Created & Managed by @jackmiller [Witness]
The Reports from the Witnesses 2018-06-24First thing is first, if you haven't been keeping up with the witness posts in your feed from @witnesspage, here is a link to @timcliff 's weekly post
Just wanted to make sure everyone was informed on how to keep track of all us witnesses!So if you missed anything as it was posted/resteemed, you can always go backtrack via @timcliff 's weekly post.
From the 130+ witnesses here only 50 to some 60 can claim to be "profitable" while another 10 to 20 can claim to be breaking even and the rest, well, are actually at a loss, when we add up the numbers!
The "profits" vary, for more information you can check out the numbers at: https://steemian.info/witness-faq
Did you know that many, if not most witnesses are not able to dedicate no where near as much time to lets say "Posting regularly", even though many may think "Why not?" well, basically we all seem to get ambushed one way or another and simply don't get around to doing what we want to do.
or as is the case, many a time, we put Steemians and our Steem communities ahead of our own personal wishes! Guess it comes with the not so well paying job!
So why do many do it?
That is the first and foremost justification for our actions.
Secondly, our ecosystem is competitive and we are striving for it to be a fair and just arena in which the rules are for the best interests of this endeavour and all of us Steemians who are the heart and soul of Steem.
& yes, there is always the hope that Steem shall go to the moon and that one day all the work and stress shall be "profitable". No doubt about that, WE BELIEVE IN STEEM!
Never forget, we are Steemians, every witness is first and foremost a Steemian!
Why did I intro this post with the above info?
Well, there is one thing that @witnesspage can be used for in addition to just following all our active witness posts.
@witnesspage literally upvotes all our active witnesses.
Yes, up until today it was set at nothing major, a 1% vote, but as of today that setting shall go to 7%.
Why is this so important?
Well, not to keep talking about how much the witnesses do for all of us, but to go into the above listed facts and to consider how much each and every one of us Steemians loves that little extra vote, no matter how big or how small it is, every vote always brings that little bit of a smile on our faces.
We all know that feeling!
Secondly, do we all keep up with all 130+ active Steem witnesses?
Probably not!
First of all I'm not on here 24/7 and Steem witnesses are from all over the world, so it would be amazing if anyone of us could keep up with all the posts 24/7!
So here is a simple solution:
If you would like to upvote all our active witnesses you can simply delegate some SP to @witnesspage and the votes will be done automatically.
You shall still be able to use your own accounts to vote on any post you like to, so just consider this as a little way to help out.
This may help get some of us witnesses more active in our blogging again, after all, sometimes all it takes is that little bit of a nudge to get people back into it!
Even if it means that we won't have time to sleep ever again!
Every action results in a reaction, so too shall this positive action here have a positive reaction!
Who knows, maybe @Ned and Steemit.Inc. See the value in this idea and delegate some serious SP to upvoting ALL our active witnesses!
It sure would make a real difference!
But until then, let's not hold our breath, even though "Hope" shall always be there, let's all consider this idea and no matter how big or how small the delegation may be it all adds up at the end of the day!
Here are some quicklinks in case you wish to delegate some now, and before you change your mind, you know like in the TV adverts, "Don't wait", unfortunately no free set of steak knives with this deal here!
and just in case @Ned reads this and likes the idea
Delegate 250000 SP
Man, all the projects and programs out there and practically none to help out and support the people who are making so many things possible for everyone!
Up until now that is!
I'm sure that no matter what happens, that all my fellow witnesses shall appreciate the fact that some of us fellow Steemians do care!
Remember, to follow all our active Steem Witnesses with their relevant witness posts, all you need to do is to click the "Follow" option here on @witnesspage.
As I say, "People helping people" is the name of the game.
Thanks for reading.
the top 20 witnesses are probably ok without this, but supporting others when they get going is a good initiative
I would throw 25k SP in if I had it, right now. Would take 5 minutes of skim reading your blog to see your level of commitment and dedication you exhibit if I didn't know you. Knowing you, I know enough to say @Ned will see the same if he were to take a moment to look at your selfless contributions (too many to list, mate!).
Let's hope those who have the power to do good may align with your unwavering support of this Steemit ecosystem. Seeing is believing and actions tell us all we need to know. Best luck in all of your endeavors @jackmiller and I will stand in support in every way that I can. You're a great friend and an asset to the Steemit community, mate.
/pats @jackmiller on the back 🍻
Aww man! I was totally in the market for some new steak knives!
This is really good, Jack. I love the "did you know" stuff. You should keep that up! Resteemed! Thanks for sharing it. You are one person who I love getting personal post promotions from.
This is awesome :D As a witness who is slightly underrated I'll delegate some in hopes that it helps all witnesses in the same position