Top15 Things a woman wants from her man but won't ask for.

in #woman7 years ago

1."Good morning beautiful" And "Good night baby" texts..

  1. Pictures taken together..
  2. Surprises (Visiting and bringing her favorite food).
  3. Taking her to meet his
    family n friends..
  4. His sweaters or jackets with his scent all over it..
  5. Really long hugs.. ({})
  6. Slow dances..
  7. Sincere compliments..
  8. Singing her favorite songs even if it's out of tune..
  9. A cute teddy bear to hug when he's not around..
  10. Real, deep conversations..
  11. Nonsense but funny
    conversations too..
  12. His gentle-manlinesss..
  13. Comfort and patience when she's in tears..
  14. Telling her how much he luvs her..
    AGREE ??