Ya know, I dont wanna prolong this too much but I think this conversation is a really good advertisement for the kind of critique you will get in @thewritersblock
THere are some great teachers and editors and writers in there AND its not always a safe and nurturing place. So a bit of a buyers beware there.
ALSO-As another group leader on steemit who has recently tried and failed to be patient to blatant misogynists ; debated paying musicians and gotten a little dramatic about it; and kicked/lost some people out of my discord because they decided I was out of line and /or a dictator for asking people to let me be angry; i find your responses here @rhondak well, DISGUSTING. :D
You really could have ignored this post. Shes a new steemian. I guessed it was about writers block due to my own experience SHOCKINGLY SIMILAR albeit having nothing to do with sex and more about nurturing creativity and being rejected and torn up. I remember before i said the thing that got me banned from writers block you told me about a guy telling you that your writing "was like reading a cereal box" and I replied "some cereal boxes are pretty interesting" But to you what he said was devestating and you internalized it as "this is the way i should act. I should destroy peoples egos and call them snowflakes and cry babies" Its an interesting phenomena, really.
I was afraid to post this. I didn't know what would happen. But I hope @thewritersblock is talking about this blogpost and these comments and asking themselves if this is good leadership. Also, if this is good PR and really, if TINY thinks that by lookin at what Rhonda has so eloquently written here on this young, fresh, new, delicate steemians post here is what she believes is open and welcoming in the way that she is attempting to make it seem like Writers Block did for isabelle. I think its pretty clear that yall know you told her to f off and then you stalked her page to harrass her about her thoughts on the experience. Classy.
I'm really curious what people think.
But hopefully it can be done on another post.
Here, lets talk about sex vs violence. I prefer sex. :D especially the sweet n romantic kind. some people like it to be a bit violent, but hey-- that's their thing.
Some people like just plain violence. thats their thing.
I believe true art meanders . There is technique to all art, including writing.. and yet-- its still art. It is malleable and edible and the best stuff IMO has all the flavors.
There is no perfect way to create the perfect pallette. You can only choose your colors and pur your soul and mind into your art. Learning techniques is good but art is art regardless.
n thats all i have ta say bout that.
p.s. i was about to edit for grammar, but--- fuck it. You can read my rurally educated bad grammar rant and LIKE IT.
I like it!
I like it too!
Says the “community leader” who booted Shadowspub. That tells the story right there. LOL
your words tell your story. My words tell mine. No one is perfect and i never said i was. But good luck with whatever weird gossip/smear retaliation thing you are doing here. Im happy to keep supporting amazing, innovative, creative, intelligent and kind people like @isabellelauren
The way she handled your attacks was quite exemplary and I am so glad i told her so because she was about to quit!
Well, Lima, I for one know that Isabelle was told, as I've repeated in here somewhere, that erotica wouldn't be accepted in the queue, but that some of our editors might be willing to edit for her. I know that this is allowed, because I'm one of the editors willing to look at erotica outside of our regular critiquing queues.
On the condition that the author is as committed to providing quality as I am, that is.
I was present when she arrived and received that message: "You can come in and see of some of our editors are willing to work with you, even though we can't require it of them."
I remember seeing screenshots of said messages...