Thank you so much for the detailed response. I understand all that you have said including the value in relationships and more. Thank you for giving me insight into what it was like to be on steemit a year ago. I like many minnows have no idea.
I can answer your question where would the writer and content creator go other than steemit. For me, I would go to the beach. I would hang out with friends, I would travel and enjoy my life more. Then I would go back to Korea next year and work teaching English.
I came to this platform to share my experiences and knowledge, make friends, and try to help support my non-local life with a source of income from my computer. Thanks to your 5 dollar up-vote. That is so significant for me I can't even tell you. Besides the money it is hope. If you could up-vote me once a week, that would change my attitude and life on here forever. No joke!
I am now feeling it is possible to succeed on here financially speaking. To see some people high up in the system making 20-30 thousand dollars a month, when I can't pull in 50 cents a day some times. Makes think something just isn't right here. And it's not, siting your "only 7.5% of active accounts are voting." article. But that's all right we have great people like yourselves high up in the system working to improve the platform in every way. For that I feel motivated and will keep on keeping on.
On a further note I sincerely understand the value of making relationships with those who have money and pull. Just like in real life. When I was teaching English in Korea. I worked for the vice-president of Samsung. He'd take me out to fancy restaurants and put a 100 dollars in my pocket just to show his appreciation of my companionship.
After saying that the confusion for me, was that before I entered this arena I did some research which was mostly about if you build it they will come. If you post interesting useful stuff and keep at it you will succeed. We'll reaching out to you here and now along with your sound advice is evidence itself that building ties and relationships here is just as important as the travel advice and interesting content I create.
Thanks again for your very kind and informative response. Growing pains can be confusing, like where you were a year ago on here. I'm obviously working things out myself. You're insights have been greatly appreciated. I'll be in touch. -Dan
I'm glad they were helpful!
That sounds pretty good! Maybe you should be doing that. What's wrong with enjoying your life more? For me, I'd still be doing this as I really do enjoy it. I don't post just for the rewards (see this example from 4 months ago). If you are interested in making money on Steemit, maybe this post will help: Last Week I Made $1,500 Worth of Cryptocurrency Blogging on Steemit. Here's How.
Either way, find your groove, find what works for you, and have fun. If you're not enjoying it, spend time doing things you enjoy instead.
tip! 5 hide