Do you attend failure's workshop?

in #workshop7 years ago

Failure should also do workshops!


Usually people always study and follow up success, what people do to become successful.

Nowadays it's not spend too much time looking what failures do.

So often people go to success workshops and they see successful people do workshops, and only a small percentage of people in attendance become successful from the workshop. Why this phenomenon happens? Because the big percentage in attendance never do what the speakers tell them, just putting simple like that.
Many in attendance listen and embrace it, put in their mental diary and accept it, just a few do it but everybody is available to do it.

In the sequence of the theme for today what about failures workshops? What if you have the opportunity to listen from somebody who never accomplish nothing in their life, told you what their habits were, all the opportunities they have and told you on a regular basis what they didn't do, wouldn't be of a great value that information?

Identifying the things that failures do is just as important at some period of time to listen to success.
Of course I believe you need more success principles than study and follow up of failures do. My definition of a failure is a permanent situation ( i.e. when you quit ), for example when you say: "That situation didn't work for me!", you fail to do what is required to succeed in this example, but if you don't quit, while your still in, having pulse, while your still have life in you and working to do well, then you're not a failure.

So why people quit?
There are many reasons, lets explore some:

a) The necessity you have for the approval of other people.

The opinion of other people of you is more important than yours. Sometimes what happens to failures is like they don't feel so good about themselves that when they give themself advice the thought process they have is that they never trust it even if they have all the evidence, all the experience and all the information they still don't believe in themselves so they allow other people make the decisions for them.

b) Entertainment.

If you read the previous post I made on this blog I share there the difference between entertain yourself instead educate yourself, what I mean by that is most of us right now we're in entertaining ourselves, we will seat down and watch the idiot box ( TV ) 5 hours per day or more, every single day but won't take 30 minutes to read a book or listen one audio program that is going to improve us and take us to where it is we gonna to go.

The reason why I'm writing to you in this type of writing is I want you to understand that your eyes, ears and mouth all that is being programmed as your navigation GPS device to where it is your going to go in life, what you intake, the information that you intake, those are the only places you can go, so if you intake negative tv news and gossip programs, when you intake this for so many hours a day, it becomes a part of who you are.

Now you might be thinking: "Well I agree with that you just written above but you forget I can control it!", YOU CAN'T because that is your unconscious mind it works taking over by input, the more input you get the more operate.

You've got to learn how to disassociate with negative programming, how to improve yourself and educate yourself pop in an audio program, sit down and read a book, meditate and whatever it is you're doing you've got to feed yourself, feed your brain. Our brain is like a plant, if you don't feed your plants, your plants will die. Most people put more time in the feeding their plants then they do in the feeding of their future.

Next post I gonna share with you the theme will be How to feed well your body and mind? ( I gonna share my personal secret sauce that allowed me in just 1 year changing my weight from 91kg / 201 lb to 67kg / 148 lb with no sacrifice, with happiness, a lot of joy and improved my health. )

So until we interact again as always, peace, love, faith, keep dreaming, stay alive, success and just Do Life!

JM with friendship.