Vote for @KLYE Witness Please if You Have a Spare Vote!

in #witness4 months ago


Hey HIVE folks! Hope all is well on your halloween day/night. Got my monthly producer report for my HIVE witness and did the math... I am currently not even breaking even on running my witness server node it looks like.. :/ Asking for some help to rectify this in the form of a witness vote to raise my rank above the current #80 I am up into the 50's (or maybe even higher) so it pays for itself atleast.

( some parts edited out for security concerns obviously )

Now here below is my monthly producer report showing how many HP I generated by making HIVE blocks over the month. When we do some quick math taking the HIVE price currently at $0.333 USD multiplied by the 191.770 HP/HIVE I received we get a total of around $63 USD or so as shown:



now don't get me wrong.. I don't mind losing like $5 a month to support the HIVE blockchain security by being a block producer.. But you reckon a guy with almost over 9000 followers and having literally wrote the manual for witness installation back in the STEEM days that I wouldn't have to pay out of pocket in order to run a HIVE witness node. The Top 20 witnesses have been in their positions long enough that they can effectively vote eachother in and hold the positions nullifying the greater communities vote, which is kind of a shame. The Bitshares old boys club aren't bad guys by any means, but it would be nice to see young up and coming devs or grizzled veterans working on prokjects for literally years for HIVE to have higher rankings or maybe be cycled in and out of top 20 so the blockchain supported the guys building utility and services on it.

Please help me get back to a higher level of witness rank so I'm not slowly hemorrhaging money and having to power down all the time just to afford to run my witness server. It's a dedicated box with a HIVE RPC API offering 12 * 2 Core 2.5Ghz Intel E-5 CPU box with 128GB of ECC 1333mhz RAM and 2.5TB of NVME & SSD and is available for API calls on which works 99% of the time and I run a custom price script that updates hourly. With a few hundred thousand HP worth of witness votes I can once again not only break even but get a bit of profit in my pocket to help pay for coffee to make coding less hell.


Every Single Vote Helps, Thanks for the Support!

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Below is a recent screenshot of my monthly bill in order to run the @klye witness server:



Damn rank 80... rude!

Get this man a higher rank I say!

Also Hive needs to 10x so the block rewards are phat.

Aye lad.. #82 I guess now.

Thanks for the comment. :)

also holy crap thanks for the vote sir! just noticed.

Sheesh @klye! are you still alive?

Holy fuck mate. I thought you were six feet under same as your H.A.T.E.Dstellar projects. community, your thingy and your other

Uhm... well... ok... yeah, let me see what I can do to catapult you into the top twenty spots in the ranking of the highest-paid Hive witnesses in one fell swoop.


But you reckon a guy with almost over 9000 followers and having literally wrote the manual for witness installation back in the STEEM days that I wouldn't have to pay out of pocket in order to run a HIVE witness node.

Noob Guide

lol, well aware I'm behind on a bunch of shit.. I'm only one dude trying to work on a dozen things.. <_<

Well mate, anyway I'm very glad to know you are still kicking dust & cobwebs, well and in good shape no matter if you are doing it alone. Try to rest more and better and perhaps trying to work on only half a dozen things will be enough to get ahead. Because being behind on a bunch of shit always will be the natural easy way.