There are a number of issues that exist within the steem blockchain which is working directly against everything that you should be focusing on in order to maintain a clean and overly connected network of people who want to see what each other are up to.
However, the system was established with a clear disdain for and active work against setting up a central authority who would be capable of determining whether you have made a good decision this day or a negative decision. The lack of a central authority, beyond that of the witnesses, whom they themselves don't understand but from which depends their success is the core, is the very life supplied of what everything's about.
The problem, if we must to put our finger on one in particular, is the fact that we, as users, already except that the beta is implicit. No way in or out exists except through the beta. They've called for access to the financial side of things far, far too quickly. All of this would probably be easier to deal with if people weren't already counting on it to give them part of their rent. That's why all sorts of cunning manipulations may be in the offing once the weather opens up
No one on the blockchain has the power or the authority to make a declaration of how things are going to be and the power to make it stick in fact, most of the serious ones have already planned how to get out, it just needs a certain impetus. In the absence of an authority to go to, you get to see the worst parts of human society work themselves back together from nothingness. Congratulations, it should be amazing.
Luckily it does stay amusing.