A centralized means of production is communism..
Words are fluid, and the 'old' definition (purist one?) of communism has changed - to mean precisely what I say above.
It is impossible (based on the definition I use and the commonly understood one), to not have an authoritarian system with communism.
Totally impossible.
Yes, and you think that by design to make it impossible for you to separate the two and become free.

Let go of your bars, its gonna be okay in a world where we all seek success for each of us.
Language evolves in society, it always has.
Gay used to mean 'happy' before 'homosexual' (for example).
I have another 2000 examples if you want them....
Language changes...
Yes, unfortunately i cant have gay days anymore.
And people wonder why i get so grumpy,...
Does that stop the concept from entering your mind?
When confronted with uncomfortable new data disrupting your beliefs, do you ignore the new data and stick with your more comfortable beliefs?
Alot of folks do,...
When confronted with uncomfortable new data disrupting your beliefs, do you ignore the new data and stick with your more comfortable beliefs?
If I did that, I'd still be a commie! lolol...
So, what made you jump ship?
I realized it was bollocks...
I accepted people and natural systems as they are . (and not as some bored intellectuals think they should be).
(I had a tough time with hierarchy, too - but..it's the way it is)
Voluntary hierarchies are just fine,...
I have no ideology.
Who's the prisoner, here...?
Clearly, the one operating on an unrecognized, by him, ideology?
Your rejection of a new ideology decries your adherence to the old, even if the old one is a hodgepodge from many diverse ones, imo.
Capitalism isn't an ideology- it's system working before words were even invented....
it's not an imposed system created by people who think they are cleverer than the natural system of self betterment, through cooperation.
Capitalism existed way before money...(you don't think capital just means money?Surely not?)
I agree that absent the current fiat bankster bs the differences we hold will likely be academic, given crapitalism's headstart in the minds of the workers.
That academic difference will likely lead to a repeat when history gets around to its rhyming, though.
pesky rhyming history...