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RE: Teach the controversy: Softfork 0.22.2 // Stop and Correct // Potential futures

in #witness5 years ago

I actually like you @aggroed, so please don't take the following as some kind of personal attack, however you need to be corrected on, and pointed to a couple of points.

First that Ned defrauded the chain and Justin.

What you describe is not fraud, he created a company which owns a blockchain and the IP of its crypto currency Steem. He legally incorporated it in the USA. Therefore, he is perfectly within his rights to sell the company that he incorporated, and all of its assets.

Secondly, if you were so worried that Ned was not using the estimated $200 million worth of Steem how he promised, why didn't you do something about it then?

Thirdly, if you participate in any actions to nullify the use of his purchased Steem, it is you who will be committing a criminal act.

What do you think would happen to you if you changed the name Steemit to Facebook and you tried changing code to stop Zuckerburg or the person he sold it to, on a certain asset within the company?

You'd be sued into oblivion, and jailed for a very long time.

Right at the end you say you're not a lawyer, if I were you, I'd seek legal advice on this one.
