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RE: Would You Rather Have: Fame or Money?

in #wouldyourather7 years ago (edited)

Hmm...putting myself into the shoes of famous people, I have to say "no thanks".

To be "uber" famous is to have attention constantly on you; to have little to no privacy, or, alternatively, to be forced into a sheltered (hermit) lifestyle; to have every single action and word scrutinized by the public; to have a big following of supporters, sure, but also a huge group of haters (it's not uncommon for pro athletes and movie stars to get daily hate-mail and even death threats). To be famous is more of a curse than a blessing, IMO.

I'm after peace (peace of mind), so I'd rather be left alone than a target to millions (billions?) of eyes. Give me a huge lot of land with little or no human activity and a lot of nature and bird-song and I'll live blissfully, thank you very much :)


well, both fame and money we have to earn and they don't come easy. we have to put a lot of efforts to achieve even a little bit.

That may be true, but we have a choice what we do with our money (energy) and we may not have much, or any, choice over what other people do (to us; how we're treated) because of our fame.

That sound lame, if we are famous, It doesn't mean that we will be targeted specifically. Yes all our words, actions and whatever we do would be scrutinised by people we don't know, but that would be part of a life.
And where there is money involved, there is lot more politics than fame.
Those mafia guys, and underworld would be more interested in money, not in clicking a picture with you.

I personally don't understand people's draw to fame, maybe it's a result of our differences of personality. For me, personally, I don't need or want attention; in fact, I prefer to be away from it and to have my own, private, friendships and "business partners", if/when I ever feel the need to have that type of relationship.

I'd rather work behind the scenes, without all the distractions and potential threats of being a well known person. Less distractions and more "free time", IMO, leads to more production and more personal time to spend with family and friends.

Lame, to me, is desiring to have people care (or, at least, know) about you. I don't give two shits what people think about me, or whether I'm relevant to them, and it feels great to be this way.

Well, whatever kind of life suits us, we lead that, I can't prove you wrong, maybe you are right for your own, at the end what matters is if we are able to live our life how we wanted or not.

So long as that lifestyle doesn't impose unnecessary suffering on other people, we're in agreement :)