WFH - Work From Home Tip No. 3 - Listen to Experts

in #workfromhome4 years ago

For my third and final tip about working from home or #WFH, all I can say is that you should listen to experts. Listen to others who’ve been there. Listen to those who know what they are talking about.


I have been working from home for a few months before the mandatory community quarantine that began this March 2020. All I can say is that Craig Goeschel of the Leadership Podcast, gave the best set of working from home tips I ever heard. Yes, it was primarily for leaders. But even though you are only leading yourself or your household, he nailed it right. You’ll be able to find it in this link.

Basically, he gave seven tips but adapt it to your own situation. For example, his second tip is to “get dressed.” My version is to wear in-door sneakers which is my WFH Tip No. 1. That’s my version of getting dressed. Just change to something that will help you get into work mode.

Groeschel also recommended exercise. Well, I too recommend this. I wake up earlier than my family and follow online Yoga-HIIT courses of Sadie Nardini or Tristan Gatto. Google them. They are the best for me. Or find 5-minute video workouts to follow. Or just plainly move more! Doing early morning exercise makes me more productive throughout the day.

Groeschel’s Tip No. 5 is “designate a workspace.” This is similar to my WFH Tip No. 2. It is very important to have physical and mental boundaries when you work. And it is your signal to your family that you are not available except for extreme emergencies.

One of Groeschel’s tips that I consistently follow is to “take breaks.” You need it. I give myself one day per week to just relax and do nothing. This makes me more productive the following week. I also follow my rest day with a planning day. I decide my priorities for the week on Sundays so I know what to do the following days.

Lastly, forgive yourself. You and I make mistakes. And the worst mistake is to tell yourself over and over that you are a fool to fail. Failure are just stepping stones to our goals. Just learn from your #WFH mistake and then move on.


I posted this article at Steemit six months ago when I did not know about the hard fork. I also have a PDF copy of all these 3 #WFH tips for easy reading and taking notes if you want one.