When it comes to beating the game and not having to look for today’s Wordle answer, the Best words to start wordle are essential.
You run the risk of losing your streak if you don’t have a good start word, and no one wants that to happen to them. A great start word will also help you turn 4.6s into 3.6s and even 2.6s, even if you’re a seasoned Wordle veteran by this point. Even the brilliant new WordleBot tool from the New York Times recognizes the importance of a strong first word.
For those who are unfamiliar with my story of how I’ve played every Wordle game so far and have only lost once, tip No. 1 on my list of recommendations is to choose a good starting word. So that’s what I’m going to talk about today.
Read on and I’ll explain what the best Wordle start words are, the math behind them and what alternatives to try.
Check out: The best way to cheat at Wordle | Tips & Tricks
Before we get into the list of words, let’s take a look at the science that went into creating it.
It is not necessary to be a genius to recognize that it is a good idea to use letters that appear more frequently in the English language. Consider the following example: you’re more likely to come across a “A” in the word than a “Z.” See more
Read also: Best 3 starting words for wordle