When humans are born, they are not given a roadmap or a blue print to help them develop friendships or find love in our ever changing world. Women have a distinct advantage when it comes to social skills and social intelligence. Since children are raised predominantly by mothers, girls are the prime beneficiaries of the knowledge that their mother's have acquired and shared. If a boy is lucky enough to have a strong man helping to raise them, then they also may be a beneficiary of their father's accumulated knowledge. Without these two prime sources of social skills, children are at a disadvantage when it comes to interacting with their piers. Girls have a second "safety net" when it comes to understanding social interactions. The safety net for girls is the interactions they have with their girl friends, and the sharing of ideas and information about relationships and men. When boys and men bond, it rarely tends to be about relationships and social skills. Thus, women have a distinct advantage when it comes to understanding the "Game" that occurs between men and women. This post has information, points of views, and links to developed material to help men develop their social understanding of relationships and dating.
The first and foremost opinion about relationships and developing friendships is to always strive to become a better version of yourself. To develop and improve our relationships, we must become the change. We must constantly be challenging ourselves, and accept the changes that will come with our successes and failures.
The second opinion is that we need to have an open mind, and listen to differing ideas and opinions, but always take the time to think critically about the ideas that you encounter. Always question the opinions and information from others!
To become a better version of myself, I have found that I must first develop a strong ethical understanding of the world in which we live. In my opinion, the best book I have ever read to understand ethics in the world which we live is "Atlas Shrugged". It was also made into an inferior movie, but available in a quick and easy to grasp version. Humans are meant to be honorable, hardworking, and honest beings!
To become the best version of myself, I have found that I must also become the best lover possible. I'm am happy and sad to tell you that there is information out there that will literally transform your love making skills from ho-hum, to screaming and unimaginable. This information can be used in a positive or manipulative way. I am sad to say that using these skills in a negative way will tragically harm a women's emotional stability. When I look at certain famous womens' emotional instability, like Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, and Katy Perry, I find it highly probable that many of these sexual techniques have been used on them. Sex can be build someone up, or rip them down. Be careful and kind!
I also believe that to begin to build a stronger you, men should learn about the PUA community. The Acronym PUA stands for "Pick Up Artist". The book that I recommend every man read is the book "The Game". It is a book about the PUA community, and discusses some of it's different aspects. Once again, I believe that the information from the PUA community can be used to benefit men, or to harm women. Life is about choices. Information is not good or bad, it is the application of this information that can be framed as good or evil, and yes I say evil.
PUA youtube Link:
To understand the ramifications of relationships, especially marriage, I suggest that men take a critical look at a fairly new mens movement called MGTOW. This acronym stands for "Men Going Their Own Way" . To get a strong understanding of this movement, I recommend that you go to Youtube and listen to a guy that goes by "Sandman". Type in MGTOW Sandman. I don't recommend that men prescribe to the MGTOW philosophy, but I believe that much of what is talked about is serious food for thought.
MGTOW youtube link:
To become the best version of yourself also means to get your diet and fitness under control. I have discovered that the best diet is one that starts the day with oatmeal and eggs for breakfast. For lunch and dinner we might eat chicken, brown rice, and veggies (broccoli). We should be eating sweet potatoes, yams, fish and sources of lean protein. You don't have to be obsessed about your diet, but it should be under control.
We also need to develop our body along with our mind. I recommend starting with light weights and body weight exercises. We should also get out and play sports and exercise. I highly recommend Barstarz to get started.
I also recommend getting your finances in order. The number one obstacle for relationships is personal finances. I know that some people are struggling from the financial chaos that is occurring. I hate to share bad news with you, but it is only going to get worse. All that world governments have done since 2008, is they have dropped the Fed Funds Rate (Interest Rates) to 0% for almost ten years and printed trillions upon trillions of dollars, yen, euros, and other fiat currencies. The United States debt has DOUBLED since 2008 to 20 trillion dollars. This has only made the problem worse. The real economic collapse is coming, and now that they are going to "try" to raise the fed funds rate in 2017, the true financial collapse will deepen. Use your critical thinking skills to come to this realization. Those who don't prepare for what is to come will be in for a world of hurt, literally. I say this not to cause fear, but to enlighten all those that are still listening to the government propaganda on CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and all the other Main Stream Media (MSM). Those "Media Sources" are bought and paid for by the ruling elite. I hope that everyone 'Wakes Up' before we leave the eye of the financial hurricane and face the worst of which is to come.
I hope that guys take this sampling of information, and use it to make themselves a better version of who they are now. Become the confident, caring, honest, honorable human being we are all meant to be. "Step free from the mud and slime from whence we came!" AGC
The manosphere emerged specifically to disseminate information like this.