Working hard or Working smart..... Which is best?

in #work7 years ago (edited)

This post is directed at that audience which is still waiting for that big promotion in their office where they have been working for many years day in and out.

Working Hard or Smart?

This is the first promise we make ourselves when we start out at a new office full of energetic and enthusiastic individuals who are trying just as hard to get that big promotion going for them. After some time we settle in and become fluid with the process of the workings of the workspace we start to slowly and progressively stop thinking about the motivation we had when we first started out. What Happened?.

Life Happened!. We start to see the unfairness of life coming into action when we see a colleague that started out later than you but is already climbing the ladders of success faster than you. But How?.. Hard Work That's how!

we don't think for a moment that the person who is becoming more successful than us in a short amount of time is working hard on it. but rather we start thinking that what golden luck does He/She have that you don't?. We stop caring about working hard and start worrying about how am I going to bring others down so I can push myself up. Which is not a constructive and healthy way to express that frustration inside you.

Working Smart

But as the quote goes "He who does not help himself will not get any help from others". If you only think about that big promotion up there and how you are going to ridicule yourself and others just to achieve that level of success. Then you need to ask yourself the question. Is it Happiness that i want to achieve? Or is it just that promotion which will give me more power and status?

The answer to this question will vary from one to another but if you asked that question to yourself than you know what do you want in life and how to work hard for it.

But one question still remains. Do I work Hard? or Do I work Smart?

Most successful people will tell you work hard, That there are no shortcuts to success, That you don't have to cut corners to make it past on the other side. But seeing as to how opportunities present to yourself will determine the answer to that question.

If you're a person who has just started his/her first job at an office or any workspace for that matter, Working hard is your only option, your boss will tell you everyday that you need to put in more and more work.

but how long is that going to last?. After a certain time when you have gained enough experience to move on from one job to another you will start thinking critically as to what you want in life. Is the Ultimate goal is to achieve happiness? Or is it money, power and status?. This is the point in life where you will start working smart, before making any decisions regarding your job or your workspace you will constantly be thinking about the advantages in different scenarios. What if I choose this job? is it going to help me financially or mentally? These will be the questions roaming around in your mind.

The answer to Work hard or smart? is that you need to first start out working hard! complete every single piece of work that is given to you with 100% dedication. But when you have gained enough experience and mentorship. You start working Smart you should weigh the consequences of you decisions before making them, which will help you significantly in capturing that opportunity that has been floating in front of you and at some point achieve that level of success and happiness that you want.

This is my first post here please feel free to leave a comment and upvote/downvote this post :)


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Most succesful people will tell you work hard, That there are no shortcuts to success, That you don't have to cut corners to make it past on the other side.
It should be successful instead of succesful.

Yeah missed that. Thanks for letting me know :)

Makes sense,

I will try it.
