The Time We Live In is The Winter of the World

in #world7 years ago

“Winter of the world”, is a cold term used to describe the state of the world during its darkest days. Days in which killing and fighting are a norm. Days like the days of war. Compared to the past, the present time is a great threat. With the innovation of great world super powers, the great inventions, inventions like nuclear bombs have come into being. The destruction of which could wipe small countries off of the face of the earth in one go. The monopoly played by the leaders is full of fraud and corruption, the consequences of which have to be faced by the innocent citizens.

World in the Past:

In the past era, finding happiness was the basic requirement. For Arabs, the time before Islam was introduced was the “winter of their world”, filled with hatred, corruption and utter ignorance. But eventually as Islam spread, it restored the peace that once existed. It brought people out from the darkness into light.

Human Influence on Earth:

The devastation caused by human beings is one of the greatest reasons why today our world is so rotten. Man has done his very best to rid the world of its trees, by cutting them down, setting them on fire etc. for personal means, not caring about the natural disasters that await for them.
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They pollute the water, kill most of the sea animals, and pollute the air causing acid rain. They are so busy “making the world a better place” that they have yet to notice the surplus damage that they have caused to the world around them.
Utah Phillips wisely said:

“The Earth is not dying, it is being killed. And the people who are killing it have names and addresses.”

Role of Natural Disasters:

The natural disasters that occur, though truly unfortunate, are just the payback of nature for what we do to it. The Acid rain, the earthquakes, the increase in thunder storms, Global warming etc. all are the result of how man has treated nature. Ultimately, we have to suffer the consequences ourselves.
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Natural disasters are not the only threat man has. In fact, man is more exposed to danger from another man then being attacked by a wild bear. In today’s world, ruled by lies of media and men with wealth, man is filled with jealousy, envy and utter hatred for the people around him. It is wisely said that “No man is completely happy”. Man will go to any lengths in order to bring the other down. The concept of brotherhood and true friendship has been stepped over by people wearing masks. The smile on their faces doesn’t reach their eyes. True love is a thing of the past. Now is the age to battle their siblings for their parent’s wealth.

Overcoming the Problems:

Even though there are solutions to all the problems man has. But until or unless the entire community follows, it is impossible to bring spring back. Islam came into being to bring the people from darkness into the light, to extract the pure from the evil. But alas, man has once again forgotten, and even though he understands fully the consequences of his actions, but if everyone else is doing it, why shouldn’t he be a part of it as well? Or so he says.

Comparing the Past and the Present:

Even though the past wasn’t all that rainbows and sunshine, but the modern world is still in a terrible condition. The future does not seem to be so bright either. With the way man is behaving. Man is desperate for money and fame. The approach that he takes in order to achieve his goals does not matter to him, as long as he himself gets what he wants.
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In the end, cruel as it may be, this is the world we live in. Corrupt, broken, rotten as it may be, if one could overcome his desires and find pleasures in the little things he possesses he just might be the wealthiest man of them all, wealthy in inner peace and happiness. If man could realize what he is chasing is only an illusion, he just might be able to save himself and the world around him.
As Oscar Wilde advises:

“Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead”.

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Unfortunately this is the world we live in,and even tough we have the technology, and the power, to make it better we choose to see our own interest and forget about the world around us.
Hope someday someone will have the power to make the "wake up" call.

We love our nice world, so need more conscious about the behave with environment.

as soon as mankind realize that climate change is real it will be better for world

This post has received a 36.43 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @sameer777.

Even though we still have many issues, I believe our world is improving because poverty is being reduced and people are having mostly better lives than before thanks to medical and technological innovations.

I believe our world is improving and will continue to do so.

The middle class of today have lives better than Kings from 300-400 years ago

All that you say is true, but at what cost? We have 'externalized' the cost of those gains in the form of planetary destruction. We still make products that are meant to break or even worse are broken on purpose (e.g. Apple killing your i-phone or slowing it down so you'll buy a new one.) Only to keep our "economy" going and the profits flowing to the already wealthy, who don't get to undergo the negative effects because they live in the areas where everything is still pristine.

We could make products that last for decades but that means the rich don't get their yearly profits and you don't get that funky new color fridge etc. I used to work for Phillips and did calculations on when a device should break. I wont bore you with the actual calculations, but it is always the cheapest part that is designed to break, and that part makes production more expensive as well. With that knowledge i repaired quite a few devices by taking parts out, they usually last "forever" after that.

It all comes down to this:
IF they would make fridges that last for 30 years, they wouldn't need to produce more than a couple a day. And where's the profit in that or the jobs?

With the technology we have today and more importantly the robots and automation possible in the near future we could let robots do the work for us. But that would have to mean that the robots work for everyone, not just some rich #$^#. It would also mean that everyone would have to get some form of basic income, possibly supplemented by doing human work for humans, in short services. And since necessity is the mother of all invention it is usually the poor man that invents, it would be wrong if the rich would be the only ones to benefit from it. Many of the products we use on a daily basis have been invented in garages by people trying to get ahead, only to be bought up by the Googles and Facebooks of this world. We are all standing on the shoulders of giants. Everything is already paid for in some way, by the blood, sweat, tears, creativity of our ancestors.
And everything is owned these days, everything. So now we are at the point where it is easier to make money with money than with your hands and money is power. Two Billion jobs will be automated away in the next ten years, yes billion with a B. The current way of doing things and even the "system" are unsustainable. Everyday more jobs can be automated away and everyday more people are born, this leads me to conclude that there are only two likely outcomes:

  1. World War 3
  2. We start producing in a manner that's sustainable for the planet and we share the rewards.

And looking at the world today I don't have much faith that we we will do the second, I don't see billionaires clamoring to share vast amounts of their wealth, i rather see the oposite. Soon we will have 2 classes, the rich ruling class and the poor, no more middle class. And I know new jobs will also be created, but look around you, how many jobs have been split into two with the addition of meaningless tasks like bureaucracy while the wages are under pressure. How many people do you know that have 2 or 3 jobs and still can't make ends meet? I know quite a few in the US. And even if they give everybody a basic income, that won't help because it will soon be worth less than needed to live because of inflation. And I think they know it, that's why the taking away of our freedoms and the militarization of the police and the surveilance state... I am sorry if I broke your bubble, or maybe not, we need to face this problem before it faces us. We need to change a lot of things.

I wrote this on the fly and this is a complicated subject. I have been thinking about this for a very long time and am working on a more comprehensive analysis and a sollution. I will post this at some point in the future.

Friend as the bible says: in the last few days the lawlessness increases and the love of the great part will cool, and also what has the world like this today, is that the people who have always want more, and it doesn't matter who they hurt or who suffer the consequences, greed is the cancer of the world today.
good post to reflect, thank you very much

Yup, the billionaires of this world are just hoarders of zeroes... They are sick, mentally, and should be treated.

As we understand together, the West and Islam are the two great and important civilizations that exist on earth today, with their own character and characteristics. In a historical perspective, these two civilizations have made a long interaction in bitter and sweet situations for many centuries. Their relationship is colored by the process of mutual learning, mutual giving, and mutual acceptance, in addition between the two also never happened harmonious, conflict, and collision. In the context of the above, to organize the future of a peaceful, just and prosperous world, it is appropriate that the West and Islam learn from long past history, evaluate past conditions and conflicts so that we can together take positive wisdom in order building a future for a better humanity. For that is required the attitude of mutual acceptance and appreciate the differences of each. The West, which now dominates the world leadership, should ideally provide exemplary highlights for other civilizations, in a joint mission of realizing a peaceful, just and prosperous human life. On the contrary, the Islamic world must also be able and willing to learn from the various positive aspects of Western civilization, without abandoning the fundamental values ​​of Islam. In fact, if the West honestly recognizes the great contribution of the world. Islam towards Western civilization in the past, undoubtedly the attitude of mutual understanding and mutual respect between civilizations will be more easily built. To resolve the conflict, there needs to be mutual understanding and tolerance that must be internalized on each side. The cultural dialogue between Islam and the West is a damper for intercultural clashes. If it is ignored, the future of the world will certainly be even more gloomy and will only accelerate the "doomsday". Peace must be a fixed price that can not be negotiable.

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