We women wear bras for 4 main reasons:
1-lift and support. Really large or looser breasts look and feel better with support, especially during vigor activities.
2-to hide our nipples from showing, because, you know, female nipples are radically different than male nipples, which are OK to show… 🙄
3-because we have been told we SHOULD by our families, peers, or society .
4-because sometimes bras are beautiful delicate little works of lingerie art, decorate us, and are fun to wear
So where does that leave me?
1 - I do not have large or loose breasts. I have very little natural breast tissue and instead have had implants for 25 years. I have tried, but can't get these f**kers to sag! Wish they would a little more actually...
2 & 3 - I don't believe the female nipples are inherently anymore shameful than male nipples. I don't think hiding anything about ourselves is healthy. Finally, I don't believe in blindly accepting "shoulds" without questioning whether or not they resonate with my own deepest personal values.
4 - N/A...bras and lingerie are just not my kink .
And so, I hardly ever wear bras. There are a few exceptions… If I jog I wear a light support bralette, or if I'm wearing a completely see-through blouse then i usually wear a lacy bra to smooth out the color tones. That's it. There's no other reason that I would wear a bra every day besides hiding or "shoulds" and I don't want to go back to living that way.
But here is the thing...I have naturally pokey nipples AND I feel cold very easily. So, I'm usually running around braless and pokey. I'm not trying to be conspicuous or in your face. I'm not trying to arouse or trigger you, and I'm not trying to NOT arouse or trigger you. I am just doing me and trying to stay open, honest and not revert back into hiding parts of myself.
This is a very bold decision and it means a lot.
People should not be ashamed of themselves, just because of judgement or fail to fit in some norms placed by others so they don't feel uncomfortable.
Cheers and much love for the bold decision.
Much love and support from me
Love it that you do you and not worry about what other people think.
I mean think about it, people go through their whole life wearing uncomfortable bras because they don't want to look weird or stand out.
Upvoted by cryptomydollar because you do you :)
Love and be loved regardless of how you dress and are seen by others, what matters is how you feel as a human being!!:))
Only my humble opinion!!:))
I love this perspective, and I applaud you for going ahead and doing what seems to be best for you, not what seems best based on what other people may think. I love the last line, and you look beautiful in the photo!
I really like your decision...than we are humans..we got to live like them what we are and not what social life want that we have to do..cause of that i love your live setting..and i hope you can inspire so many people with that and make their life happier.
So feel free and live your life like you want to live and not like other people say how you have to live.
Free World
Your body, breasts, and nipples look fabulous- you are a very sexy/ beautiful woman- let the world be shocked by your nipples- who cares- the world loves seeing them it's just the guilt factor that has been foisted upon us for daring to look at such beautiful expressions of divine feminine energy.
Wow. I was actually reading through the comments here, and yours is just so powerful. I have to agree with @steemed-open that she should not cover herself more than just the clothes she wants to wear. She looks incredible, and I don't find it vulgar at all, just natural :)
Exactly- there is nothing vulgar about the human body- we must reject that puritan control paradigm BS regarding sexuality- there is nothing more natural. These practices all came about due to men's insecurity in themselves and not wanting their women to look attractive to other men- the same reason Islamic fundamentalists force there women to go through life covered from head to toe- SMH.
Life is too short to worry about what others say about it. Be yourself. I have tight and medium breast, I like to be braless at home but not get used to be outside. Never tried one, but you may inspire to try one day. :)
Completley agree! I wear bras sometimes, but it happens very rare. I prefer to feel my breast free. There is nothing shameful in women breast, its a part of a body.
Cheers sister!
Our bodies are beautiful and we should not cover them up!
I am a guy and I wore a tight white t-shirt today.... nipples was showing and I was like ... i am just living my life haha
I know it's pretty off topic from your post, but that background water is gorgeous.
And, keep doing you! Don't wear bras if they're not for you, there's nothing wrong with that. Though, I'm just curious, how often do you feel cold? I start wondering if I'm anemic or something at times because of how often I feel like I'm freezing when it's fairly warm out. Is it like that for you at all? Or, is it just due to wind/weather in your area?
That was in Cancun, and yes the water is beautiful there. :)
I am cold easily. I am a cardigan lover and usually have one with me and use as needed. There's rarely a day I don't spend part or lots of it with chill bumps...and therefore pokey nipples. But they are just boobs...they are just nipples! I know people think it's odd, but I just refuse to hide parts of myself any longer. They can look away if a nipple offends them. ✌🏾
Man, I need to get out of the midwest. So many beautiful places get shared on here, meanwhile I'm stuck looking at suburbs or I can travel 45 minutes away to look at corn/farmland, lol.
I was just asking that part because I literally feel like I'm sitting in front of an air condtioner sometimes when I'm out walking around in the day and it's 75-85 degree's. People give me really weird looks when I'm wearing a hoodie when it's 89 out, lol. And, also, like I said, you do you. No reason to feel ashamed or uncomfortable over something like that at all. Just be comfortable and happy :)
I like no bras! (nice nips)
Upvoted and resteemed!
Thank you! 🙏🏽
You're welcome! Thanks for the beautiful pictures.
I would totally agree on this one and add one concept - it's more HEALTHY to be without bra! So the blood can circulate..love your post and the decison that you made! I don't wear bra when I'm at home and the felling is great!! Will follow you for more @lavitaebella
Thanks for your supportive comment. (No pun intended 😉) I'm glad you enjoy freedom at home, but that means you wear bras when you go out. May I ask which 1-4 reason most applies to your situation? Is it need of support or just comfort out in society ?
The last one - comfort in society. I have let's say huge brests and if I don't wear bra people are starting like crazy 😵😳🙄🤢😂😁 and this makes me uncomfortable 😁 I know - I should say fu** them, but I'm not there jet 😁
I understand. I'm not going to "should" you so don't worry. I don't have huge breasts, just huge pokey nipples that could put an eye out so I get your struggle. Like that way you say "...yet" 😉👍🏽 It is a long process of seeing clearly who we are, and then finding comfort within that takes even more time. Thank you for the dialogue on this topic. Lots of folks won't even entertain the discussion. 🙏🏽
Hahahah - the most important thig is - that we are laughing like crazy :) and probably someone reading this is uncomfortable :) :) :) glad to speak with you :) looking forward to more conversations like this :) :) bye
I like your NUMBER 2 point!! Right on the spot!
BTW, they are linking bras to breast cancer.
In the end don’t know if you are in the States but you gonna get lots of and I mean lots of dirty looks for not having a bra :) which can be quite uncomfortable for females.
Okay...that is exactly what I thought and feared as well. I had so much angst and worry that people would be shocked and outraged, angry mobs would confront me, and mothers would avert their children's gaze!
I actually got over all of that worry by practicing visualizing my worst made up fears and how I would respond to such behavior. That gave me the courage to live honestly and shun the bras... and you know what, no one has been unkind or given me dirty looks. Maybe some old ladies purse their lips and stare, but their response is their own work to deal with. I just have to do me and stay open.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. 🙏🏽
You madam have magnificent assets, ofcourse you should be allowed to show them off and I for one am glad that you took your bold decision :-)
However real life being what it is .. you may get the wrong sort of attention from the wrong sort of people.
Be careful out there ...
Thanks for commenting and the compliment.
So... let's talk about what you said. What is the difference between right and wrong attention? And who are the wrong sort of people exactly? How do you define those things?
Inappropriate physical attention from men AND women who don't respect boundaries for a start.
No one has yet made any attempt at physical contact with me as I have gone around like this for the past year. But I take your concern as a kindness. I will be careful. 🙏🏽
Actually human makes a lot of laws to constraint ourselves.
We are live for ourselves but not others,so be yourself.
I support you!
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Lots Of Love For Future Posts
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Regards Sophia Olive
Just wear what makes you feel comfortable. It doesn't matter what others think.
nice picture, do your thing!
just be yourself 😃 don't think of what others will say to you.
Thinking for yourself will keep you happier for sure :)
Great decision and you got beautiful proportions, i appreciate the beauty of the feminin.
Hehe. Great post. I wear a bra almost all the time except at home. I hate it tho. But wear them for the exact reasons you mentioned.
Except #1 my breasts are very small. . . :/
boobies can save the world... show them to me...
Good decision not to use them
Then why not just go naked then if you are going to use that logic? You must not care that it's going to cause men to look at you...because in the end---that's what we are really dealing with here. I think more women would go braless if they didn't think men would be staring at them all of the time.
All the dudes viewing this post be like...
Very helpfull post, i can't understand womans which using ALWAYS bra... In home, in work, in gym...
And it really suits you.
Wow, amazing!!
I think that we all agree - you do not need a bra.
I only wear bras while cutting firewood. I have a phobia about cutting myself.
I can really support this movement. Let-them-poke Let-them-poke
OMG! Look at you!
im in love!
OK, you can be Pokey, & I'll be Gumby..LOL

The main thing, is be yourself!!
Great post! Keep it up :)
By the way, I'm following you now
You go girl!!!
God, they are wicked uncomfortable in bed, at night!!!.. and we usually just wear them, well just because !no questions asked we just do!
we were born free xD
If you feel like wearing then do it , if you don't , don't do it . Don't let society tell us what to do !
in south africa and america women are naked , there is no rape .. all thse horny ideas its us who created them.
Excellent breasts! Great photo!
I really appreaciate you for this!
open mind
Don't worry sweetheart... everybody LOOVES BOOBS guys and girls! :)
Thank you for this post ^^ flwd
Its a natural thing nipples to show and people should not be ashamed when they do. Too many people these days conform with fashion and "the rules" if you want to not use a bra that your decision. I think its great your are comfortable with your body (although I imagine most females would be) be proud an don't conform :)
All rules are made up and only matter if you want to live within the numbing safety and comfort of the herd. I gave that up a long time ago. Funny thing is now I'm finding myself in the middle of another tribe that's is slowly coalescing. One made up of the outliers, free thinkers and renegades. These are my people. So long as they are seekers of their own truths, we let each other be and watch each other's backs.
That's it Yes! I think the consciousness of humanity is rising people are realizing we are free. Hence the Hundredth Monkey; and once we hit that crucial tipping point this world will change dramatically for the better. As community builds so will humanity. After years of people thinking I was out there suddenly people are agreeing its great :)
Yep! I noticed that about your name when I saw your first comment ... :)
:) I believe it now more than ever. Its incredible too see after years of not see much. Keep up the great posts, I'm glad I joined (only two days ago) some great thinkers on here :)