
Yes, unfortunately i cant have gay days anymore.
And people wonder why i get so grumpy,...

Language evolves in society,...

Does that stop the concept from entering your mind?
When confronted with uncomfortable new data disrupting your beliefs, do you ignore the new data and stick with your more comfortable beliefs?
Alot of folks do,...

When confronted with uncomfortable new data disrupting your beliefs, do you ignore the new data and stick with your more comfortable beliefs?

If I did that, I'd still be a commie! lolol...

So, what made you jump ship?

I realized it was bollocks...

I accepted people and natural systems as they are . (and not as some bored intellectuals think they should be).

(I had a tough time with hierarchy, too -'s the way it is)

Voluntary hierarchies are just fine,...

totally agree...
Meritocratic rather than dominant

dominant = communism
meritocratic = capitalism

Lol, just wont quit, will you?
How many times do i have to point you to the fact that communism predates what happened in russia and is voluntary?

Authoritarian = bullshit