
Gespannt wie es weitergeht - bislang hat nur Russland überzeugt oder? Übrigens kannst nich beim #charityworldcup contest mitmachen, die ersten Auktionen enden heute bereits.

It is indeed what Iceland accomplished in that game. And its not luck as you pointed out this is now consistent with their performance during the European cup so it's no fluke. Discipline really is the best quality one can instill in kids. Talent is good. But discipline is better because while talent is not something you consciously choose, discipline is. Since everyone has some talent - something they do better than most, imagine what happens when that is found and combined with discipline.

The case of Iceland is that of determination and self believe in themselves to succeed and the truly prove that in the field of play, they were focus , determine and hardworking throughout the 90 minutes of the game. And taking a clue from them yesterday and apply it into steemit platform it pay to be focus and hardworking by building your steemit account gradually to attain your set goal here on steemit. It pays to be focus and hardworking in other to achieved success

mir gefällt es immer wieder wenn ein Aussenseiter Schlagzeilen macht! (obwohl, wenn man in der Endrunde der WM ist, kann man dann von aussenseiter reden?)
Ps.: Hatten gestern in Salzburg ein Steemit Meetup, lg

I really understand you view and opinions on this brother, I thought Argentina would devoured the team like Iceland but to my surprise, the match actually end drew. I guess there is need to convert little resources we have at our disposal to make good results from it. I learned a great lesson from yesterday match, big name, big team is not always the answer.

Though this doesn't mean that team like Argentina won't have their way to the top or hold the cup in the end, just like Portugal performance @euro. In which they eventually emerged has winner.

If Iceland does make it to the next round it'll be truly remarkable for such a tiny nation. Am sure a lot of people wrote them off completely, I'll love to see them spring more surprises

Excellent comparison between the analysis of the game of yesterday vs life .... It is true that we should NOT feel limited by being small or have any apparent disadvantage!

Having an obvious disadvantage doesn't mean you can't beat a giant.

Very true sir. Having a disadvantage that is so obvious to people does not mean one can't make it. It's about determination to get a desired target in life.

The crawling of the snail does mean weakness but rather it means consistency in that journey

Thank you for this inspiration.

I am not sure France will last longer in this cup. a really poor match from Argentina who still think that Messi is Maradonna and will give them the world cup. PFFRE

You are right buddy we cant judge a team by seeing only one performance.
A winner was once a looser

I definitely agree with you, what matters is the end, the winner is the only one who will be remembered for ever in history, doesn't matter how they win.

I have to disagree with you in the fact that Messi is the best player in the world, he isn't, not for now, Ronaldo still holds the title. But I understand what you meant, I also like more Messi style.

I feel truly inspired watching Iceland playing soccer, and this is what the worldcup is all about, it’s not about who has the biggest economy to buy the best players, it’s about how United a nation is and how wel they play together.

Of course it is very helpful with star players like Messi and Ronaldo, but like Iceland prove, hard work and teamwork can be a winning concept !

Toller Beitrag.
Ich gebe dir vollkommen recht, es ist echt bewundernswert was Island leistet. Obwohl sie gegen einen schier übermächtigen Gegner spielen, welcher überdies mit einer geballten Offensivpower daher kommt, gehen die wackeren Isländer mit einer Packung Selbstvertrauen, Mut und Disziplin in das Spiel, das ihresgleichen sucht.
Und du hast vollkommen recht, nur weil man einen Nachteil hat oder einem im Vorhinein keine Chancen zugerechnet werden, kann man alles schaffen wenn man will und alles dafür gibt.

Iceland surprised me yesterday .seeing how they played against Argentina made me to understand this .
Work towards your goal in life with courage ,constancy and faith that you can do it and i tell you ,65℅ is sure .

For Messi everybody can miss penalty and he played verywell just that people where compering him with Ronaldo forgetting that everybody works in his own pace .

Nice analysis brother

Have a great week ahead .

This world cup might move out of the expectations of most people,many unexpected is happening that is to show that we don't have to neglect any team that came for this world cup.

Iceland ,I didn't watch this match live but I followed the commentry and they really tried ,upon this is their first world cup if am not mistaken,but let us not forget what they did to England in European cup.the day I saw that dangerous group I know things will not be easy in that group.

France in the other hand felt that the game will be easy for them because they thought they have what it takes to beat Australia ,but what they saw in the was a different thing,australia showed them that they came for this world cup by Merit not by chance .is true that they losed but the played a good game.

To Argentina side ,they played a good game but luck was not on their side ,this is also their first match so no judgement yet.

To people who was shouting that C Ronaldo is better then Messi because of the hard trick ,I laugh because this is world cup and as Ray said the end point is the cup. Portugal don't have that team for that world cup unless the favour that followed them to win the European cup is still with them.

Thanks for this analysis friend .

Hi my friend! Excellent analysis of the situation, I liked to read how to deal in detail with the game of Iceland. Determination is of great importance both in life and in the game! Personally, I liked the game of this team! I'm surprised at the results of the World Cup! Thank you