his face straight onto the ring mat. He then started stomping on him like a wild man possessed. With a blood-stained chin and blood-stained teeth, most of the children sitting in the front rows began to get scared and cry. Sato could not get his arm loose and absorbed the punishment until he stopped moving.

Chris Rodgers: That's more like it! Show this Karate kid how to wrestle Vastrix!

Scott Slade: That's wrestling? Seems more like a street fight execution!

Vastrix spat blood onto Sato and flipped the martial artist onto his back, causing his arm to bend awkwardly. He then pinned him for a cover hooking the leg methodically.

Scott Slade: Vastrix with a cover! ONE! TWO!! KICK OUT, SATO!!!

Vastrix couldn't believe that Sato had kicked out but didn't waste any time while he had the advantage. He got to his feet, sprung off the ropes, delivered a leg drop on Sato, and then attempted to cover him up again for the win.

Scott Slade: Leg drop and cover! ONE! TWO!! SATO KICK'S OUT AGAIN!!!

Chris Rodgers: This kid just won't quit, Scott!

Vastrix got to his feet and started arguing with the referee, screaming at him for a slow count, convinced that he had Sato for a three count. This allowed Sato to rip his arm out of the hole he'd created when he attempted to finish Vastrix earlier in the match. As Jeremiah turned around, he was caught entirely off guard when Sato hit him with a series of three snap crescent kicks straight to his head. Sato then spun down low for a reverse roundhouse wheel kick that swept Jeremiah's legs out from under him, dislodging his footing from the wrestling mat. Vastrix fell flat on his back. Sato then dove onto the mat and covered Vastrix for a pin.

Scott Slade: Vastrix is rocked with a multitude of kicks! Takuma with the pin! ONE! TWO!! NO!!! Vastrix gets his foot on the bottom ring rope just in time, and the referee is forced to break the pin!

Chris Rodgers: Great awareness! Now, if he can stay focused, he may get back into this fight!

Sato picked Vastrix up by his long black hair and leaned him onto the ropes. Jeremiah was stunned and could barely stand when Sato Axe kicked Vastrix straight on the bridge of his nose, shattering his white metallic phantom of the opera-like mask. The blow sent him over the top rope and onto the floor outside of the ring. The fans erupted as Vastrix rolled around on the floor, holding his face, thrashing about in pain. However, Sato did not pursue Vastrix out onto the floor. He waited inside the ring as the referee started his count.

Chris Rodgers: I can't believe Sato's been able to come back after getting his arm caught in the ring like that!

Scott Slade: That Axe kick did a number on Vastrix! His mask is broken, and he's gushing blood from his nose! Things have really taken a turn for the worse here for Vastrix!

Jeremiah barely got back into the ring in time before being counted out. Sato allowed him to get back to his feet and then gave him a little grin before darting towards him with another combo. The first punch landed, but the next three Vastrix blocked with some help from his cybernetic eye. He then retaliated with a kick to Sato's midsection, grabbed Sato by the head, and delivered a swift swinging neck breaker.


Chris Rodgers: Vastrix is going to the top rope! This is a gutsy move!

Scott Slade: This is for all the marbles!

Jeremiah wanting to make double sure to put this one away, went to the turnbuckle and climbed up to the top rope. He then leaped off it and landed a massive diving elbow drop directly on Takuma Sato's chest. The impact was devastating, and the fans exploded as Vastrix covered Sato.

Scott Slade: Flying elbow drop! The cover! ONE! TWO!! THREE! It's over! Jeremiah Vastrix is advancing to the final to face Valora Salinas!

Chris Rodgers: What a crazy match! What a victory for this man! Look at the expression on Ivan Stricker's face! He looks like he's going to cry! He can't believe his prized fighter just lost!

Scott Slade: Without a doubt, the best match we've seen in Ultimate Wrestling! An instant classic if there ever was one!



"Down Low" by R Kelly started to play over the speakers inside the arena as the referee helped the beaten, bruised, and bloody Jeremiah onto his feet. He then raised his hand in the air before pointing at him, declaring him the match's winner.


Scott Slade: Ladies and gentlemen! We are out of time! Join us next week when we crown our first Franchise champion!

The live feed cut out with a close-up of Ivan Stricker with his hands in his face, utterly distraught beyond belief. As the wrestling fans in attendance began to file out of the arena, it became clear that both men needed medical attention.


Later that night, inside the Presidential Suite, the 45th president of America, Ronald McStrump, was enjoying his dinner. Multiple bags of Fat Burger and sandwich boxes littered the room's fancy dining table. Across from the President, who was currently stuffing his face with a triple cheeseburger smothered in ketchup, was Ultimate Wrestling's owner Rupert Mudcock. Rupert looked on at the Commander in chief as he disgustingly chewed his food without closing his mouth.

President McStrump: I'll tell you, Rupert, this country is a mess…mmmhhh I love these pickles… mmm so good! Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah! My predecessor practically ruined this country! The nation is $19,844,955,149,782 in debt, the markets are in a massive bubble that could pop at any moment, we've got drugs pouring across our southern border, and we're allowing tons of immigrants to come into our country that could be terrorists!

Rupert Mudcock: You don't have to tell me, Mr. President! MOX News has never wavered away from telling the American people the truth.

President McStrump: That's why I like you, Rupert! You're not fake news like ANN or MSANC…oooh goodness, gracious, I just love it when the burgers are dripping with animal lard, you know what I'm talking about, Rupert?

Rupert Mudcock: I uh… of course, Mr. President, who doesn't like a good burger? Nothing more American!

President McStrump: Anyway, I wanted to thank you for all the BIGLY coverage your morning show MOX and Buddies have given us every morning. That's why I am here, besides needing a break from the White House! I mean, who knew being President could be so hard! I'm exhausted!

Rupert Mudcock: What do you mean, sir? I thought this was just a recreational visit.

President McStrump: The wall on the southern border will be completed in 4 weeks. We're spending 40 Billion dollars to have it built ahead of time.

Rupert Mudcock: What does that have to do with my company? Are you sure spending that much on the wall is wise after increasing the military budget by another 50 billion dollars 60 day's into your presidency? I mean, you just stated how bad the national debt is I…

McStrump slammed his fist hard on the table, crushing his fast-food burger in the process. The ketchup oozed out of the subhuman grade meat and into the expensive silk table cloth.

President McStrump: Are you questioning me, Rupert?

Rupert Mudcock: I uh… No sir! That sounds like a great plan, sir!

President McStrump: Good! So I want you, and by you, I mean Ultimate Wrestling, to be at the celebration of the wall's completion! Will call it the BRAWL AT THE WALL! A PAY-PER-VIEW EVENT! You can't buy better publicity for this traveling circus show of yours! Plus, I think it will ease the tension on the far left.

Rupert Mudcock: It would be an honor, sir! Thank you, sir!


I enjoyed your piece and I'm not even a fan of wrestling. Although if they filmed this I'd probably watch it just for some more enjoyment. As for the format changes you had to make it's always best to check your work then leave it for a while, at least overnight. When you're as close to it as you obviously are it often seems like what you had in your head because you are so familiar with it. I know people who write who will take a few days off before coming back to their piece with fresh eyes. Of course that all flies out of the window if you are trying to meet a deadline lol

Hey thanks for the kind words! I will try to take your advice before posting but yes I'm against deadline for the character writers who are eager to read the show to find out what happened in their matches.

If you have time please vote for us in this pole! Chapter 3 will be out next week! https://www.poll-maker.com/poll1847268x99c646Eb-49?s=res

Yeah I thought this was pretty entertaining as well! Script has almost a comic book feel to it that I really like.

Hello, MAP12 has started! please go to "Six of the Best" MAP12 Minnow Contest [Vote Now - Win Upvotes]. Please look at the suggestions for all participants, especially creating a comment showcasing your best recent work. Good luck!

And don't forget, you can get further inspiration and assistance at the MAP Members Only Discord chatroom.

Cool thank's! Just made few format changes to this post. Missed a few things when I originally posted. That is what I get for posting when I am sleep deprived.

Up votes, Comments, and critiques welcome 😀👍🏻

Attempted promoting this show with 9 dollars. Looks like I am going to lose out but that's okay! It's a learning experience :) Still having a lot of fun on SteemIt.