Well i think that its great to see that whales show their "correct" use of steemit. What i mean is that its great to see you involved in all those projects, however i would reccomend going thorugh the re-blog option once again.
I have already outlayed my thought in dans post and im really not a frim believer in this feature untill it i slaunched correclty, imho, on a seperate tag AND re blog must count towards the 4 limit post (this way people woldnt click re blog just when they want to, they would only do it, when they really want to help out)
Re-blogs are really nothing more than a metatag JSON information and are a UI feature interpreted on Steemit and not so much on the blockchain itself. This is why they don't count for the 4 post limit.
Thats correct.
I was just saying that i think, that they would work better if they were that.
The point of the feed tab is to see what we like, and to follow the authors we want to follow. Hence a seperate tab for re-blog is a must
I don't disagree. My feed looks cluttered as is. I had already voiced your concerns prior. A few suggestions: separate re-blog page for each user's reblogs(i.e. you can go to my page and see who I re-blog) and a separate re-blog page of all the people you are following re-blogs.
That would be the best option, an easier one (although much worse) is to just have an option to "mute" re-bloged posts.
I still have a concern of how this option will be used (i heard of people pay each other to reblog posts :-( )