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RE: dTube: Trump Clown: It's Not War, It's a "Military Attack on Another Country"

in #world7 years ago

Election meddling is not a military attack or an act of war, it is a hostile act that breaches the target nations Souvereignity, Constitution and laws. What I find interesting is that at the very same moment that the USA is bitching and moaning about foreign meddling in US affairs that same US is meddling in Syria, Venezuela, Korea, Russia etc.

If election meddling in US elections is wrong then it must be wrong universally and not just wrong when it happens to the USA so I would expect the US congress and Gov to lead by example and principle and ban itself from such actions.


The US is constantly meddling. You are right. The US has meddled in countless elections, not to mention its military meddling. The lack of self-awareness here is startling.