In my opinion I'm not sure, You all can comment down, your opinions. Is this place right for full-time job, or just another fake site. I have heard a lot of people are left from their jobs, because of this site. They're hoping this can be real. Many people are looking for a chance to work online without going out but it's hard to find.
I don't think this is the place to look to in order to quit your job and make this a full time living. The site does reward users for creating content and there are some users who earn a hefty mount of money doing so, but that is not the average user.
I feel Steemit is really for those who truly enjoying creating content and sharing it with others as a hobby. The ability to receive earnings is a bonus, but I don't think it should be the basis in someone joining the community.
Sure, I think exactly the same. I'm new here, so I'm just learning this, and wanted to get some opinions. Thanks for Your option.