Bad WWE Decisions Series #1 - Breaking Up Enzo and Big Cass

in #wrestling8 years ago

Recently the WWE broke up one of the more entertaining tag teams they had on the roster - Enzo Amore and Big Cass. Now, for me, this is quite unfortunate as I was a huge fan of this duo - for quite a while they were the only shining moment for me on Monday Night Raw (outside of Sasha Banks who was growing stale wrestling Charlotte Flair repeatedly). WWE decided it was time to break this duo up, according to Big Cass in his "coming out" comments they had been together for over seven years - from Florida Championship Wrestling which became NXT on up to the WWE main roster on Monday Night Raw. I remember catching a few of their matches in NXT when they were teamed up with Carmella (who is also on the main roster but on Smackdown Live).


How we got here

For a few weeks, maybe just over a month, we saw either Enzo or Big Cass "just after" someone attacked them and laid them out backstage. This brought another NXT tag team up from NXT who were accused along with Big Show as the perpetrators of these attacks. Corey Graves, one of the color commentary members on Monday Night Raw, revealed that it was in fact Big Cass that was behind the attacks and he had video footage to prove it. At least prove that Big Cass was not attacked the previous week or so, rather Big Cass faked the attack.

This led to Enzo not believing Graves and imploring Big Cass to say it was not true. Big Cass said it was true and began to run down Enzo (who shed a tear at hearing the hateful things his former partner was saying). Big Cass ended this segment by kicking Enzo with a big boot (a set up move that Hulk Hogan used in his matches).

They had a few matches and whatnot where Enzo came up short each time, even after enlisting the help of Big Show. Now Big Show and Big Cass are going to wrestle at Summer Slam while Enzo is in a shark cage hung above the ring. Why are wrestling companies so infatuated with a shark cage?

My problem with breaking the team up

First of all, there is no way that Enzo can realistically win any match against Big Cass. Not without help of some kind. Even with the help of Big Show, Enzo is often coming up short (no pun intended).

Second, the tag team were WAY over with fans. Moreso than some of the classic teams that we constantly hear referenced on WWE television to try and leverage some of their fanfare to a new tag team the Connecticut based company is pushing. They didn't have to do that with Enzo and Big Cass, the fans were in love with this tag team and the only thing left to do was give them a title run.

Did we get that? Nope. This tag team has never held WWE gold. They may have in NXT, I only caught a few of their matches there and none were them holding gold or fighting for it. Also, no one references them as former NXT tag team champs so I figure they never got it there either.

WWE could have had a major marketing gimmick with these two. They blew it and now it really sucks. They were over with fans better than every other team except maybe the Hardy's at their return this year at Wrestlemania.

What does the future hold for either member? Big Cass is already being pushed as a major force, even though he is not (his mic skills are worse than Roman Reigns and his in ring work is not fluid at all). Enzo is being played up as a joke but still, fans are behind him 10000000% and that is what matters, or should anyhow.


Enzo, aside from being a mediocre wrestler comes off as a loudmouth jackass in real life too if all the backstage stories are to be believed, I don't think he will be in the company much longer though I do wish that's not the case as he is good on the mic and can improve his abilities.

I personally think Enzo has a bright future.

As a manager. Imagine him on the outside of the ring, egging on opponents, distracting them, etc. Doing all the stuff a good manager does.

This is something WWE once had in spades but now has lost all that side entertainment for whatever reason. Look at Paul Heyman. He has helped guys like Brock Lesnar quite a bit over the years. Letting Lesnar focus on being intimidating without having to talk. Silence can be more powerful than words. Just look at the early days of Bill Goldberg and how people still talk about the streak and such.

Enzo could maybe handle a stable of guys and gals. He could be the second coming of the Godfather gimmick but on a children's level.

His feud with Big Cass is just highlighting his lack of ability. They want Big Cass to be a bad guy they should have reversed roles. EnO should have 'been troubled' over the breakup and went on his day on 205 Live or something and Big Cass constantly interfering for a few months, setting up a 'surprise' at a major PPV with Big Show coming out to help Enzo. Instead we get Big Show being made to look no better than Enzo against Cass.

Such a. Wasted opportunity.

I love Enzo but he couldn't wrestle his way out of brown paper bag. You can hide him in a tag matches. You can hide him in single matches only when he's squashed by someone like Big Cass. Enzo is in a strange predicament where he's ready to be a star, but he's not ready to be wrestler. So you can: 1. send him down to NXT for a cuppa years and hope he figures it out. 2. send him to 205 where the skilled cruiserweights can carry him in the ring, and Enzo can in turn, carry the 205 roster in the entertainment side. 3. Hook him up with another big guy for a tag partner and have him do the same shit, but it won't be as good. All these are incredibly risky moves that destroy Enzo's career. I think Big Cass is going to be money who will be in the main event seen by after Mania. Then again the WWE fucks up everyone's push so who really knows.

I meant to say "could destroy Enzo's career"

Can't stand Enzo, a bonafied jobber and a certified a-hole, the realest loser in the room! And You can't teach that!

C'mon Geoffrey. Enzo is prob one of the most entertaining guys on Raw. He's one of the few guys that can cut a promo without sounding like he's rehearsing for a high school play. Too bad he can't wrestle though.

Eh. It gets old after awhile when the character behind him is a jobber. New age outlaws were much more entertaining and far more over than Enzo and cass ever were. Same type of promo. Maybe if they move Enzo to cruiserweight and have him died with Neville and win that belt, he can then start to build credibility.

Yeah it is the same deal as the New Age Outlaws. Enzo has more range on the mic, hes just a complete libility in the ring. He just looks like a chicken with his head cut off. Remember when he gave himself a concussion bc he decided to try and slide under the roads after being whipped into the ropes? You almost wonder if he should just befome a manager, and be someone's mouth piece.

I have to agree with you. Enzo's character standing alone is a death sentence to anyone he legitimately beats.

Now, him and Big Cass together, obviously Cass backing those verbal checks that Enzo writes, they could have done well. Hate one or the other but you have to admit, as a team, they we're good together.

Eh. If they were that good, why did they never win belts??? I guess Enzo has a certain humor some like but definitely not for me at all

I followed ya. Im always down for wrestling banter.

Eh, we all know it is up to WWE creative and Vince to decide who gets gold or not. Often the reason is to help wrestlers get over with the crowd or lend legitimacy to a gimmick they are pushing (Reigns as a "bad-ass" for instance, or The New Day conglomerate). It is actually a good thing, to me, that Enzo and Big Cass never captured gold in their run as a tag team.

Jim Duggan was over quite well with the crowd. Never held gold.
Cryme Tyme were over extremely well. No gold.
Jimmy Snuka is well remembered and loved by many fans. Again, no gold.
Jake Roberts rocked an amazing gimmick that had fans cringing but no gold around his waste.
Junkyard Dog had a great likable gimmick and was over with fans really well, especially younger ones (much like Enzo is). There was never gold around Junkyard though.

There are many more I can point out that were really over with the crowd in one way or another yet they failed to capture gold in their careers. Being a champion is not the end all be all for a character - though I am sure it is a rush none the less for the person portraying that role.