
Thank you, for the 20%. It's only for saved HBD, which isn't that much inflation because very few people leverage that feature. (if we notice that it goes out of hand we can always trim back). The goal is to create demand for HBD which protects it from de-pegging as we saw it happen previously and why there are initiatives like @hbdstabiliser

I was wondering about that as well. Sounds nice for an investor, but then - investors want to take profit, so that means generating selling pressure.. albeit, quite predictable selling pressure. It would be nice to hear about that from time to time, just to keep an eye on the stats, experiment is live, is there someone researching the effects? I have no idea. Quick 15-second search found two posts, distant in time from each other. I've yet to read them, but maybe you'd like to take alook as well. At least the first paragraphs of the first one sound reasonable, and the title of the second exactly states my doubts

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