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RE: How Long Do We Have Before A Doomsday Event?

in #world7 years ago

without going all over the place about, money, corruption, governments, conspiracies, etc. Do you not think that we should focus on what is really happening, things that are bigger than all of us!

The Grand Solar Minimum......

Within the next Three to Five Years, the Climate will have changed so much, that the only thing we can do as a species, is survive.

Last week, the U.S lost over 40% of this years Wheat crop, due to "unexpected snow", thousands of cattle were killed, with just One snow storm.

Can you imagine what it will be like, when the temperature drops, because the sun is going into a hibernation period.

Time to get your things in order, for we do not have much time......


Yeah, it's getting dire and dire and the most serious thing is that the leader of the most powerful country in the world denies it!!