Now I can already hear the haters. "Aggroed, you stupid fuck, you greedy piece of shit shill, who the fuck is going to trust you here. You operate Hive-Engine you fucker. Clearly you're biased as fuck you little shit."
Ok, first off, that kind of talk is hateful and I'd appreciate if you could calm your tits a little and speak to me professionally.
Lol. Its funny how people exaggerate their opposing position and try to diminish it with caricatures like the one you wrote here.
I always found that funny. Its lowbrow and cheap, but funny. 😂
Yes, HE is centralized and if people continue building on it your power and influence grows more and more.
Im not sure you can call anything we have Layer 2. Shouldnt layer 2 have layer 1 security?
Anyways. HIVE doesnt have a business model and creates no incentive to buy it. Wer 150th in MC and sinking like a rock every passing day.
Your suggestion here is basically: "Do nothing HE will handle it."
And honestly with the work you guys have done with SL and HE id be more inclined to side with your bad idea than with the "no idea" folks running HIVE into the ground..