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RE: I Now Vote For @Deathwing's Witness & Pushed Him Into the Top 20 - After Talks About His Support & Understanding of Free Speech on Hive

in #witness2 years ago

You stupid mother fucking cunt, and coward. You spent your entire energy here talking about yourself like a selfish turd. You poor fucking baby. You should try swapping places with the person who this is about, instead of trying to divert and protect scumbag criminals. Apparently you are being attacked now, when the person who was really being attacked, is not only no longer here but is living his last days' in a cancer ward. Those people are the one's that you are now defending here, and then you are crying like a selfish baby about the way I speak about it. Go fucking cry in a corner with your mobster friends. Go to fucking hell and rot you scumbag, along with all the rest of them.

You quoted a fraudster who is part of a mobster network, who deleted the evidence of what I said, threw me out of the chat room to protects thugs and intimidates who threaten and steal from others, and then gave you a bullshit story that he dreamt up. Is this also how you conspiracy wankers also do your "research". Do you delete the evidence and then just make it up as you go along? Yes you do, because that is exactly what that fat ugly useless cunt did, and then you come here and present that as evidence. That same fucking fat cunt is paid a six-figure salary from the fraudsters, so cut the bullshit, because it's obvious why he has to make up stories and who he is protecting. He is protecting SCUM who pay him to do so. I know exactly what I said, and it is not even close to the bullshit he fed you. You are fucking defending a pack of ponzi artist thieves, and only because they bribed you to shut your mouth after you expressed some doubt originally about their story. They also gave you a job. Go figure, arsehole. And then you come here and cry and pretend that you are being attacked. There is nothing more fucking pathetic than a pack of bully cowards protecting the fraud network, which you are now part of, so go sell your lies somewhere else cunt.

That's how you two - faced fake hippy cunts work. You are all full of shit. Go write some more bullshit blog posts about your fake love hippy bullshit, and your conspiracy research, while you are covering a real fucking conspiracy right here to protect your networks.

You are fucking pathetic, just like all the rest of them here. You were also given a "job" by the same people, with other people's money, from the fraudster network.

If you were crying about abuse before, then here it is right here, coming from me. There was no abuse of anything previously that came from palikaris mouth. He did not abuse anyone, they abused him. They ran a harassement and bullying campaign for 2 years. They stole from him. He knows and has evidence that the insiders rigged tournaments and made the rules, so they can benefit and rort their own players. You are all pathetic. You are all so pathetic, that you have to do everything in your power, to shut him, and now me and my entire family down everywhere possible, so we have no right to speak of it anywhere. The entire team at the very top, blocked all and any type of communication channels everywhere, including direct messaging. They are protecting the fraud. Only people who are afraid, do that. Its fucking obvious, so go bullshit someone else. I know about all of it.


I have been thrown out of every chat room, as well as been removed from every service that relates to anything to do with me being able to handle his business here. I have no access to any direct information, I have no direct access to any services, because these networks colluded and blocked me from everything. Is this how you fucking cunts conduct your business. Is this how you treat your customers. FUCKING THIEVES. Now we all understand why you hate the "government" so much. It's so you scammers can destroy anyone you don't like, as you have the power to completely ELIMINATE ANYONE FROM THEIR RIGHTS AND FREE SPEECH, and then destroy their entire life. THE FUCKING IRONY OF YOU COCKSUCKERS COMPLAINING ABOUT FREE SPEECH AND HUMAN RIGHTS.




You fully deserve your -1 reputation! :-)

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