
Good to hear from you Sab. Thanks for checking in on me 😊. Things are better than they have been recently so that's is a positive 👍

Mr. J! haha you're a dork lol. I have a bit of the RC blues, trying to let that build up a bit. At 23% this morning so that's a little better.

What's new with with you?

No need to thank me Jef💓 it’s the least I can do.
So what’s a RC blues? Is this sort of like a withdrawalbrina you can get? Is it contagious? 🤭🙈

Currently eating this🤩💗👌4856A69F-3E87-4DB3-8DB1-A00004EEED63.jpeg

RC = Resource Credit. I am trying to get it to recharge closer to 80 - 100%. That looks delicious!

Hey Jeffrey.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this to me.
It means a lot and I appreciate it.
I have to say that while I didn’t think us stopping to talk was going to happen, I sensed that something was wrong.

I wish the same for you. I really hope that the situation can change in the future at some point. You are an amazing person and I hate to lose such an inspiration, but I need to in order to fix my marriage.

au revoir pour le moment.

I truly understand.
I’ll miss you J! But it makes a lot of sense.
You’re a keeper hope she knows it xo

Hey Sabrina, I know this situation isn't easy, but I do want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was unaware he felt this way in our marriage until recently, I view this as a blessing in disguise and I am forever grateful. I love my husband with all my heart.that's why have stayed by his side. I don't hold anything against you, and I appreciate you respecting our life, family, and marriage together. I wish you love, light, and peace in your future. 💛
Please let me know you see this post.