My witness (late) announcement: Hello Hive I am a witness!

in #witness8 months ago


Banner created in canva

  Last December during my Hive Power-UP I decided to announce officially my career as a Hive witness. That was thanks to @mengao's (he is also a witness that is helping the blockchain) help to understand a bit the process of becoming a witness. I thought at first running at home, I have a small home server with capabilities of running it, at least with the RAM and storage requirements asked. However, it is connected through a wifi network ( I am too lazy to install all the cables through the router in the basement to get into the server). For that reason, running in a VPS was my best option to not rely on energy and network problems (I never had a peak of energy in this house since I moved in 2021, but still can be a problem since I don't have also a UPS). The VPS is run by a company called Contabo. There I choose to pay for the VPS with the minimum required specs at the GitHub storing hive's node scripts. I started running the node on November 10th, 2023. And started to see the challenges of gathering votes to be able to receive blocks to sign it. But who is @gwajnberg?

  Em dezembro passado, durante meu Power-UP no Hive, decidi anunciar oficialmente minha carreira como testemunha do Hive. Isso foi graças à ajuda do @mengao (ele também é uma testemunha que está ajudando a blockchain) para entender um pouco o processo de me tornar uma testemunha. Pensei inicialmente em rodar em casa, tenho um pequeno servidor doméstico com capacidade para rodá-lo, pelo menos com os requisitos de RAM e armazenamento solicitados. No entanto, ele está conectado por uma rede wifi (estou com preguiça de instalar todos os cabos pelo roteador no porão para chegar ao servidor). Por esse motivo, rodar em um VPS foi minha melhor opção para não depender de problemas de energia e rede (nunca tive um pico de energia nesta casa desde que me mudei em 2021, mas ainda pode ser um problema, já que também não tenho um UPS). O VPS é administrado por uma empresa chamada Contabo. Lá, optei por pagar pelo VPS com as especificações mínimas exigidas no armazenamento do GitHub dos scripts do nó do hive. Comecei a rodar o nó em 10 de novembro de 2023. E comecei a ver os desafios de reunir votos para poder receber blocos para assiná-los. Mas quem é @gwajnberg?


  I have been on Hive since December 2021, when I joined the discord server. I met awesome people there, and they also have their witnesses, you can consider voting on them as well, I think they are the first witnesses that I voted and I don't regret it. My background is maybe something that people don't know much about, Bioinformatics. I am a mix of biologists and IT people in summary. And more precisely biologists who learned to program and create tools to help with the analysis of biological data, such as genomics and transcriptomics data, a very large amount of data by the way. So I am used to dealing with large amounts of data and also with scripting some languages such as JS, Python, and Perl (my first language, please don't make fun of me because of that, LOL). I have been during these 2 years of Hive most a writer of my own experiences either from a personal point of view or even professional, I posted some challenges in programming that I faced during my daily job that may have helped someone, however, this kind of post turned to be a bit rarer nowadays, like the posts talking about graphQL which was a bit of novelty for a guy that learned database with classic relational DBs in SQL. But then, why become a witness?

  Estou no Hive desde dezembro de 2021, quando me juntei ao servidor do Discord Conheci pessoas incríveis lá, e eles também têm sua testemunha própria, você também pode considerar votar neles, acho que são as primeiras testemunhas em que votei e não me arrependo. Meu background é talvez algo que as pessoas não saibam muito sobre, Bioinformática. Sou uma mistura de biólogos e profissionais de TI, em resumo. E mais precisamente biólogos que aprenderam a programar e criar ferramentas para ajudar na análise de dados biológicos, como dados genômicos e transcriptômicos, uma quantidade muito grande de dados, aliás. Portanto, estou acostumado a lidar com grandes volumes de dados e também a escrever em algumas linguagens de programação, como JS, Python e Perl (minha primeira linguagem, por favor, não zombe de mim por causa disso, rs). Durante esses 2 anos de Hive, tenho sido mais um escritor de minhas próprias experiências, seja do ponto de vista pessoal ou mesmo profissional. Publiquei alguns desafios de programação que enfrentei durante meu trabalho diário, que podem ter ajudado alguém, no entanto, esse tipo de postagem tornou-se um pouco mais raro hoje em dia, assim como as postagens sobre GraphQL, que foram um pouco de novidade para alguém que aprendeu banco de dados com DBs relacionais clássicos em SQL. Mas então, por que me tornar uma testemunha?


My own terminal printscreen.

  The last year has been the year of finding my spot in Hive. Ok, I am producing posts for certain communities, but how can @gwajnberg make a difference at Hive? My first thoughts were to introduce my point of view in the world to help communities with a more diverse point of view, supporting that type of cause. Then I started to check if more witnesses were needed to Hive to help the system, and I saw that yes. The more is the better, that's why I invite also other people if they can to look for that option. Someone asked me about the IT basic knowledge for that. Unfortunately, if you are only used to using Windows, and a click/interact system it may be difficult, but it is never too late to learn a bit about dealing with Linux and the famous "THE TERMINAL". But there isn't any need to produce any "hello world" script for that. So yes, I am running a witness node, but for sure I don't expect to be in the top 20 more voted witnesses, I think these positions are pretty well established. And I don't plan to be rich on Hive being a witness, for now, if someone asks me how to be rich here, I think the only possible way is creating content (if you don't have any initial investment of course). The only thing that I wanted is to at least cover the costs of the server, but still not sure what vote position I need for that, for sure my current position around the 120th isn't enough. But I appreciate all the friends' help for now, those are probably more than 90% of my votes for now, and also some other people that I met between November and now. I know that this post is a bit late since I started almost 4 months ago, but my energy in the hive since then is more used to producing content that is dedicated to gathering votes, which I saw requires a lot of energy, especially for a guy with a bit of emotion inhibition. So I am happy to be part of the process of signing blocks and helping with Hive transactions to continue moving forward and Hopefully, I will see my name at least in front of some inactive Witnesses. Yeah, there are a lot of inactive Witnesses in front of me, so even if you don't vote for my witness please consider reviewing these inactive witnesses. My current position allows me to sign a block every ~20h and I only missed 2 blocks for now ( the VPS went down twice, problem was solved quickly with the support of the VPS)If you want to consider me as a witness a direct link is in the banner below.

  O último ano foi o ano de encontrar meu lugar no Hive. Ok, estou produzindo postagens para certas comunidades, mas como @gwajnberg pode fazer a diferença no Hive? Meus primeiros pensamentos foram introduzir meu ponto de vista no mundo para ajudar comunidades com um ponto de vista mais diversificado, apoiando esse tipo de causa. Então, comecei a verificar se mais testemunhas eram necessárias no Hive para ajudar o sistema, e vi que sim. Quanto mais, melhor, por isso convido também outras pessoas, se puderem, a considerar essa opção. Alguém me perguntou sobre os conhecimentos básicos de TI para isso. Infelizmente, se você está acostumado apenas a usar o Windows e um sistema de clique/interação, pode ser difícil, mas nunca é tarde para aprender um pouco sobre lidar com o Linux e o famoso "TERMINAL". Mas não há necessidade de produzir nenhum script "olá mundo" para isso. Então sim, estou executando um nó de testemunha, mas com certeza não espero estar entre as 20 testemunhas mais votadas, acho que essas posições estão bem estabelecidas. E não planejo ficar rico no Hive sendo testemunha, por enquanto, se alguém me perguntar como ficar rico aqui, acho que a única maneira possível é criando conteúdo (se você não tiver nenhum investimento inicial, é claro). A única coisa que eu queria era pelo menos cobrir os custos do servidor, mas ainda não tenho certeza de qual posição de voto eu preciso para isso, com certeza minha posição atual em torno da 120ª não é suficiente. Mas eu aprecio toda a ajuda dos amigos até agora, esses são provavelmente mais de 90% dos meus votos até agora, e também algumas outras pessoas que conheci entre novembro e agora. Eu sei que esta postagem está um pouco atrasada, já que comecei há quase 4 meses, mas minha energia no Hive desde então está mais voltada para produzir conteúdo dedicado a reunir votos, o que vi requer muita energia, especialmente para um cara com um pouco de inibição emocional. Então, estou feliz em fazer parte do processo de assinatura de blocos e ajudar com transações do Hive para continuar avançando e, espero, verei meu nome pelo menos na frente de algumas Testemunhas inativas. Sim, há muitas Testemunhas inativas na minha frente, então mesmo que você não vote em minha testemunha, considere revisar essas testemunhas inativas. Minha posição atual me permite assinar um bloco a cada ~20 horas e até agora só perdi 2 blocos (o VPS caiu duas vezes, mas o problema foi resolvido rapidamente com o suporte do VPS). .Se quiser me considerar como testemunha, um link direto está no banner abaixo.

Banner created in canva

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It is a big step you are taking @gwajnberg, so I wish you much success in this new stage as a witness, I have no power here in Panal, but I will gladly give you my vote, since in the end everything adds up.

Thanks for the good wishes and I am honored by your vote, I appreciate votes from everyone who has even 0.1 HP hehe. It is nice when I open the list of my votes and I am proud of this list. It means that this amount of people trust me somehow =) which is already a win for me!

I’m glad you appreciate all the help you got
I wish you well as being a witness

OMG! I didn't know that you were a witness. We voted for you fam, good luck!!!

So many people to talk to hehehe, I am glad that you could see my post! Thanks for all the help =)

You joined Hive in 2021. And that's a long time. And you learned a lot and made a lot of memories during that time.

yes it is =)

Good luck with your witness adventure.

That is the beauty of decentralization, anyone can have a go!

thanks for motivation =)

Oh a new witness. Good luck and I hope when the Hive witnesses have a meeting you all decide things for the good of all members. 🙏 My only wish is no more toxicity, bullying and power tripping from big shots arnd here.

Hello thanks for the comment!
Witnesses have only the power to decide about the interest of the savings in hbd! And for that i heard about no meetings you can see that many witnesses have divergence about this opinion and set different values. If there is a meeting it is through personal dms which i am not aware of. About 99% of hive decisions is with the community. You can check all hive proposals in here: and vote in them. All decisions are made here. Although maybe you are mentioning about personal projects of some witnesses in their own anti abuse point of view… those are personal projects from some witnesses and also people that aren’t.

Ah I thought there was such a group meeting of witnesses and Hive runners. My bad.

No problem! Sometimes is difficult to find an information i totally understand you

Congrats on the new witness fren! Lesgo!

thanks for the support!!

wow u finally let everybody know O.O. congratz again for being a witness. technically we are all witnesses at least those participating in the blockchain O.O we see everything.

yep we are... =)

O.O im not an actually witness but i am a witness u know :P

I am too lazy to install all the cables through the router in the basement to get into the server

Why are you telling us that you're lazy then asking us to support you as a witness?

It was a bit of a joke to explain my decision about going through a VPS, I needed more structure and maybe even more knowledge to push cables from another part of my house to the other part. In addition, my wife wouldn't be very happy about the way that I would pass the cables through the house concerned about the aesthetics. A 24/7 working machine on site would require a bit more investment right now which I can't provide. So sorry if you understood it as a bad thing.

That makes sense. I don't mine bitcoin because the Antminers are 80 decibels. Was considering it when I lived in a place with no utility bills.

I don't think witnesses do much work to keep the servers going and most probably use VPS anyways. It's an issue with the integrity of the blockchain if every witness uses the same VPS so your honesty is appreciated.

Most witnesses have been here a while and contribute to the ecosystem in ways that go beyond renting or running a server. You can have one of my witness votes )

I think we should be honest where we are running the nodes… for sure some witnesses have their own local servers, but for sure I am not the only one renting a VPS. I admire many witnesses that are top 20 or even top 50 there some beautiful examples because like you said they contribute to the blockchain in addition to running a node to process transactions. But also there are many votes in dead (inactive) witnesses so we need for the blockchain newer witnesses … anyways thanks for everything , I appreciated your honest opinion more than everything ! And thanks for the vote!


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You been had my vote !BBH

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