Why Banks are The Real Axis of Evil and Why Cryptocurrencies are the solution

in #world7 years ago (edited)

Did you rejoice the first time you opened a bank account? In fact, many of us did –which is ok because of that self-sufficient feeling of having the tool to control and receive wealth. On the other hand, however, are banks our true friend or are they axis of evil used to control our existence and steal from us? –remember the financial crisis? Here are some few points:
Note: not all banks are bad, in fact many small and community banks do good to the community-however, for the purpose of this article, I will focus on central banks and or top banks

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Control Mechanism: It is argued that central governments use their banks to control its citizens in all forms including taxation, spending habits, travel, leisure etc (through credit cards) and or direct withdrawal. Therefore, any time you make that withdrawal and spend money, you should know that your datas are not 100% yours alone.

Terrorists and War sponsoring: according to globalresearch

HSBC has been accused by US senate committee for money laundering to terrorists and
Many big American banks funded the Nazis.
The BBC reported in 1998:
Barclays Bank has agreed to pay $3.6m to Jews whose assets were seized from French branches of the British-based bank during World War II.
***Chase Manhattan Bank, which has acknowledged seizing about 100 accounts held by Jews in its Paris branch during World War II ….”Recently unclassified reports from the US Treasury about the activities of Chase in Paris in the 1940s indicate that the local branch worked “in close collaboration with the German authorities” in freezing Jewish assets.
The New York Daily News noted the same year:
The relationship between Chase and the Nazis apparently was so cozy that Carlos Niedermann, the Chase branch chief in Paris, wrote his supervisor in Manhattan that the bank enjoyed “very special esteem” with top German officials and “a rapid expansion of deposits,” according to Newsweek.
Niedermann’s letter was written in May 1942 five months after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the U.S. also went to war with Germany.

Crypto currencies are the new solution: From bitcoin to Steem and the newly formed ethereum lyte (www.elyte.io) , cryptocurrencies have been a blessing to the ordinary people and it will even get better because now we can freely transact without banks and governmental control. Importantly, if we as world citizens rely on our central governments to save us from control, debt imprisonment and robbery from banks, then we are wasting our time. The main solution, however, is for us to continue supporting cryptocurrencies as medium of exchange in all works of life. On the other hand, it will not be easy because central governments and banks will wage a big fight (currently going on). However if all of us remain strong, and embrace cryptocurrencies , I am sure that we will be free from the axis of evil.
Do you agree? Send in your comments, pls resteem for others to join and upvote in order to send in your support.

Click here and read my former post: Fact: Steem Is The Best Cryptocurrency: A Steemit weekend blog

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I generaly agree, however the sceptic me has to consider the possibility of this new crypto space being infiltrated, manipulated, and directed by whatever it is that has driven so called "civilization" for the last 10 thousand years (as we have been lead to belive).
With that being said, crypto may be one of the only things in the world that an individual can own.
I hope that crypto can break the chains.

Good point, I am optimistic that cryptos will be successful

It would be nice change I agree, if any of you guys do watch Mr Robot, they talk about banks and crypto alot there @beveryting @chalrles1

Yes, sadly I think you are right about that, it seems unlikely that the powers at be are going to give up so easily, no doubt about it they will attempt to either topple of takeover the new forms of currency so they can retain global control.

We need to stop this from happening by staying united and maintaining a strong community, the stronger the community around these ideas the harder it will be for them to break, the fact that many of these technologies have community built in from the beginning is a brilliant start.

In the long run, we can win, yes they are currently more powerful, but we are greater in numbers.
I don't doubt it will be a battle, but I also do not doubt one day, the community will win against the dictators.

Good read and I believe in the promise. I am really worried the promise isn't delivering. I just wish that price stability would somehow be baked into cryptos. I know or believe steem has some of that, but by enlarge cryptos don't. I think it is very unhealthy for 3000% increase in short periods. Its great for early adopters but creates high barriers for mass implementation. It causes speculation and distorts the purpose and true genius of the systems. To replace money it must be a holder of value and plentiful, not a speculative investment. This will bring the wrong and worst parts of the capital markets into the space.

You are right, lets hope that the shit speculative coins/tokens will fail and the real one will prevail...steem is real and will be in the long run

Now is the time for all of us to Unite and take over our destiny from the axis of evil ..upped , thanks for sharing

Welcome and thanks for your comment

This is something I blog about often. The truth of how the (humans) behave became clear to me yrs. ago. Trying to enlighten others can be a daunting task. I became involved in Crypto for this very reason. But (and there is always a but) During my time in this arean thus far I have watched people behave as if they are on the NYSE?? When in reality they are a world apart which is wonderful and exactly the point of the Technology. The peope investing in Crypto need to stop reacting everytime some Gov. like S. Korea says something negative. Instead of panic selling they should look at S. Korea or any other Gov. and laugh. Oh your going to shut down your exchanges? ya so ,Ok so what. IT'S Global People! No one Gov. has complete Authority or the ability to Regulate this outside of their own borders period. Know This ! And invest accordingly. This is the Beauty of DECENTRALIZATION. Don't be scared to talk tough, you have the Technology and most of the (Old Money) bunch hasn't a clue how to understand it. That's this generations ACE in the HOLE.
So other than that: Have a Great Dayhand-in-chains.jfif

Ha. Love it.

Power to the people, right? I concur -- and I like how you said, "When in reality they are a world apart which is wonderful and exactly the point of the Technology."


Best of Luck to You & to Everyone !
Good comment

I agree with you , good point indeed. Thanks for your comment.

Great comment and very true indeed.
I think that people talk & act about crypto as if they were stocks because the true message hasn't sunk in yet. But it will and the message is good. Thanks you got my follow.

With the dollar being worth only about 5% of its original value when created in 1913 crypto currencies provide a level playing field or better. Hooray!!!

Yes, I agree 100%

Good point indeed

am totally agree with you @ccharles1
here in Egypt, investments in cryptocurrencies are illegal , if they know that am have an acount here on steemit and I recieved cryptocurrency I would spent 3 years in gail for this reason only .
of course they are afraid that one day people will realize who really mislead and contol them anonymously so they don't want anyone even to know about crypto's, our media tell us that cryptocurrencies are rise to support terrorism and anyone who invest in it that eant that he support terrorism directly. because we have too much percentage of iggnorance many people believed in this nonsence justification , my god our government don't want anyone to learn or to gain money they want us to be slaves so they can brain wash us and keep controlling us forever

Thank you for your courage. Your strength can help people learn.

Wow I never know that the land of Great Pharoh does not support Cryptos when most civilization started in Egypt!!! The good thing is that the good people of Egypt like you will rise against the oppresion and lead the way to economic and social freedom.

cryptocurrencies have been a blessing to the ordinary people and it will even get better because now we can freely transact without banks and governmental control

You are right, cryptocurrency has bring out the name of ordinary people that aren't even recognize in their society. That's the power of crypto. And even till now, most people still don't believe in cryptocurrency.

Point, thanks for your comment

You are welcome sir.

Admist all the banks, cryptos are a breath of fresh air.. literally!

Yes, the old dream still lives!

Cryptocurrency does entail a social revolution. Baked into its cake is the fusion of ownership and control that's shriveled away in the modern era. Eventually, the habit of own-and-control will spill over to other forms of property, like the home. Smart-home technology, for one, will give us more control over our respective dwellings.

Very good point...

Crypto is the future, i never like traditional banking system which never create any value for the society.

Good point.

In one way or the other, you are still dependent on Banks to get your crypto currency out in form of usable currency. The war between crypto and banks has started and it's getting hotter now. But banks will never go away. They will just be replaced by something newer.

Good point...banks will always be a part of our lives but not dominant like before

Crypto is peer-to-peer (or should be). You don't have to use a bank at all to cash out to your local currency. You can sell crypto directly to someone else who wants it for cash and transfer it directly to their crypto wallet. No bank needed at all.

Very good point

Agree. But they are exceptional cases. Since money is what works in our economy, a bank is more or less necessary to withdraw your crypto to Fiat. But maybe one day, we can directly use our crypto trading card to make purchases, eliminating banks altogether.

This post is also a good counter to all of the 'crime funding' related FUD posts about crypto I see in my 'google news feed' on my phone.

I always think 'hang on - most of the crime syndicates in the world launder their €100s billions through off shore banks and companies - in dollars.

It annoys me that this criminal-crypto label sticks in many people's minds - in reality it's the corporate sector that does more to support seriously organised crime!

Good point, I agree.

Re-steeming, as I feel it's IMPORTANT that all persons are aware of the Hazards of banks (espec. big banks ).

Some community banks or credit unions may be trustworthy.

Thanks 4 this article !

Welcome and thanks for the resteem

Totally agree with this post. But I hope it's time for Banks to loose their grips as they are Fighting a lost battle. Elyte is the next big thing

This post received a 4.200 SBD (46.52%) upvote from @upvotewhale thanks to @charles1! For more information, check out my profile!

This post has received gratitude of 7.77 % from @appreciator thanks to: @charles1.

I believe we can say that about governments everywhere on the planet today @ccharles1. I believe cryptocurrencies will be able to give the power back to the people, and we will be able to stop all the war and craziness going on around the world. Please chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo for world peace, and that we can make world peace a reality, and not just an idea. I believe we can do it, and cryptocurrencies are a powerful weapon in our arsenal for world peace.

Good point, thanks for your comment

Good read with interesting points.
I like the concept and idea of crypto currencies, but I’m still a little skeptic about it.
Time will tell, I guess.

I can just say... I not like old banks .

Can you elaborate?

There's always a solution.

The banks will fight hard on this. Cryptocurrency in place of banks would surely kill the country's motive.

They are fighting against it already isnt it?

Yes, it's going to be a hard fight. Government ain't gonna give up as it'll completely kill them unless they bring a new policy or something.

Interesting post,

what is interesting about the post?

lol @charles1 , it's gauranteed he didn't even read a word, but you know what's truly interesting is that he thought that he could get attention this way!

Hahahha, I deal with them daily...copy and paste spams ..Lol

Couldn't agree more.

Can you elaborate?

Inturestig post

what is interesting about the post?

In this post you argue something that everybody agrees with, and then you advertise a cryptocoin... I never heard of. Let's see if this marketing strategy pays out.

Hence why steemit is great...because you learn new things daily

Banks want to be in status quo and do not really want to serve people.

Good point, thanks for your comment

I must resteem this post.

The banking system is obsolete now.We need decentralize financial system what i call as the democratization of money.

yes most banks are pure evil fat cat scum, lets spread the word about cryptocurrencies and get mass adoption fast, unbank and uncorporate yourselves people

Good point

This post has been edited on the authority of the self-proclaimed Steemit Police Force.

no one will check this out they will just downvote this spammy comment .
just put yourself in the author's shoes you won't write this, if you wrote a post and someone reply to you the same comment, would you be happy!!
last thing if you wanna rise in this comuinty you have to know how it works.

Just started and maybe a bit over excited and under aware of the etiquette.
But i did enjoy this article and i take your comment to heart.

you're very welcome @weddingdresses (
when I srated here I think that all people are spammers then I realized that people get mad at those spammers and many people adviced me to stop and I did so when I see any of these I have to say something maybe he didn't know
if we wanna this community to be more popular we have to act upon this desire and try to advice those who ruin the beauty of this commmunity

You got my follow. I appreciate your courage (as a crypto in Egypt) and i appreciate your words. It is possible to be strict and kind @charles1

Good point indeed, you just saved him fro being flagged to zero

Remove your link here to avoid being flagged and learn how to read and comment accordingly

First day on the block as you could have read above here. It was already handled gracefully. There really was no need to relieve yourself of your easygoing'ness.

We are witnesses of a huge technology change. Banks are worrying about their future. Every day more people choose to put their money in crypto rather than keeping it on bank loans for 1 % in year. I have read that in 2017 there were 60 -70 % less people who were keeping their money on avings accounts in accordance to 2016. It is just the beginnig on new system which I belive in. It is just a matter of time whef all shitcoins expire and we will have pure crypto services.

I agree with you-thanks for your comment


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I think it's not as good as it sounds, I mean it seems utopic, this comes from the fact that we don't really know who is behind them even though some claim that are, but I also think that the time in which we are in is optimal for investing in them, because I think that in the future it wont be as easy, governments and banks will find a way to tax them. By saying all that it is also very important to mention BE CAREFUL BEFORE INVESTING MAKE YOUR OWN INVESTIGATION AND KEEP IN MIND THAT THE POSSIBILITY TO LOSE MONEY IS HIGH!!

I agree with you completely, cryptocurrency gives us the opportunity to do things the way we want without government control. We are not forced to pay taxes. Good work as usual.

Wow amazing

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