How Long Do We Have Before A Doomsday Event?

in #world7 years ago


Do you remember all the conspiracy theories surrounding the year 2012 and how the world was going to end on December 21, 2012? Of course you do, because the world didn’t end and you’re still alive!

But that doesn’t mean that a doomsday event won’t ever happen. Just ask the dinosaurs. Wait. You can’t. They’re all dead! The fact is, despite all our technological advances, we just can’t predict when a global catastrophe is going to happen.

Earth’s history shows that it happens from time to time due to various natural reasons and ‘our’ history shows that we have the capability and the tendency to cause such a catastrophe ourselves.

That’s why one of the brightest minds of our time, Stephen Hawking, thinks that humanity has only about 100 years to live if we do not do anything about it soon.

Really? Only 100 Years?


If some random person on the internet had said so, I would probably have laughed and brushed it off but if Stephen Hawking says so, it must have some credibility, am I right?

So, how exactly could the world end in just 100 years? Well, there are always natural phenomena that could happen at any instant (we wouldn’t even have to wait 100 years), like an asteroid impact. We miss many of these and only hear about it after they just miss the Earth by a small distance.

There are also deadly diseases that might cause a widespread epidemic killing a major portion of humanity. Just recently I read an article about how the melting permafrost may unlock ancient diseases that we may know absolutely nothing about.

Then there is climate change that can cause wide spread extinction of life in various ways. If you want to know how exactly climate change can cause extinction, check this article out.

Then there are the human causes. If even by mistake, one of the many countries that has nuclear weapons were to launch one in the air towards another country, chances are, others would do the same, causing total annihilation.

These are only some of the ways that we could go. There are tons of other ways which might lead us to our extinction and the possibility of each happening increases with time. So, what do we do about it?

How Do We Survive?


The answer is simple really. Just colonise another planet! Ok, it’s not that simple or even simple. Actually it is very hard and it will take sheer determination, lots of technological breakthroughs and time to achieve that.

Thankfully, Elon Musk and some others have started this process and are eyeing for a permanent and self sustaining colony on Mars within the century. That puts us within the range of Stephen Hawking’s prediction.

NASA has its own plans to put humans on Mars too and so does China which plans to send humans there in the coming decades. UAE has similar plans as well. This might be the beginning of another space race, but this will help ensure humanity’s survival.

Right now humanity has all its eggs in one basket, called planet Earth and until we change that, we are in danger. We can also improve on a lot of our activities here on this planet, so that it has very less impact on the environment and therefore reduces the chances of any doomsday event.


WAKE UP PEOPLE! They slowly condition us to accept that is why it never comes and yet it has already come. We are sick and are financially in debt. How many people live above your means. If you cannot pay for it in cash you cannot afford it and do not need it. Our government should take a lesson from that. The problem is that our government does not run this country. it is the banks and elites that run the shadow government. They slowly condition us to accept their agenda thus no revolt. WAKE UP PEOPLE. Our grand parents were preppers because they went through the depression. We as a people have become too lazy and dependent on the system. There was a time that folks would take the ashes from their wood burning stoves and put them on their gardens. That is how they got their 90 minerals and vitamins. Today we eat at the local restaurant. WE ARE DUMBED DOWN AND SICK. WAKE UP FOLKS!

I don't think we're at gloom and doom dire shit right now, but we should definitely learn to rely upon ourselves and our neighbors. I barely even talk to the guy who lives next to me...

Our society has become that way. How many folks go out on a porch. Children stay inside and get on their tablets and Ipods. We do not introduce ourselves to each other...let alone asking for a cup of sugar or to borrow the hammer. We don't help each other. They have conditioned us over a period of decades to ignore our neighbors. It started with the radio then the TV set then the computer and tablet. Before you knew it we were living inside instead of getting the fresh outdoor sun. SAD.

Agree 100%! I'd add that even if those private companies manage to make a settlement in Mars, folks! that's not going to be for us! Their aim are profits! So you can expect (if they manage) to have a nice, prosperous settlement for the billionaires bankers and alike. It's already difficult to move to another country. Imagine to another planet! NOT IN THE CURRENT SYSTEM!

Buy bitcoin and silver.

It's sad that not enough people in the world are aware of this but hey, I hear about more and more people who are awakened to it and that makes me hopeful.

Sweet article you came up with. Nice to see the wink to Elon Musk in there too. I bet he'd be pleased to see his name down here. ;) Namaste :)

Thank you so much for the kind words :) I doubt Elon Musk would care about me mentioning him ;)

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and have the 3 Gs (Gold, Guns and a Get away plan), my grandpa always said!

Humanity needs to prepare for sure. But against a global destruction, neither gold nor guns can save us only a get away plan and that get away plan is to get to Mars. :)

Right! Collectively a reduction of the population would also solve a lot of our problems! So Nitemare will not reproduce himself! ;-)

haha that is kinda dark ;)

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"How Long Do We Have Before A Doomsday Event?"

It's what ever TIME you are able to contribute.

Everyone has a certain amount of TIME.

Enjoy the TIME while it last...

Yeah, that is true on an individual basis but I was talking about humanity as a whole.

Call me "spiritual" but I have FAITH that LIFE human or species WILL always THRIVE.

That's a really positive outlook. I like it :)

Indeed it ends when it ends!

Has anyone ever heard of the "Hollow Earth" theory? Well, if you have not, look it up. In short, the theory claims that there is another world of living beings on the inside of the Earth. This place has its own small sun and it is always daytime. Very interesting and possibly true, check it out!

But how can the early be both hollow AND flat?

It can be hollow, but it is not flat

I see, that clears things the earth is definitely not flat because that's ridiculous but there may be living beings inside our hollow earth. Got it. ;)

Now, I was never saying that the Earth "is" hollow, I said it "can" be. There is a possibility, even though it is not likely. It is an interesting theory that has been around for a long time, based off of several people who have claimed to either been down in the "Hollow Earth" or seen the apparent hole in the North Pole. Furthermore, I do not believe that the Earth is flat, it has been scientifically proven several times. However, this "Hollow Earth" theory has not been scientifically proven or debunked, thus it is still a mystery.

Yes, I have heard about it a lot and done some research on my own. I have heard of reports of flying objects coming out of craters in the north pole and they suspect that, that might be the connection between the world below and ours.

Of course, non of this has been confirmed and these days, there are so many theories about so many things one doesn't know what to believe anymore. My mind boggles sometimes when I read the things I do!

Of course! it boggles my mind as well. Out of the several "existence" theories, it is one of the more interesting ones!

That is way too far fetched..inside the earths core underground there is an ocean about 400 miles beneath North America! Some conspiracies just don't add up, and can be yet interesting..

And if the governments keep up with the nuclear horse shit and pretty soon all life will eventually be gone.

Yeah, that's for sure. It is one of the major threats to humanity.

Hawking may be smart and he may be a strangely charismatic and inspirational person, but he is by no means an expert in this. So you shouldn't value his opinion on this that much higher than the average internet Joe. Still, we are facing existential dangers and he is not being literal but warning us about our catastrophic effect on the planet.

Also keep in mind that no matter how inhospitable Earth becomes, it will always be easier to survive on than Mars. You might not be able to ask the Dinosaurs, but you can still as their descendants that are still around and mostly thriving - the birds.

Agreed. Stephen Hawking's prediction should be looked as a warning rather than an exact timeline and I think that was his intent in the first place.

Also, yes, life would be easier on Earth than Mars but once Mars is terraformed, and similar conditions are created on Mars, it will be not that different. Of course, that could take hundreds of years.

Yes, absolutely. I mentioned the thing about Mars because it needs to be clear that Mars is by no means a solution to our current environmental problems. We are likely to be facing huge problems in the coming decades but solving them would certainly remain more feasible than terraforming a whole different planet that currently takes 9 months to fly to and that's only 2 times a year when things a align. It will always be easier to find a way to clean the air on Earth than to somehow create breathable air on Mars.

Yes, that is correct. Neil DeGrasse Tyson said that instead of going to Mars, we should focus on solving our problem here on Earth.

I agree with that but I also agree that we can do both. We absolutely have to solve problems of Earth but we should also be preparing Mars for a second home. That is the whole point of guaranteeing survival in case anything happens to Earth in say, 1000 years.

Absolutely! We should and we have to do both and I want us to do both too. It will be like living in the future.

It sure will! :)

Maybe the reason there is a mad scramble to colonize other planets is because there is an event in the not too distant future which has the capacity to wipe out earth life and reset the planet? Think about it.

Yeah, there are lots of possibilities of such an event. We miss asteroids all the time. Who knows when one could hit us. I have mentioned other such events in the article too.

We don't know the date or hour only god know.

However we do know the season and will have the wisdom to understand when that time comes.

Yes, we do not know and that is precisely the reason why we should have already done something about it. Well, at least they are doing it now!

There have always been talks about doomsday approaching from the coming economic collapse or Planet X , or WW3 all the way to an alien invasion. People have been talking about that since the beginning of time. But what can we do? If it's our time then, then it's our time. I'm just going to try and live my life right.

The saddest thing is that despite the obvious indicators of this planet's next mass extinction being well on its way, there's little to no will to do something about it. Our tiny little brain is not equipped to deal with global threats. We are still a very primitive species with some fancy toys, that's all.

Yeah, we always tend to think on the micro level and not on the macro. That is why we seldom think about the bigger issues that affect us all and instead think about what we will have for breakfast or what dress to wear to a party.

I am not saying we can't think about stuff like that but we should also be making conscious efforts into doing something about the coming global catastrophe. Thankfully some efforts have started. Now, we should ensure that we do not hinder them in any way.

Nasa and all big scientific "Corporations " never disclose truth... and regarding Hawkins.. he is saying we are opening "Doors of Hell" allowing other dimension beings to enter in our reality at CERN... 100 years too far....

No, as a matter of fact, Hawking didn't say that. It was Pope Francis who said that.

Well the author of post says so...

Which post?

Doomsday article

My article? I never said that Hawking said those things about doors of hell and other dimensional beings.

C'mon man... not about your article... check videos on youtube and search for comments of hawkings on Cern

Spot on

sooner or later, someone will do something stupid and cause some sort of doomsday even...its inevitable...humans do stupid stuff...and someone will do it just to watch...and oh what a mistake it will until then, we can all guess what that might be!

Yeah, human stupidity knows no bounds. I sometimes question whether we are really an intelligent species in the truest meaning of the word. I just hope that until we manage to colonise other planets, we can keep our stupidity under check.

Really the whole thing about what scenario will kill us or drastically reduce our population is more of a self fulfilling prophecy kinda like the Ben Affleck movie about seeing into the future, if you see the future has a big war and you want to protect against it you build an army but unknowingly your actions lead to that very war. Very interesting movie, so I see us doing something like that. The elites will always come up with something, the best thing the little people like us can do is know their plan and hedge against it. Like buying silver or Crypto currencies as a hedge against the doomed dollar at the end of this fiscal year (September-ish).

Yeah, I would like to get a lot of bitcoins and steem myself too ;)

Neil Degrasse Tyson on the Joe Rogan Experience brought up the point that no matter what we do, it will be more realistic to focus on fixing/prolonging our time on Earth than leaving would be. I think that makes sense.

Yes, I have heard him say that a lot. But I kind of disagree with him. Yes, we need to focus our attention at fixing problems on Earth, but there are enough of us that we can do both. Solving problems here on Earth, and colonise other planets.

You don't have to be in debt. I'm new to steemit and started a blog to tell you how my family got out of debt and how we have a 3/2 on an acre paid in full. It's all in the timing!

I thought doomsday was supposed to be 12-12-12...before that is was 11-11-11 and before that Y2K...

yeah, these are different kind of predictors who don't have any substance behind their predictions. But what Stephen Hawking and others are predicting is backed by all the problems we can actually see and feel.

Humans have always been great at bringing about their own demise and of course we'll die, no big deal, we've done it many times before...nothing to fear.

Yeah, I guess, if everyone goes, what's the big deal, eh?

No, it definitely is a big deal and I'm all about limiting our impact on the earth. I'm not at all trying to diminish what you're saying. It's absolutely important to take care of our planet, clearly Mars is not a viable option if we destroy our beautiful home here.
You've got some really great posts. I'm following. ❤️

Thanks for the follow :) Followed you too.

If you're not familiar with the 'Doomsday Clock, then you should probably get to knowin.

The iconic device, created and maintained by The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, takes into account the many potential factors that may bring about the end of the world, including nuclear threats, climate change and biosecurity, in order to accurately predict a potential apocalypse.

Founded in 1945 by University of Chicago scientists who had helped develop the first atomic weapons in the Manhattan Project, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists created the Doomsday Clock two years later, using the imagery of apocalypse (midnight) and the contemporary idiom of nuclear explosion (countdown to zero) to convey threats to humanity and the planet.

We're guessing that by now, you've been able to surmise exactly what happens when this figurative clock strikes "midnight."

But just who is it that owns the great power of deciding whether or not to move the Earth closer to its figurative expiration date?

The decision to move (or to leave in place) the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock is made every year by the Bulletin's Science and Security Board in consultation with its Board of Sponsors, which includes 17 Nobel laureates, the description reads.

Sounds legitimate.

Unfortunately, the clock is expected to be moved one minute closer to midnight on Thursday, largely due to increasing tensions between Russia and the United States.

If the move actually does happen, this will mark the closest the world has been to the apocalypse since 1953, when the U.S. upgraded its nuclear arsenal with the hydrogen bomb.

The hands of the Clock of Doom have moved again, the Bulletin announced in '53. "Only a few more swings of the pendulum, and, from Moscow to Chicago, atomic explosions will strike midnight for Western civilization."

Yes, I know about the doomsday clock and it's scary every time the hands move closer to midnight. One thing is for sure, we don't have much time. We need to act and act fast and that is I think the very thing that we doing now. Let's just hope that there are no unwanted and unnecessary hindrances along the way.

without going all over the place about, money, corruption, governments, conspiracies, etc. Do you not think that we should focus on what is really happening, things that are bigger than all of us!

The Grand Solar Minimum......

Within the next Three to Five Years, the Climate will have changed so much, that the only thing we can do as a species, is survive.

Last week, the U.S lost over 40% of this years Wheat crop, due to "unexpected snow", thousands of cattle were killed, with just One snow storm.

Can you imagine what it will be like, when the temperature drops, because the sun is going into a hibernation period.

Time to get your things in order, for we do not have much time......

Yeah, it's getting dire and dire and the most serious thing is that the leader of the most powerful country in the world denies it!!

According to brahmakumaris there are four time periods Now we are in last yuga called Kaliyuga which is fully dominated by negative forces so there is lot of sorrow and unhappiness. Once Kaliyuga ends after dooms day then Satya yuga starts, there is no sorrow only happiness.

I have heard about it from my parents and done some research on it too. As per Hindu mythology, Kalyug still has many many years before any apocalyptic event.

2012 was actually the end of this:
And the beginning of this:

A doomsday event can take on many different forms beyond what is offered in this article. Global war, financial meltdown, man made virus...all scenarios that Hollywood has made a ton of money with over the last half century. I don't worry about the cosmic event that I can't control, I just pray that humanity can get a handle on the insane psychopaths that can bring us down in so many ways...

Totally! There are many many ways to go. I just didn't mention all of them because the article was already getting long. haha. Anyways, I think the people understood the underlying messgae.

Well Well since we're here, I might suggest grabbing a copy of this just-yesterday-released movie that would give you a hint on a few possible ways we are not only going to survive but do good for ourselves : touching many points you brought up, check out Unacknowledged on vimeo:
and also check my impression of it here on steemit :

Have been seeing a lot of this on Twitter. I am interested in what Dr. Greer has to say.

Yes he has many things to say, and while I do find it very interesting to listen to the man, I am equally if not more interested in the accompanying testimonies.

yeah, me too. He has been silent recently. Hope all his well with him

Why would Mars be the answer? It's atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide, no good for us, and it's mostly a desert, I don't see an answer there. Now why would Stephen Hawking's predictions be better than anyone else's? Can he see the future? No, so he's just another rabblerouser who has ideas, I could also predict the Yelllowstone super volcano that is supposed to exist could explode any day and that would wipe out a lot of people and probably its consequences would reduce the human race. Now why in the world do you worry about things you can't control? If it happens it happens, in any case all of us are going to die one way or another, live life as best you can and that's about the only thing you can do.

I think Mars was chosen for these reasons:

  1. Despite Venus being closer to us and being much larger than Mars, it is also the hottest planet in the solar system. So we can't think about colonising it just yet.
  2. That leaves the second nearest planet which is Mars.
  3. Existence of water in frozen form.
  4. It has a similar day (24.5 hours) as Earth and there are seasons over there too.
  5. Scientists think that they can terraform it and turn it much similar to Earth.
  6. Plants can grow in Martian soil.
  7. Since it as a lower gravity, it could become a pitstop or a stepping stone for further colonisation like Jupiter's moon(s) or Saturn's moon(s).

For why we should believe Stephen Hawking completely, we should not, but he is not the smartest person on Earth for nothing and his predictions have some weight, or at least a lot of people think so.

About worrying about things we can't control - True, but we can control things to a certain degree and each year, technology helps us to expand our control to the point that we can create a second Earth for ourselves and ensure the survival of humanity. Not just this generation but several generations to come in the future.

Look @ VENEZUELA folks...
When it comes, it will be when the trucks stop running. Only 2-3 days supply of food at your local grocery store.

I hope things get better there. I really do.

This doomsday thinking is just an excuse to pursue an insane goal to try to colonize a planet that has nothing to do with us. As other people here have pointed out, no matter how bad Earth is screwed, it will still be a better place than Mars. If the problem is survival of our species, we should build self sustained bases on Earth (maybe underground) and good planetary defenses against asteroids. The real reason for this insane plan to colonize Mars is not our survival, it is because these people are still in the space age of the 20th century and they think a colony on Mars is very cool. And even if we decide to do it just for fun, it is reasonable to point to note that we are on the verge of an AI revolution, when machines will surpass humans in most of our abilities. Machines are perfect for the space and the hostile environments of other planets, so in 20 years will make no sense to send humans to work on colonization. It makes much more sense to send the machines, wait for them to build farms, factories, mining facilities and cities there, and then just go and chill.

You know, I actually wrote about it some days ago. That when a civilisation becomes technologically advanced enough, it would not need to do the exploring itself but have robots do it for them. I agree with this point.

But I also think that we should have some amount of human presence in other planets too. There are many things we do not have control of and if they destroy the entire Earth (despite our best efforts), there should be self sustaining colonies in other planets to keep our species going. That's what I feel anyways :)

In a few decades our science and technology will be so advanced that it will be easy, cheap and safe to send humans to space. AI will bring abundance on Earth and a lot of people may become bored, so, why not do some crazy thing like go to another planet? But to follow Elon Musk's inane dream is too early. Someone may say the clock for a catastrophe is ticking, but we can wait 50 or 100 years. It is possible, though, that a man made extinction can happen in this time (like a engineered virus), but it will still be much easier to build self sustained "colonies" on Earth than on Mars. The proponents of this plan should stop telling they are doing it for humankind, and admit it is just for fun. And, as I said, there is the problem of the second generation on Mars. We have no right to force people to live in a place that looks like hell. I do not see people discussing that.

It happened. I got rid of it. Song of Angels Books is the Hollywood version

I think the end of the world myth is prevalent in human culture and this could be for many reasons. Overall it seems like we are definitely headed somewhere scary pretty fast and we are going to need to get our wits about us if we want to survive with any sort of comfort or control. Really greed has run amok and is causing us a lot of trouble. Look at Nikola Tesla or Bruce Lee or anyone who really tried to show people the way and their power and the greatness of human potential. People in power are afraid of people claiming their power so they shut it down and keep us dumb and unable to thrive. But honestly im not all that worried everything is a cycle and people are waking up all the time and changing the way they live. Good things are on the horizon, especially if we do our due diligence .

If we could only come together despite our differences and work together to ensure good for all, the planet would be a much better place. :)

Every 10 years or so.

I believe the guy that determined 2012 from the Mayan calendar, recently adjusted his computations to May 2017

haha, then he must adjust it again because may is about to end ;)

I'm sure he's beavering away on his prediction for next May lol