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RE: How Long Do We Have Before A Doomsday Event?

in #world7 years ago (edited)

Has anyone ever heard of the "Hollow Earth" theory? Well, if you have not, look it up. In short, the theory claims that there is another world of living beings on the inside of the Earth. This place has its own small sun and it is always daytime. Very interesting and possibly true, check it out!


But how can the early be both hollow AND flat?

It can be hollow, but it is not flat

I see, that clears things the earth is definitely not flat because that's ridiculous but there may be living beings inside our hollow earth. Got it. ;)

Now, I was never saying that the Earth "is" hollow, I said it "can" be. There is a possibility, even though it is not likely. It is an interesting theory that has been around for a long time, based off of several people who have claimed to either been down in the "Hollow Earth" or seen the apparent hole in the North Pole. Furthermore, I do not believe that the Earth is flat, it has been scientifically proven several times. However, this "Hollow Earth" theory has not been scientifically proven or debunked, thus it is still a mystery.

Yes, I have heard about it a lot and done some research on my own. I have heard of reports of flying objects coming out of craters in the north pole and they suspect that, that might be the connection between the world below and ours.

Of course, non of this has been confirmed and these days, there are so many theories about so many things one doesn't know what to believe anymore. My mind boggles sometimes when I read the things I do!

Of course! it boggles my mind as well. Out of the several "existence" theories, it is one of the more interesting ones!

That is way too far fetched..inside the earths core underground there is an ocean about 400 miles beneath North America! Some conspiracies just don't add up, and can be yet interesting..