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RE: dTube: Caller Says Gun Safety Focus Should Be on Mental Health

in #world7 years ago (edited)

A firearm is a tool. The idea is to be smarter than the tool you're using. What people seem to fail to realize is that we don't hear about the millions of gun owners who don't use their firearms to commit crimes or the lives that are saved daily from having the ability and a firearm to protect one's self. We mainly hear about the fringe illegal use of firearms. By the way, murder and assault are already crimes, but people still do both before you even get to the gun part. We don't hear any calls for more murder laws or assault laws, why, because criminals don't obey laws. The idea of creating more laws isn't going to affect criminals, it's going to affect law abiding citizens because they're the ones who make an effort to comply with gun laws.

Have you ever noticed that in countries with the strictest gun laws, like just recently in France, when firearms are used in a crime it's a criminal that has them? I'd say society in America does have an issue that's affecting kids or people across the spectrum. The military is having a hard time with recruits because kids lack focus, self-discipline, but more importantly a sense of responsibility for their actions.

That lack of discipline and responsibility comes from a society that has lost its accountability. We have a hypersensitive nearly micromanaged ideology that undermines family values, morals, ethics, and worldviews in America. Special interest groups of all stripes tear at the fabric of our society dividing people by color, gender or none gender, sensationalized oppression, inequality, injustice and a continued state of victimhood. Societies in foreign nations aren't law compliant because they're sophisticated, they're compliant because they're domesticated by their government that has taken away their freedoms under the ideology of "the greater good".