I don't believe in soft work or easy work...
I don't believe in luck either, for everything achieved there has to be a deliberate work on our path, it requires a great amount of concentration to stay on a pattern that would maybe in turn pay out good.
No successful man has it easy... No man that has it easy is successful...
Every day we keep pushing because..
Success is not final, its a slippery path.
You gotta keep pushing
Keep at it
Keep doing what is required for sustainability.
I believe in smart work.
Not every hard work pays but every smart work pays no matter how little.
I don't pray to be successful.... I dare to be relevant... I chase relevance.
Drive for it... The man who would always be relevant has an advantage over the man who is currently successful.
My dad once told me that the reason a master is superior over his student is because he knows some tricks that the student doesnt.
Dependency is the core focus for Relevance... Be dependable.
Once you can be replaced, you loose relevance.
Work hard at it but be smart in your work so they'd always need your services.
In all of man's hard work...
RELEVANCE should be the goal.
I love the message of this post, I myself always pray for success in every undertaking I take.
I should think more about dependency or relevance.
This made me remember one saying that goes, "Love your work but don't love your company" we really need to be smart with our work and be good at it such that no one can easily replace you, otherwise your company will be able to give up on you very easily.