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RE: Steem Hardfork thoughts- Do this, stop tweaking the faucets, and let's work on sinks.

in #witness6 years ago

use-cases are created in the very moment the technology has utility. Its a misconception in biology that ecological-niches are already out there and the species just needs to jump in. Facebook became big and business followed.

Its always the same: people are accumulating and organizing in a way we call a network. Social media is the very definition of a internets superhub. Around that primitive application of social media, other specialized Apps are born. Steemmonsters was effectively born in that social-hub, which was Steemit.

Building that working social-media around the economy of STEEM is = bootstrapping your dAPPs. Make Steemit work and you will prosper. Let it die and dAPPs like Steemmonsters will become blockchain-refugees like dLive.