Let's Get Real: How Professional Are You?

in #work7 years ago


How can you get successful?

Are you a millennial wearing a flannel shirt to work?

Success starts with your dress and posture—how you present yourself to others. You should dress as professionally as you can afford to dress. At least dress to the level that suggests you can buy the products that you sell.

The more successful you look, the more successful you will be. People can get offended by a lot of things but they will never get offended by you wearing a suit.

White is great. A white shirt, a white blouse goes with everything. Stay away from trendy and cool. You aren’t looking to be hip, you’re looking to be professional.

You want to be seen and treated like a professional?

Be as conservative as possible.

Common mistakes salespeople make include:

1.Wearing sunglasses— Sunglasses hide your eyes but you want to have clear, bright eyes your customer can look at. It doesn't make you cooler, it makes you more unprofessional.


2.Smoking— Even if your customer smokes, don’t do it with them. Nobody needs you lighting up.


3.Eating in Front of the Customer— Save your snack for when you are by yourself. I don't need you chewing while I'm trying to make a decision on a product or service.


4.Bad Grooming and Hygiene— Have good breath and cut your fingernails. Have polished shoes and clean cuffs. Nobody wants to see your beat up, stained cuffs. And yes, get a haircut.


Regardless of how you dress, your presentation depends on what you know. I can put you in a $5,000 suit and if you don’t know anything, you’ll just be a $5,000 idiot.

Back up your professional look with knowledge.

Put everything together—great knowledge and sales skills, great attitude, and great dress, and you’ll be on your way to being a professional. Suit or no suit, the biggest sale you’ll ever make is the one you make to yourself. Do you think you're a professional?

So go out and start dressing more professionally. You will become more confident because you will feel better about yourself.

Be Great,


This is actually true. No matter your age, wearing a great suit makes you look more powerful and makes you impose more respect. People just look at you with different eyes. Don't believe me? Do an experiment, go to a supermarket and then to a bank wearing your normal clothes. Then wait a week and go in the same places wearing your greatest suit. Notice the difference - notice how people look at you and notice how people treat you.

Thanks for bringing this up uncle G!

Upvoted and resteemed

Thaks for sharing @grantcardone Great advise.

Thank you @grantcardone for calling out these hipsters for what they are.

GC giving us awesome stuff. Thank you Sir.

First impressions are extremely important. Not only do you have to look like a boss, but you also have to have the mindset and knowledge of a boss.

Awesome Message!!! But oh, So often do I run into the unprofessional dressed individual success clueless to when trying to succeed. #change

This one below is a good one.

At least dress to the level that suggests you can buy the products that you sell.

I come home and put on a suit before I start posting on Steemit lol! No but even telemarketing companies require employees to come to work in a suit a lot of times, because it builds your confidence and enables you to talk with more confidence. So there is something to it. There is also something to being seen well dressed. Even people who say they dont care how you look, note how you look and it matters to them somewhere in their head.

You are trendung higher on the platform
That is amazing. Anyway , i am new on steem and i see my self to be trending in the near future but i need your upvotes and follow.
So please dont look down pn me.
Please take a little second to follow back and i will not let you down
Thanks .

Agreed! Unfortunately, folks still judge based on looks so it's a 2 way street. As my Dad (and millions of other Dads say), dress for the job you want, not the one you have.

(People also amazingly forget what they consider to be top quality customer service when they're the server.)

A very informative article! Thank you

Cheers for sharing this mate, appreciate it. Buying a couple tomorrow :)