Who among us does not like to look younger I think everyone like to look younger
The question is why some people look older than their biological age🤔.and others look
youner than their real age .
What is the secret??😐ın fact,to look younger on the outside you really have to be
younger on the inside .so,the real key to young – looking skin is proper nutrition and
healthy habits.
When we are dealing with a youthful look. We are dealing with targeting the
accumulation proteins .so,the more damaged proteins you have internally and externally
the older you are going to look .
Let's start with this term ages what is ages stands for advanced glycation and products
that is a combination of sugar molecule with a protein molecule when you take a sugar
and aprotein and you heat them up you end up with these ages .so,now ages could also be
a combination of glucose and fat heated as well if you were to consume this thing called
ice cream🙄for example you basically heating glucose lactose sugar with milk proteins
very high heats . You are just consuming a product that is just consuming product that is
just loaded with these ages ,so . İce cream would be a perfect combination of fat and
sugar .this mean to avoid protein in combination with sugar.
Let's take a french fry which is a starch basically kind of all these glucose molecules
together and then it is also deep fried in fat .so,we have fat plus the starch deep fried
equals atremendous amount of age .so,if you want to look really old real fast keep
consuming fries potato chips same deal starch with some oil deep fried not good.that
😇mean avoid carbs in combination with fat.
Now how clean body and how to get rid of AGEs from your body we have condition called
autophagy which is like an oven what con cook and break down AGEs damage proteins
and old proteins as in old skin cells and it repurpose these proteins.so, autophagy stands
for auto meaning self feige means eating so your body is eating its own protein in away its
repurposing and recycling old damaged proteins and making new ones so autophagy is
really good forAGEs it's good for old wrinkled skin and it's an essential condition to make
you younger and the biggest way to get into autophagy is through fasting . IT IS called dry
fasting .there are not any water as well as no food creats a compounding effect .so,you no
water all day except at night when you have that one meal.
Number two ıf you want youthful skin to get a certain a mount of sun but just make sure
you do not go to the burning level.
Let's talk about enviroment your enviroment is just filled with chemicals poisons drugs we
can not avoid but we have liver .so, our liver that can dismintly these poisons. So ,
youthful is having a healthy liver if your liver is serotic or filled cirrhosis scar tissue or filled
with fat or it's inflamed.so, you are going to look old. You get antioxidants from eating
green vegetables🥦🥒🥬🫑.
Low carb diet
Avoid suger
Don not smoke
Mange stress
Consume quality and adequate
😍Sleep early and very wel
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Thank you for this good and useful article