
Actually the nihilists are on to something - I'm not sure I completely subscribe to 100% of it, but think of it this way....meaning is only something we attach to things. It helps us (try as we may) to make sense of why things only means something to you (or me, or the next person). The Buddhist monks of Tibet or Yogi's in India say similar things about the meaninglessness of it all. I've recently began to grasp that (and I'm 46...took me a while). When you realize how meaningless it all is, it helps with attachment to things (and people). Anyway... a perspective I guess. Peace.

I've never been one to subscribe to the belief that just one ideology, way of thinking or anything like that holds all the answers. It's more likely we all see a small part of the picture. I'm naturally a pessimist and i find content in my assuming everything is shit and fucked. I think it's important to have diversity of THOUGHT cause we need to constantly challenge each other's ideas of reality. Thanks my man peace the fuck out

" i find content in my assuming everything is shit and fucked"
As you think, so shall you be - wasn't coined as a saying for nothing. If you expect it, you'll more than likely get it. As far as reality, that's subjective from person to person. Eat 11 grams of dried magic mushrooms and talk to me again about your ideas of reality afterwards ;-) I assure you, reality is far from what we think or perceive it to be. Our perception of reality is extremely myopic.

I made this video a little while ago (i was on youtube before) and since then ive changed my mind on a few things and i dont pretend to know whats going to happen. Whenever i make a prediction thats what it is, a prediction not me saying for sure.