
Still need the words to explain?

Yes. At least from the perspective of someone who would rather enjoy life while it lasts than be remembered.

Though actors make for a bad example, as their levels of fame and wealth are usually equivalent.

I understood it as more of an "either or" question.

I would not say Anyone who would want to enjoy their life, would be remembered.
We have to give up all our enjoyments, so we could work day and night so that what we achieve as a result of our hardwork will be appreciated by the whole world.

I'm still not hearing why it is so important to be remembered.

I prefer to be happy while I can, rather than have statues of me litter the landscape under which I rest.

Everyone's perception is different, Happiness is a state of mind. Some are happy with money, some are with their loved ones, some are happy when they are alone. You can't generalise everyone on your choice of Life. You want to be happy in your life, how can you be happy? By doing what you like. Those who want to be remembered, are doing througout their life what makes them happy.

I wasn't projecting, just curious about the motivation behind the goal because I only ever heard about the goal itself. And if all that makes you happy, great! I hope you achieve your goals. It's just that you were talking about a life of hardship, not happiness.

We have to give up all our enjoyments, so we could work day and night so that what we achieve as a result of our hardwork will be appreciated by the whole world.

Nope, most people LIVE IN THE MOMENT, not many give a single fuck about what happens after their death, including the political "revolutionaries" .
Heath ledger really enjoyed his work, he hasn't "given up" his pleasures and just doing his thing. Now if people want to glorify him then that's an added bonus, but the man himself probably didn't set out looking for that.
People like Einstein or Tesla didn't give up their pleasures to do science all day for years , it was something they really loved doing. Public recognition is the byproduct.

Living to be "remembered" is no living at all. I'd suggest not taking inspiration from Hollywood celebs, sports stars and even other "successful" people like Zuckerberg, Musk or Hawking. They are usually superficial and shallow in public, and sometimes even act as mouthpieces for MSM

Well, If you compare them to a normal person, The enjoyment for a normal preson is to watch T.V, Surf social media, Waste time in non productive activities.
But for those, They have made their work their life and their enjoyment.
Now who is really enjoying his life and who is just wasting time. That's why I said to give up all our enjoyments to achieve anything.