Post to address voters of another(sort of) dead witness.

in #witness4 years ago (edited)

In this case the witness seems to have just given up on block production mid-last year(2019-08-27), far before the Hive Fork. I know this witness is deactivated with the correct deactivation key (STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm), but nevertheless it keeps occupying a spot among the Top100 that could be used by an active witness.

I deactivate my witness sometimes the key above for maitnance purposes, but it is my belief that if a witness is deactivated for over six months, it is time to question if it's owner ever intend to return to the job. Over a year is mostly certain that the witness won't return.

I make such topics to call the attention of it's voters so they be aware that a witness they are supporting is no longer working and do whatever they want with that information. As there is not enough space in the main post for all the mentions, I'll mark them in the comments too.


Sorry for forgetting to naming the witness. I was referring to @teamsteem, but also to every high ranked witness who matches any one of the following criteria:

  • both of the following:
    • Is inactive or stale;
    • Last produced block over a year ago;
  • Is active but missing blocks for over a month;

@a-estradaa @a-steemit-upvote @a1000carv @aa9 @aaa52 @aadesign @aadram520 @aafadjar @aahsann @aalejandroj @aalok @aamsteem @aaronjel @aaronmda @aauthespian1 @abahfathir @abangace99 @abansp @abbijulie @abbyrich @abd.salam @abdelelhana147 @abdsamadsakhi @abdulaziz @abdulhadi28 @abduljabar @abdullah2017 @abdullahilyas @abeyaimary @abhbarry @abhi3700 @abhisheksilmana @abigailloveremo @abinvent @ablie @abnep @abner1122 @abreck99 @absenior @abu-rimba @abu.amann @abufetih @abuwaf3n @abuzenk @acastellanos1 @accuser @aceh-trades @acehero @acehnature @acehpungo @aceshooter63 @achainblockchain @achintya4113 @achmadyani @achyarmuhammad @achyars90 @acmu @acoatforamonkey @acousticdream @acreol @activistblog @acutpelangi @adahmiracle @adam.tran @adammillwardart @adamrant @adamson @adamsone @adamt @adc2017 @addempsea @addiemae @addisonray @ade-greenwise @adedoyinwealth @adekaknah @adelepazani @adelliana @adelsz @adept @adewunmif @adi.pisces @adibiqbal @adie89 @adien705 @adimartabak @adimatang @adiveharry @adivender @adiza @adjes-eu @adlk @admab @adnankhanthar @adnanshaikh @adnoan @adolforivas42 @adonymous @adoonz @adoore-eu @adra @adrian888 @adrianvm @adrienoor @adryal-alkhaizan @adryanrian @adun80 @aduragbemi @adurheron @adymus @adyorka @adypur @adzindika @aedroberts @aeico @aeondrift @aewind @afe87nw088 @afefe @afie @afifa @afiii @afkarsteemit @afkarstudio @afridany @afriendinpr @afrosiab @afsanamitul1 @aftabkhan10 @agala @agamsuriadi @agathonscribe @aggamun @aghunter @aglosteem @agmontpetit @agristeem @agrojaya @agusepp @aguss @agussafrizal @ahdajaudah @ahidmuhajir @ahmad.kamil @ahmadfreed @ahmadzaki @ahmed666 @ahmedaziz @ahmedjony @ahmedvirani @ahmedyehia1 @ahmru @ahurra @aidarojaswriter @aidenpearce @aidiel @ailyncrisostomo @ainalfitrah @ainee @ainunukhalid @aireal @airiesbrielle @airil280708 @airolah @aiyuhany @aj33 @ajanphoto @ajaymodgil @ajes10 @ajgreen @ajierindahmalam @ajith123 @ajmalaftab @ajmalansari @ajmiller @ajremy @ajsp1970 @ajts @ajvest @ak477 @ak47balasbolin @aka8888 @akar-rumput @akashsharma777 @akbar-nur @akertxu @akgrownmtf @akhris611 @akhywali @akintunde @akirachang @akiramorikawa @akitoxavier @akiyoshi @akoaypilipina @akwesiadjei @al-mene @alaikaabdullah @alamaceh @alankavanagh @alanmasters @alanmirza @alao @alaskatactical @alasyi @alaydroes83 @alberimsi @albertbruno @alberteinstein0 @alberto.moretto @albuluhi @alcimarquez @aldentan @aldenys @aledz143 @alejandrofz @aleksandra.mart @aletheathegreat @alex-icey @alex.changer @alex.tsui @alex97144 @alexa57 @alexander88 @alexanderjunior @alexanderperez @alexandertorres @alexis-blrb @alexiseze @alexj1227 @alexkgb @alexmorenoec @alexpmorris @alexrdisla @alexwonderful @alf4t1h @alfa-good @alfaancemo @alfarisi @alfaruq @alfheim15 @alfiannurmedia @alfisyahrin @alfonsode @alfredosilva @alfunnisak @algo.coder @alhidayat @ali.awada @alieone @alif420 @alina82 @alincexgu @alinurman @aliqismat470 @alirauf @alisonudeme @aliyah2017 @aliyu-s @aliyuamal @aljicenpastorite @alko89 @all-aceh @allasyummyfood @allcapsusername @alldeal4u @alldutchcreation @allfabeta @allinheart @allstarrunner @allthatmoney @allyinspirit @almvide @almyra @alokzoom @alomgirhoseain @alomgirkhan @alpayasteem @altafalazzam @alterid @altisima81 @altportal @alunaa64 @alvaradoroso @alvinscorner @alx-koko @alya-duana @amaiyanvbo1 @amanda13 @amar69 @amar92 @amart29 @amatchgirl @ambdavid @ambisyoso @ambulipe @ameerrockzz @ameliabartlett @amelyaaqiqie @americaenmoto @ameriza @amileone @amin-al-hadid @aminated @amine111 @amiramnoam @amirdesaingrafis @amirullah99 @amit86 @amitv113 @amjadshaheen @ammachemist @ammirevole @amnanaeem @amnasahar @amounrha @ampondel @amritadeva @amy-goodrich @amyalfatasya @amyram @an-di @ana0regina @anak123 @anakrimba @analunar @analyst101 @anam01 @anaman @anarcho-pirate @anarchrysalis @anasz @anca3drandom @ancientmystique @andestra @andiess @andimywapblog14 @andisantos @andiwarhol @andranzr @andreadepinho @andreaderrico @andreanrey @andreasklinger @andrejcibik @andrew28 @andrewmeintzer @andrianhabibi @andthentherewas1 @andy510 @andybets @andyjem @andyjose77 @andyrc @anetaki @aneukrapai @anfood @angel-angelo @angelbless @angelhris @angelillo @angellija @angellthedaimons @angeloliveros @angelvera3698 @angesuarez @angrezi @angusg @aniarte @aniekanxavier @anik-hassan @anik007 @anikekirsten @animecraze @anjanida @anjaswandi @anjiba @anjury05 @ankit9 @ankitkumararya @anli @annajbrpaz @annarise @annastella @annekevb @annelizdoug @annesaya @anniekphoto @anoniam @anonim1924 @anonylouse @anoopsingh @ansonoxy @ant1dot396 @anthonymark @antimetica @antisocialists @antomil @antonette @antonia.tnk @antoniomontilva @antt001 @anumsteemit @anupbose @anutu @anyasiemmanuel @anzir86 @apaaceh001 @apamanah @aparabe @aparicio @aparsh @apb85 @apcrypto80 @aperlmutter @apetmodella @apilopoly @apiprincz @aponkhan @appguy @appiepearl @applecrisp @apresiatror @apresiko @aqeelshehzad @aqilamahira @aqli @aqlima @aquam @arafadh @arafatnur @arajab @arakis @araujoph @arbazalam @arbent44k @arbit @arbitrarykitten @archisteem @arcoders @ardhan @ardiardi2525 @arekwolf @aresbon @arewaexpressnews @arfa @arfandin @argenismedina @ari.afliandi @ari0495 @arianpet @arianto71 @aricheta @arie.steem @ariefebianski @ariefin @ariefmunanzar @arieframadhan @ariejuly @arifpratama @arifuddinaba @aril.hatake @arismo @aristokratos @arisviyo @arizaldanke @arjoena20 @arjun4 @arjunyadav @arl @armandocat @armi24 @armia @armiaaceh @armiden @armr @aroelscream @aron007 @aron03 @aronexxon @aronnaawe @aronnizam @arosebunch @around-z-block @arsalanliaquat @arsgphillies @arshad1 @arslabsab @arslanhyder @arslansaleem @art-by-ben @art-mess @art-s @artbenow @artem-sokoloff @artistchristian @artmagazine @artmosent @artoraly @artseeker @artzone @artzone.curators @arulaceh @arulkomand4n @arwinhiloma @arwinzen @aryanggi @arzoo @asakti @asbonclz @asekevwe @asgaard @ashlyncurvey @ashspencermd @asianessien @asifalirao4570 @asifmehmood @askmee @aslam8 @asm3 @asmara @asonintrigue @asperger-kids @assaddam @assan @assasin @asswonks @asturigla @aswcenter @ata27 @atbrittain @ateh @atifaslam @atim1234 @atjehblogger79 @atjehsteemit @atli @atoksilver @atta09 @atthariq @atulchaudhari @audax @audioalchemy @audreybits @audry16 @aufar @augistune @aulisa512 @aunglay123 @aungminthet @aungsein @aunt-deb @aura.connect @auroravpc @austilo8 @autinf @autokjk70 @auzimirza33 @avance2010 @avesa @avsharif @awahidsteem @awashkoirala @awesomeeps @awesomianist @axforest @axsteem @axsuku @ayahkasih @ayeshaaziz @ayi1 @ayie77 @ayijons @aykut119 @aymanalomgir @ayoyemi @ayraaprilia @ayruel @ayupermata @ayvemoonlight @azamkhan7091 @azhari.mfr @azhari5173 @azharsigege @azharsyaqi @azira @azisjesika @azissuloh @azizahrisky @azkaaura @azlicr @azmir @azrad @azwardjafar @azwargolden @azzaainayya @b22u9 @baa.steemit @babangkleng @bacabaca @bachillermujica @bachuslib @badol1994 @badriadi83 @badribireuen @badruddin69 @bafagaoseb @bagdadi @bahagia-arbi @bahawman25899 @baidarusramli @bait002 @bakti @baldos @balianassar @balzac @bamsbrayen @bangarif @bangbram09 @bangfadhil @bangkarnen @bangla @bangmax @baninduana @banten @barbara12 @barrysamways @basicstoliving @basyir01 @batavia @bawa100 @bbig78 @bbomber @bbrewer @bbroberts8 @bccpriceback @bco @bdmusa @bdohermos @be2k @beany-inhinyero @beanz @beartooth-clark @beastlord @beatdragon @beautyqueenn @bec-on-the-block @beccadeals @bedusaini @beec @beery @bef @beingbeatitude @bejide @bekirsolak @bekky @believem @bellaini @bellajulia @bellalhossain @bellasteemit @bellastella @belugawhale @bembelmaniac @ben-anime @benainouna @benamyth @bendany @beniawe @benjojo @benni0315 @benzoaddict @berlee2522 @bermydream @bernardinoraul @bernardvictor @bernei @berniethebitch @beshooo @bestcookever28 @betelzeus @bethecoin @beto14 @betterperson @bettyamv @beutelrattenzoo @beyondgoogling @beyondlock @bgie8311 @bgreza @bhavikrocks @bhavyalakshman @bhiveregistered @bhoot @bhutambare1 @bi5h0p @biasnarrative @bibliophylum @bidadari @biehdc @biffybirdcam @bigdude @bignene @bigthumbsup @bikalsiwakoti @bimaa @bina1991 @bindubobinson @bingcaingo @binoy2018 @birdersofsteem @birdman @birrulibmc @bitcalm @bitcoinbrinkley @bitcoincurry @bitcoinfused @bitcoinman @bitcoinminer25 @bitcoinparadise @bitcointutorial @bitconnectcinema @bitdgree @bitdollar @bitmark @black.panther @blackdragoon @blackkout @blackmen @blackmens44 @blacktitan @blanca237 @blanchy.sports @blazers151 @bless @blessed-girl @blessedman939 @block-buster @block7events @blockchainyouth @blogiwank @blogq @blueberrybison @bluebottlefilms @blueocean64 @blueorgy @bluntsmasha @blushedays @bmotives @bmukorera @bmwrider @bob-elr @bobbyc249 @bobflix @bobiecayao @bobmarli @bobolongpants @bobrandolph @bobrijal @bocenksteem @bodyscape @bohara @bohhatema @bonbons @bondbond @bonexx55 @bonjovey @bonusdeposit @boomapps @boomarang @borav @borgheseglass @borisprodanov @borju @borkas @bosfin @bossmatang @bounjour-acheh @bowbowboom @bowentroyer @boxigod @boyaan @boyaceh @boyacun @boyhaqi69 @boyhaqi95 @boykeyhandergon @boytrades @bpopdanceclub @bra1ndmg @brad-saunders @braienvictor @brainchild @braini @brainmechanc9en @brainmechanic1ru @brainnipper @brainz @brandenstark @bravo15 @brectar @brenda-nalle @bresta @bretmunsen @brian-rhodes @brianjuice @brianleif @brightfame @brijender @bring @brogue @broomez420 @brotherhood @brothermax @brothermic @brotherzu86 @brower @brown-eyes @browndarliz @brownsucre @bryandivisions @bryansoineh @brysontiller @bsameep @bssman @btcnoodle @btcupload @bubeanim @buchari @buchido-brown @budas273 @budifoundation @builda @bukhairidin @bukiland @buksnuf @bullish27 @bundaumy @burong7 @busana @bushman420 @businesswri @bustanun @buti95 @buttercup7 @butty @buzzenx @bxlphabet @bxt @bycoleman @byebyehamburgers @byllan @byrongrant @bytatica

If you have a spare vote...

Vote for me as your Hive Witness


Is it me or you did not even name the witness ? Instead you spammed everyname and in final we do not know who we need to unvote as witness...

My thoughts too.

    1. Whois this witness?
    2. How does one remove a vote?

At least, must recognize one thing, his message made me look at my witness votes and I updated them ;)

My bad. I was talking about @teamsteem, who happens to be over 5 thousand supporters while there's a lot of active witnesses with less than 100 or even 50.

no prob, I took the opportunity to update all my votes ;)

It was this the main idea I had with this post while the expiration vote doesn't get ready for the next HF. That's the reason why I even forgot to mention the witness I took this list. But added an edit now to the post.


Yo no me entero de nada 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

DV for mention spam; I understand that you mean well, but if the witness is not signaling to receive blocks, the protocol ignores it in assigning blocks. That makes it completely irrelevant if a witness is still highly ranked unless they return to activity.

I will have to look at this again. Thanks

Thank you very much for this information. I do not like to support inactive witnesses. The only thing I could see you improve besides calling out the dead witness like others said is posting to a delegation management tool. Finally, information such as this is much cleaner in a table format. Then I don't have to scroll for miles to get to the comments.